Control of the World’s Energy

Dear Beachhead,

Since the beginning of human civilization, man has faced tyranny in many forms. Through out history the common man has had to suffer under the rule of oppressors at the risk of life and freedom for reasons such as religion, right of land, territorial conquest, racial theory and most recently political beliefs. Through out time, never has there been a tyranny with power that was capable of reaching and infecting every corner of the planet. A tyranny that affected not only a single generation, but that could affect every coming generation for as long as we lived on this planet.

To many, the word “energy” simply means the power to make things work. We know that electricity and gasoline are two forms of energy that we need, in order to use electrical devices in our homes, and to power most of our vehicles. The excitement of modern technology has occupied our mind for so long, that we never stop to think about what it really takes the United States to keep a constant supply of energy. Hardly anyone realizes that our current atmosphere of war in the Middle East is due entirely to our need of oil and that our current atmosphere of global warming is due entirely on the use of coal and oil.

In the United States, 50% of our supply of electricity comes from coal burning power plants. To power our automobiles nearly 100% of our supply for that energy comes from oil. The burning of oil and coal are the top two suppliers of carbon dioxide in the entire world. Carbon dioxide is the number one source of global warming. The United States counts for only 4% of the world’s population, yet we alone cause of over 25% of global warming.

Do we ever really stop to think about these things? The truth is, the majority of our population doesn’t have time to care about what the results may be, of having to turn on a light switch to see in our home, or drive a car to buy food for our families. We simply grow up in our society knowing that these things are necessary. So we continue using and needing energy, regardless of what it takes to supply it or what the consequence may be of using it. I recommend the documentary, An Inconvenient Truth for easy to understand explanations about the facts of what global warming really is, and how it will affect us.

We may soon see the effects of what our use of fossil fuel for energy has done to our planet. Some effects of which may include changes to the geography of the planet that would lead to catastrophic consequences for human civilization. At the moment, nature is only warning us of this possible future, but each day that passes may soon take us beyond the point of no return. The problem of global warming is the reason we must all unite and bring an end to the need of coal and oil, if our species is to avoid sharing the same fate as that of the dinosaurs.

Fernando Ruiz

Posted: Tue - May 1, 2007 at 06:04 AM          
