by John Davis

Today is a turning point and the feminists are speaking truth to power. The moment to effect change nears and feminists both female and male sense it.

As the current President of the United States casts aside any question of where he stands on women’s rights, a groundswell of power is stirring.

A demonstration of this energy was evident in the feminist march on George Busch’s home turf in Washington DC.

At the same mall where Martin Luther King spoke his famous words, woman after woman after man did speak. They spoke to women of all ages transferring the knowledge of the elders to the strong open minds of the newest generation.

The result was a unity of mind and spirit that cannot be easily described. It is an ancient strength. It is the same strength that bonds mother to child. It is the strength of bearing and birthing. It is also the internal choice of strength that lives in within women.

This is not a choice that can be transferred to elected Presidents, Kings, Dictators or Shamen. It is a permanent possession of women, not husbands, and not of the Vatican in Rome.

Women have fought for equal rights, for voting rights, for the right to privacy and the right to choice in whether to bear potential life in their bodies or not. And they have won every battle. Women are as powerful as a hurricane and as gentle as a silken mist, therein rests their power.

Viking women were an early expression of this equality. Just think of it, their men sailed off on great adventures conquering lands far and wide including the once invincible Rome. They then brought treasure home to the Viking women who were vested with the right to own property, to divorce, and probably the right to control the most sacred possession of all, their own bodies.

In this age when population of the planet will double rapidly threatening the world’s atmosphere, food and water supplies, forests and seas, women must stand to protect not just their reproductive rights, but the very stability and balance of the earth. They must make the decision as individuals incorporating the wisdom of their elders.

The unsaid arguments of oppressors can be stated in simple form;

• Governments need to control wombs to create armies of sons and daughters to fight and die for special interests that have no direct impact on women except to deprive them of their right of choice.

• Corporations need to control wombs to ensure creation of new consumers of medicine, plastic toys, and junk food.

• Theologians need a growing congregation to expand the power of the Church. In fact the Vatican now threatens to withhold the sacrament of Christs body from those who see and say the ownership of women’s rights.

However, the eternal rights of women are rising as a tide, above the head of King George. Now he struggles but cannot swim in a sea of feminine empowerment. A great wave of female voters will sweep the Bush legacy away, forever. In November women will thunder.

Posted: Sat - May 1, 2004 at 04:04 PM          
