Recommended reading about Venice (some available at Small World Books, 1407 Ocean Front Walk, and/or Beyond Baroque Bookstore, 681 Venice Blvd.):

Venice California: "Coney Island of the Pacific" by Jeffrey Stanton - Donahue Publishing, 1993 & 2005.

Death is a Lonely Business, by Ray Bradbury. The famous writer brings his descriptive powers to a novel set in Venice circa late 1940s.

Hour of the Moon by Hillary Kaye. Available at Beyond Baroque.

The Holy Barbarians, by Lawrence Lipton. Chronicle of the Beat Generation in Venice. Available at Powell's Books online.

Venice West: The Beat Generation in Southern California, by John Arthur Maynard.

The Collected Poems of Philomene Long -

The Selected Poems and Prose of John Thomas - Raven

Voices of the Lady: Collected Poems of Stuart Z. Perkoff (available at Beyond Baroque)

The Kid in America - Tony Scibella (available at Beyond Baroque)

Frank T. Rios:

  • Love From The Darkside
  • The Long Way Home
  • She And Everything Else That Holds It Together

Clair Horner:

  • Please Don't Tread On The Bread
  • Please Don't Sit On The Left-Overs
  • Please Don't Stumble Over The Brunch (on your way to lunch)
  • Please Don't Step on the Bacon
  • Please Don't Step on the Eggs Either

Bruno in Venice West & Other Poems by Lawrence Lipton - Venice West Publishers, 1976

Venice of America: The American Dream Come True by Sweet William

Call Someplace Paradise and Ghost Town, by Pat Hartman. Venice in the late 70s, early 80s. Also available online at Xlibris (includes more information about the book).

Venice California, by Carolyn Elayne Alexander. Pictorial history of Venice.

Homeless in Paradise by William G. O'Connell

Arthur L. Reese, "The Wizard of Venice" - Sonya Reese Davis with Jewell Lupoma.

Venice, California: An Urban Fantasy - Horst Schmidt-Brummer - Grossman Publishers, New York, 1973.

Number Our Days by Barbara Myerhoff - Simon and Schuster, 1978

windowlight by ann nietzke - Soho, 1981

The Circle Bar And Grill by Joseph P. Farnan - Nine Press, Oakland, 2003

North Beach 90291 by Rich Mann

A Sea Shore Memoir by maryjane, 2005

Fantasy by the Sea by Tom Moran & Tom Sewell - Peace Press, 1979

The Colorful History of Venice, California Coloring Book by Emily Winters and S.E. Mendelson

Venice Thru the 60's, 70's, 80's, 90's by Bob Farrington

A History of the Venice Area - Dept. of City Planning, Los Angeles, 1969

100+ Year History of the Japanese American Community of Venice by Perry Miyake Jr., with Tiffany Yoshikawa Sato & Alexa Giffen - Published by the Venice japanese Community Center, 2010