Astrological Cookery

General Forecast for May 2007

In general, this will be a month of pushing and pulling, of two steps forward and one step back. Just knowing that you have to put in so much more time and the effort is frustrating, but the payoff, when it arrives, will be double. Not only will you have what you wanted, you’ll know how to proceed to make it the best.

Aries - Now that all of your annual birthday challenges are behind you, it’s time to just relish some quiet. So you have not yet reached the summit? It will be there when you arrive, and you’ll get there much sooner if you remember to take care of yourself.

Taurus - A great beginning to something-a job, a romance, a family? Whatever you have coming up, remind yourself that even the biggest victories are the victories WITH and not the victories OVER. You will win, and you don’t have to make anyone else lose to prove it.

Gemini - With all your dualities going full strength, you will do best when you focus on balance. Rather than be a juggler, think of the high-wire act with the long pole. Just working the angle of the weight, and you’ll be safely on the other side soon.

Cancer - There’s big news on the way, and how you receive it will let you know. Either it’s time to declare your intentions, or it’s time to bring things to a close. Decide, and declare.

Leo - This is a lovely moment in your life to discover if your most noticeable qualities are really your best traits. Are you brave, or reckless? Passionate, or just short tempered? Deeply charming, or really shallow? Whatever you decide, you can use the Lion’s persona for your own best interests AND for the greater good.

Virgo - You may be feeling as if the door has closed, but what you need is a spiritual recharge. Take some time to enjoy whatever church your own personal religion offers- Art gallery, beach, dinner party, maybe even church. The universe wants you to know that when one door closes, another opens. Step in.

Libra - Time to make some practical plans and take action. Thinking about going to school, changing jobs, moving? The best way to get started is to check it out. Talk, research, write, draw, however your brain like to move, give it a good goal and then decide how you are going to do it.

Scorpio - Something you’ve been wanting is on it’s way, but don’t sit down and wait for the doorbell to ring. Now is the time to give it all you’ve got, and let your efforts draw you closer while your dreams approach. There is no romantic move cliché about one lover running with arms outstretched while the other stands there staring. Get up and get going.

Sagittarius - There’s been so much good stuff going on for so long, you may be feeling a bit too crowded. How many opportunities can you enjoy at the same time? Let yourself be picky (not hard for a Sag-) and only accept the best.

Capricorn - The contentment that you feel now that things have gotten more focused has it’s beginnings in your ideals. Keep on cleaning closets and giving away the stuff you don’t use or need. You’ll be able to move ahead without any baggage, emotional or physical. Stay on track and enjoy the ride.

Aquarius - Wow! Even for someone as optimistic and open minded as you are, it’s just remarkable how good it’s getting. Whatever form the great news takes- new lover, perfect house, new lover with perfect house who want you to move in- be sure you are sharing your good fortune and good vibes with those not so inclined to believe in miracles. You make a great case study, right now.

Pisces - You are so surrounded right now- by friends, activities, events and occasions-you might be wise to just schedule to some time just to sit and listen to the birds sing. Even non-stop fun can be overwhelming. Take a break.


Astrological Cookery for Taurus

Few astrological signs are as clearly related to their totem as you, Taurus. You are bullish and bull-like in so many ways strong, determined, willful, a great lover and a loyal friend. But your culinary disposition has all of these qualities, not always to the good. You love a classic- in fact, you love it so much that should some kind person offer you pasta with pesto rather than your standard marinara, you may feel insulted. The pasta needs to be white, the sauce needs to be red, and I’ll bet you are very certain that it needs to be spaghetti- fettuccine or linguini, as similar as they are to some, seem quite strange to you. Food just has to be a certain way. And you do cook it a certain way, and just certain foods, thank you very much. I’ll bet that your shopping list has not changed in years.

The best part of all this absolutely determined certainty is that if you are a Taurus who likes to cook (most do, but not all) you probably qualify as a master chef in your own kitchen. You may have made that spaghetti with marinara sauce a thousand times, but your friends and family have told you, it’s just perfect- the exact amount of garlic, the right touch of oregano, that lovely olive oil you have been buying for years, it all blends into a plate of pasta that is exactly what the word pasta means to you.

So, why go around reading cookbooks and browsing at the farmer’s markets? You know just what you want, where to get it and how long it’s going to take to cook. Could it be that there are classics out there that you just have not tried yet? We know nothing will persuade you to make a chicken satay or a pistachio gelato. But how about a really classic cheesecake?

The Ultimate Taurus Cheesecake

Crust-1 dozen graham crackers
5 tablespoons butter, melted
3 tablespoons sugar

Crush crackers, in a bag or a blender, and stir them together with the sugar and butter in a bowl. Butter the bottom of an 8X3 cake pan, then lint the pan with wax paper or parchment. Butter the top of the liner paper, and press the crust to fit with your favorite crust-pressing spoon or spatula.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

Filling- 16 oz. Of cream cheese (2 regular sized packages)

1 cup of white sugar
4 eggs
2 tablespoons vanilla extract (the real stuff)
1/8 tsp salt
juice of one lemon (about 1/4 cup)
3 cups of sour cream

Blend sugar and cream cheese until very smooth, like a solid cloud of white, sugar and cream cheese in perfect oneness.

Add Eggs and blend well, add vanilla, salt and sour cream, and continue beating until you have an ideal of whiteness, creaminess, and cheesiness, about four or five minutes. Pour over crust.

Make a water bath to bake the cheesecake.

In a roasting pan, fold a tea towel and place it on the bottom. The roasting pan needs to be at least one inch taller than the cake pan. Put the pan with the cheesecake on top of the center of the towel, and place the roasting pan on a rack in the middle of the oven. Next, pour some very very hot but not boiling water into the pan, soaking the towel and coming about 2/3 of the sides of the cake pan. Bake for 45 minutes without peeking. Then, turn off the oven and lit the cheesecake stay there for another hour. When you take it out (carefully, that water is still hot!) It will still look soft and jiggly in the center, but it’s finished baking. Have faith, and put it in the refrigerator overnight. No one said this was fast food.

The next day, you have to do the double flip- Put the cake pan with the cheesecake in it on a few low burner for just a few seconds (Pancake griddles are ideal for this) and run a butter knife around the edge. Then top it with a sheet of wax paper and a baking sheet, say a prayer to the kitchen goddess and give it a flip. Once you are out, put your favorite cheesecake -serving dish on the crust, and flip it again. Back to the refrigerator for another rest, maybe an hour, and then serve. Truly classic, absolutely perfect, and totally Taurus.

Posted: Tue - May 1, 2007 at 06:00 AM          
