Chain Stores Be Gone A Venice free of chain stores came one step
closer to reality, Feb. 20, thanks to the tireless efforts of Venice
A City Planning Department meeting on the subject
was held at Westminster Auditorium at the urging of Councilmember Bill
Rosendahl. The 50-plus Venetians in attendance supported the plan to ban
“formula retail stores” (wherein every store looks alike, aka chain
Discussion at the meeting included how much of Venice should be covered by the proposed ordinance, and how it should be structured. A Planning Department staff member has been assigned to shepherd the initiative through the maze of city bureaucracy. Many Venetians have been advocating a chain store ordinance since 2004, and the Neighborhood Council passed a resolution in support. However, it is due largely to the efforts of Venice Unchained that this dream may become a reality. Contact them for more information at Posted: Sat - March 1, 2008 at 03:50 PM Free Venice Beachhead-2008 March 2008 #317 Previous Next |
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