Fri - February 1, 2008

The Manhattanization of Venice

By Jim Smith
The tallest building ever proposed in Venice is on the drawing boards and planning committee agendas. At 31 stories, the building will tower over anything for miles around. It will be a landmark for approaching airliners and ships at sea. It will be reviled by motorists struck in gridlocked traffic on Lincoln Blvd.

Posted at 03:13 PM     Read More  

Law Abiding Citizens Vow Crime Spree Over Fencing Regulations

By Georgie Gravel
Always, just always, it amazes me how people will move to Venice, attracted by the openness, airy, loose lifestyle, and freedom of expression, and then put up fences to keep all that good stuff out. 

Posted at 03:12 PM     Read More  


• Just want to thank you - Suzy Williams
• I just picked up the recent January copy - Krista Schwimmer
• Please accept my contribution - Pegarty Long
• Keep up the great work - Michael Linder
• In My Perfect World - Rebecca Moore Frey

Posted at 03:11 PM     Read More  

Kathy, RIP

 Kathy - sister of Pat, Dennis, Timmy, Milly and Petey, Auntie of David. Passed away on January 19. 

Posted at 03:10 PM     Read More  

Results of the January Beachhead Poll

 What should be done with the Venice Circle? 

Posted at 03:10 PM     Read More  

Los Angeles practices LCP interruptus

 By John Davis
The City of Los Angeles is flouting the law, to the detriment of all of us coastal dwellers. 
Chapter 1, Section 30006, of the California Coastal Act reads as follows: “The Legislature further finds and declares that the public has a right to fully participate in decisions affecting coastal planning, conservation and development; that the achievement of sound coastal conservation and development is dependent upon public understanding and support; and that the continuing planning and implementation of programs for coastal conservation and development should include the widest opportunity for public participation.”

Posted at 03:09 PM     Read More  

California’s Raging Health Care Crisis

  By Seth Sandronsky
Big California papers such as the San Jose Mercury News and The Sacramento Bee have been urging the state Senate Health Committee to pass the Núñez-Perata health-care reform bill, ABX1-1. Gov. Schwarzenegger backed the speaker and senate leader’s bill, which the state Assembly passed in late Nov.

Posted at 03:08 PM     Read More  

RV Crackdown Coming Soon?

  By Peggy Lee Kennedy
Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) 80.69.4 revving up to be enforced in Council District 11 as a “pilot program.” 

Posted at 03:07 PM     Read More  

Interview with Venice Poet Frank Rios – Part 2

 Part 2 (see January Beachhead for Part 1)
By Hillary Kaye

Beachhead: Is there anything else about Philomene Long you’d like to share?

Posted at 03:06 PM     Read More  

Swami Speaks

By X Swami X
If everyone realized that they are creating their own lives with their every thought and feeling, that the life they are goes on forever and that their essential nature is creative ecstasy, no one would be watching television.

Posted at 03:05 PM     Read More  

Obama Campaign Office on Abbot Kinney

By Karl Abrams
Barack Obama’s campaign for US President now has a donated campaign office up on the second floor at 1410 Abbot Kinney Blvd. in Venice, just across the street from Abbot’s Habit. The Beachhead visited them on a busy Friday afternoon while volunteers worked the phones to contact voters from San Pedro to Venice to Calabassas and spread their message. They are open from 10 AM to 9 PM, appear confident and upbeat and, of course, encourage more volunteers to join up. 

Posted at 03:04 PM     Read More  

Campaign Notebook

 By Jim Smith
No I haven’t been on the campaign bus with any of the candidates, but I can say with some assurance that nearly all of them would do a better job as President than George Bush. And that’s true even for Mad Max Riekse, who’s running on the American Independent Party. Did you vote for him?

Posted at 03:03 PM     Read More  

In Memorium - Teresita (Teri) Vestal

 December 8, 1939 - December 20, 2007

Posted at 03:02 PM     Read More  

Paula Ross, Venice Artist

 On December 19, long-time Venice resident and artist, Paula Ross, passed away. Paula’s life was art. There wasn’t one thing she touched that didn’t become more beautiful because of her talent. 

Posted at 03:01 PM     Read More  

The Venice Beat Poets –The Great River Outside the Mainstream – JOHN THOMAS

 By Jim Smith

Charles Bukowski – who should know – called John Thomas, “The best unread poet in America. He is the invisible genius of American poetry.”

Posted at 03:00 PM     Read More  


• The Empty Blues - John Thomas
• So Odd Is Venice - Jim Smith
• Allen Ginsberg - Hal Bogotch
• The Ladybugs of Venice Beach - Krista Schwimmer
• Obituary of Man - Exit Homo - John Kertisz

Posted at 02:59 PM     Read More  

Draft Ordinance for Ocean Front Walk

A. Except as specifically allowed in this section, no person shall engage in vending upon any public beach lands or beach properties adjoining the waterfront of the Pacific Ocean, or upon any immediately adjacent boardwalk, sidewalk or public way between the southerly boundary of the City of Santa Monica and the northerly boundary of the City of El Segundo and between the northwesterly boundary of the City of Santa Monica and the northwesterly boundary of the City of Los Angeles. 

Posted at 02:57 PM     Read More  
