By C.V. Beck

On Friday, January 20 at 3:30pm, I was at a red light at the intersection of Lincoln Boulevard and Maxella Avenue by the Ralph’s Marina store, immediately adjacent to the Venice border.

I noticed a three high-rise building shadow being caused by Azzurra-del-rey, presently under construction, Regatta and Marina Pointe I and II, towering over Lincoln Boulevard, all in building shadow convergence across Lincoln/Maxella and how very dark, cold and gloomy it was.

In the middle of the afternoon, it was like being on the bottom of the Grand Canyon. It seems apparent that there has been no “sun study” done on any of these high-rise “luxury” apartment buildings. If there had been any, somebody might have figured out that the three-four building convergence across Lincoln and in the rotunda directly underneath these megaliths, would probably be three times darker, denser, colder, creepier...humm?

Who needs it, who needs “New York Canyons” in our formerly sunny, warm Southern California--by the beach? What’s happening to us? Call it “luxury greed” if you want.

As my mother used to say, “Hoist by their own petard”! and now that I know what a petard is, I have to add, “brought to you by people in power, you voted for them, happily and greedily destroying the liveability of the fabric of the community of Venice and environs”. They will not stop unless we stop them, they’re just too plain “greedy and selfish”, too crazed by money and too shallow to have anything but short-term aims and goals. How disgusting! Can we get off our dime now and do something about it?

Posted: Wed - February 1, 2006 at 03:22 PM          
