Renters have rights

By Elena Popp
Staff Attorney, Legal AID Foundation of Los Angeles

Venice tenants are protected by rent control if your building was built before October 1978 and there are two or more units on the lot.

Your landlord can only evict you for one of the following 12 reasons: 

1. Tenant fails to pay rent.
2. Tenant has violated her/his rental agreement.
3. Tenant is creating a “nuisance” or causing damage.
4. Tenant is using apartment for an illegal purpose.
5. Tenant refuses to sign a new rental agreement that is substantially the same as the old one.
6. Tenant has refused landlord reasonable access to the unit for repairs or inspection.
7. The person in possession of the unit at the end of the lease term is a subtenant not approved by the landlord.
8. The landlord wants himself, his immediate family, or a resident manager to live in the unit.*
9. The landlord wants to demolish the unit or do substantial rehabilitation.*
10. The landlord wants to remove the unit permanently from rental housing use.*
11. The landlord is complying with a government agency’s order to vacate the unit because of some violation (e.g. illegal unit).*
12. HUD is the owner and plaintiff and wants to sell the property.*

*If the landlord is evicting you for reasons 8, 9,10, 11 or 12 he/she must pay you relocation ($2,000 per unit or $5,000 per unit with a minor child, adult 62+, or a disabled person). There is a very specific procedure one must follow in order to do this. L.A. Housing Department can answer any question about this.

If you have questions or problems, contact the Legal AID Foundation of Los Angeles at 213-385-1719.

Elena Popp is also the Secretary of the Grassroots Venice Neighborhood Council.

Posted: Sun - September 1, 2002 at 06:53 PM          
