As you will see by the articles on recent developments in Venice, the City of Los Angeles at the instigation of speculators and developers are flouting the mandate of the Coastal Commission and Venice residents for affordable housing and access to the beach.

Los Angeles and the speculators are determined to shove “highest and best use” philosophy up the canals and narrow walkways and the low rise streetscape of Venice.

The almost automatic approval of the L.A. Planning Commission to consolidate lots in Oakwood, the Silver Strand, etc., almost guarantee mansionization and high end high-rise high price tenements that would effectively block all but the most affluent of Angelinos from enjoying the beach that all L.A. residents pay taxes for.

Do you see a pattern here?

Contact Councilwoman Miscikowski’s office at 310-575-8461 and let her know your feelings about turning Venice into Century City West.

Posted: Sat - February 1, 2003 at 08:27 PM          
