Pelicans think asphalt mirages in Arizona are real

According to Arizona news reports at least 30 endangered brown pelicans have crash-landed on pavement in Arizona. Apparently, mistaking the heat-induced shimmer of the paved surface for lakes and creeks.

Pelican experts believe the endangered birds are experiencing a food shortage along the West Coast and are heading to Arizona to find fish. The sun’s reflection, mixed with hot and cool layers of air create mirages, and the birds mistake smooth pavements for water.

During the past month, injured pelicans have been found from throughout eastern Arizona, says the Arizona Fish and Game department.

“They try to land on the water, but it’s asphalt and it's 'Bam! That doesn't feel so good,"' observed Sandy Cate, director of the Arizona wildlife center at Adobe Mountain in north Phoenix.

Veterinarians have been treating the pelicans for dehydration and emaciation.

Posted: Wed - September 1, 2004 at 03:53 PM          
