REVIEW of “Border Crossings” by Lynne Bronstein

By Carol Fondiller

I must cop. I know Lynne Bronstein. I’ve known her as a Beachhead collectivist, as a conversationalist, as an outrageously funny and resonant performance artist.

I do not generally review acquaintances’ artistic and literary efforts. First of all, who the hell am I, and second, if one knows the person one is reviewing, people will assume that one’s review is based on their feelings for that person.

Unfortunately, I ain’t built that way. As you can tell, I like and respect Lynne very much. So this is difficult for me to write without being accused of bias.

I LOVED her recent self-published book of poetry, “Border Crossings.”

Poets are as courageous as any fire fighter, going into certain fire, not knowing if they will come out alive, but certainly changed.

The authentic poets that is. Bronstein bares her soul from red hot rage polemic in, “Thank you Dubya”…And I saw flags everywhere and couldn’t breathe, for/He took away the barriers to industry/And the air became cloudy to hot, hot erotica as in “Cloud Zero”…And for days I didn’t need sleep or food./I imagined I lived on thoughts of him. to cool heretic as in “10 Steps,” a clever parody of 12-step programs.

So many moods, incarnations compressed in words. So much subtlety and nuance. It’s wonderful.
Her poems sweet and mean as in her poem……Oh hell, I could go on quoting her, and by quoting her, wishing that her words became mine. She brings out the larceny in me. Wish I’d written that.

Lynne Bronstein’s book “Border Crossings” is available at Beyond Baroque and Dutton’s Brentwood Bookstore.

Posted: Wed - September 1, 2004 at 03:22 PM          
