Karl Marx wood sculpture

by Marvin Grayson 1917-2002

Marx in Mahogany
for Marvin Grayson
by Sherman Pearl

He’s still standing
huge in your studio, balls-out naked, muscular
as a Michelangelo deity poised to crush
oppressors and uplift the proletariat.
But I need to tell you, Marv, he seems changed
by your death, more human, a sad old prophet
grinding his wooden teeth.
Oh, the face still tries to look fierce, righteous
as the day you carved him. But his brow
is furrowed with contradictions,
his beard a tangle of dialectics, the strands
can find no synthesis. His eyes show
more past than future; his vision
seems to be sandpapered over. What’s left
are glimmers of sorrow for those who’ve been
sacrificed in his name. The hardwood
you chiseled him from has shriveled a little,
cracks widened, skin a bit darker and softer.
What’s happened, I think,
is that your soul, having no heaven but art,
is seeping into him. He’s even
starting to look like you, how you’d stand
in the studio, surrounded by your creations,
molding ideas, making revolutions.

Posted: Sat - February 1, 2003 at 07:57 PM          
