MTA’s predecessor, RTD, planned to sell the bus lot in 1977

*** from the Free Venice Beachhead archives ***
October 1977 – Issue #94

Within the next 5-6 months RTD intends to sell its bus terminal between Main & Pacific. It’s really difficult to put a price tag on this property - it’s an entire city block only 2 short blocks from the ocean. It’s safe to say that it’s worth a small fortune.

I’m sure that its potential must be the cause of lots of wet dreams for people who get off on get rich quick schemes.

It’s also an ideal place to put some low income housing and somehow we must begin to put pressure on RTD & the City to make sure that this extremely valuable piece of land is used to benefit the community rather than some greedy developers.

– Moe Stavenezer

Posted: Wed - February 1, 2006 at 09:11 PM          
