Wed - September 1, 2004

Park Plan Perils People’s Picnics

Got trees?...not for long

By Amber Hartgens

On March 17, as part of the redesign of the Oakwood Recreation Park, the Department of Recreation and Parks voted to construct two tennis courts in the north end of the park where a public, well-treed picnic area now exists.

Posted at 03:56 PM     Read More  

They’re Bluffing

By John Davis

Catellus Development Corporation is trying to destroy the last remaining coastal wetland bluff in Los Angeles County. But two recent turns may hamper the attempts to convert this natural habitat into 114 luxury homes.

Posted at 03:55 PM     Read More  

Pelicans think asphalt mirages in Arizona are real

According to Arizona news reports at least 30 endangered brown pelicans have crash-landed on pavement in Arizona. Apparently, mistaking the heat-induced shimmer of the paved surface for lakes and creeks.

Posted at 03:53 PM     Read More  


• Lincoln Center - C. V. Beck
• Anna Haag - Peter Young
• Anna Haag - Claude Hayward

Posted at 03:51 PM     Read More  

Peace and Freedom Party picks Peltier for President

Delegates to the Peace and Freedom Party convention, July 31, selected Native American political prisoner Leonard Peltier as their presidential candidate for 2004.

Posted at 03:50 PM     Read More  

Letters Debate Neighborhood Council Status

When good newspapers go bad
On Aug. 26, readers of the Marina Argonaut were able to read only one side of this debate. Officials at the Argonaut told GRVNC Prez Suzanne Thompson that there “wasn’t room” for the Board’s letter. A week later, apparently, there still wasn’t room for the other side of the story. The Beachhead is printing both letters on this page.
• From Greg Nelson, General Manager, Dept. of Neighborhood Empowerment
• From GRVNC Board

Posted at 03:46 PM     Read More  

Crime Wave Hits the Beach - Men with guns steal property from homeless

Around 2:30 am on Sept. 2, the Pacific Division of the LAPD did a “homeless sweep” on the Ocean Front Walk.

Posted at 03:42 PM     Read More  

Lincoln Center creeping back

Just when you thought it was safe to go to Ralphs, the mega-project planned for the Lincoln Blvd. site is showing signs of life. Many Venetians thought the L.A. Planning Commission had driven a stake through the heart of the most despised project last month.

Posted at 03:41 PM     Read More  

Playa Vista II approved by L.A. planning commission – Fight goes on

Few motorists sitting in a traffic jam in front of Playa Vista would consider it a model of smart growth. But that's the way the L.A. Planning Commission saw it, July 8, voting 5-0 in favor of more ugly buildings and more traffic by rubber stamping Phase II of the giant project.

Posted at 03:40 PM     Read More  

“The Times They Aren’t Changin” - 20 Years Ago in Venice

“Venice Land-Rush Continues,” blared the lead article by Moe Stavnezer in the 1984 Beachhead. He reported on new development projects on the Ocean Front Walk including the “Bath House” building at Breeze, plans to turn the Cadillac into a bed-and-breakfast hotel and Tom Saffran’s plans for condos/senior housing and commercial space on the north end. That plan was much scaled down and took nearly 20 years before it produced a senior building. Moe also reported a rumored plan to turn the Speedway into a freeway! He also mentioned merchants’ plans to change the name of West Washington Blvd. to Abbot Kinney Blvd.

Posted at 03:39 PM     Read More  

Road Trip to Bohemia

By Jim Smith

A chain of cities along the west coast of North America have shared a common philosophy and lifestyle since the 1960s. For lack of a better term I’ll call them the Bohemian cities.

Posted at 03:37 PM     Read More  

The Canal Festivals 1969-75: Fighting City Hall Venice Style

By Ann Arens

Each year from 1969 through 1975, the Venice Canal community threw a party attracting thousands of people from across Los Angeles. But there was more than food, music, and dance going on at the Venice Canal Festivals.

Posted at 03:35 PM     Read More  


Two young men, Victor Rodriguez and Jose Acosta, 19-year-olds from Compton, were killed and another wounded in a brutally senseless murder on August 15.

Posted at 03:32 PM     Read More  

CONGRATULATIONS! You may already be classified as a gang members.

Take this brief quiz (text courtesy of the L.A. City Attorney’s office) and see!

Posted at 03:31 PM     Read More  


• Moses - Shanna Moore
• When I imagine love - Hillary Kaye
• Bird of Paradise - Marc Bouron
• it’s too hot to talk - Paul Tanck
• Venice California is a city born of a peculiar madness - Stuart Z. Perkoff

Posted at 03:28 PM     Read More  

REVIEW of “Border Crossings” by Lynne Bronstein

By Carol Fondiller

I must cop. I know Lynne Bronstein. I’ve known her as a Beachhead collectivist, as a conversationalist, as an outrageously funny and resonant performance artist.

Posted at 03:22 PM     Read More  


By Suzy Williams

I can’t usually “hang” but hanging was good to me that August late latee afternoon at the Venice Bistro. Tsk, tsk, such a place one could take for granted, just like how you don’t miss your water ‘til your well goes dry. Oh, but yes here I was and Slavin’ David was immense, just like my man said he’d be laying out sweet long licks like to sweep me offa my stool, and Lil’ Joey Passion, who traded with him just as good, hat cocked askew on hair he said he wish’d he’d brushed.

Posted at 03:21 PM     Read More  

Recent Actions of the Grass Roots Venice Neighborhood Council

July 12 meeting:

Oppose hate crimes. We, the elected Neighborhood Council of Venice, do hereby oppose any hate-type crimes, activities, and behaviors such as hate speech that may lead to hate crimes and activities, which are directed at people because of their status, e.g. extreme poverty or homelessness, race, ethnicity,gender, sexual preference, disability, or any other alternatives lifestyles. PASSED BY UNANIMOUS CONSENT

Posted at 03:19 PM     Read More  
