
• the video ended - Rex Butters
• What is America to you? - Hillary Kaye
• Life’s Rollercoastering Pagination - Rich Mann
• Class - Gerard Kuc
• I call this world we live in Petropia - Validus Veritas
• Sending in the Troops - Margot “Pimienta” Pepper
• Delusions of Grandeur - C.V. Beck
• Trials And Tribulations Of The Brown People - Sherry Chovan
• Hiroshima Morning - Diana Roose
• Our of work, out of money - Al Farhoodi

the video ended

the screen popped on
before I could turn it off
a bulletin interrupted everything
a wide eyed
small caterpillar mustached guy
wackily toupeed
works his jaw and says nothing
I remote control an increase in on screen volume
still saying nothing
he stops eyes wider
he looks off camera
he looks down and sees the microphone
in his lap as the picture cuts
to a president saying,

“saber rattling?!
you people in the press
are doing the saber rattling.
this is no saber rattling
there’s no need for saber rattling
because if there was he would feel the saber
and that would be that”

–Rex Butters


By Hillary Kaye

What is America to you?
Good shopping?
Fine eating?
Stimulating conversation?
On whose back do you ride?
Your mother’s?
Your father’s?
Your boss?
Some man?
Some women?
Or does the government support you?
Or are you independently horrible?


Life’s Rollercoastering Pagination

One step forward....Two steps backward...destructively
One step forward....One step backward....negatively
One step forward....One step backward....spinning neutrally
One step forward....No steps backward.....timely
Two steps forward...One step backward....tolerantly
Two steps forward...No steps backward....productively
Five steps forward...none back..................hopefully
Ten steps forward....none back..................wishfully
All forward................................................Excellence

– Rich Mann



by Gerard Kuc

it’s the way
your feet don’t touch
the floor
and your eyes don’t see
the ground

it’s the way
your lips don’t speak
the truth
and your hands don’t reach
for love


I call this world we live in Petropia,
A petroleum and opium-based utopia,
Where oil and poppy fields grow in Afghanistan,
Giving comfortable profits to establishment man,
Where corporations rely on an endless supply,
Fulfilling an addictive demand.

– Validus Veritas



“How long would authority and private property exist, if not for the willingness of the mass to become soldiers, policemen, jailers and hangmen?” —Emma Goldman

Photos arriving on the wire.
American soldiers boarding planes,
dressed for success:
designer helmets, makeup and Kevlar vests;
leaden boots and M-16’s slick as Hollywood.
Bodies taut as cocked weapons,
their hearts will become as hollow
as the discarded shells.

They will bomb the square
where elders gather to tell stories,
tear-gas the laughter
that rides the perfumed winds of desert nights,
and pillage the secrets of lovers.
They will shrapnel the future,
mutilate the past--
rape and rub wounds with salt.
These are humanity’s hangmen.

I stare at the faces.
They could be waiting for the subway doors to open,
or standing in a movie line.
Is this the face
once caressed by a mother?
--once stroked by a lover?
Are the cheeks soft?
How many of these faces
will return to applause, college degrees
and a home behind a rose-wrapped fence?
How many will lose their minds
or drink themselves to death,
spare-changing between V.A. appointments?

Don’t you know, soldier, that you are nothing?
You with the patriotic baby blues,
or you with your family in the ghetto;
you with the dark skin at the front of the line,
or you who wanted to show them
your parents don’t have to speak English
for you to be “American”....
Your president cares about you
less than last year’s American car model.
You are like a little boy
whose dreams are too small
and whose boots are far too big--
talking tough, terrorizing the playground
so no one will notice
you trembling as you take aim against those
who have more in common with you
than do the billionaires your weapon protects.

– Margot “Pimienta” Pepper



by C.V. Beck

There is nothing like--waiting til’ the lastminute
to bail
especially when old people are depending on you

And not so old, but sick, people are also depending on you
and we really needed your support with your very own
body ‘n soul, your presence as well as some “Kquoin”...

but you waited til’ the verylastminute
to bail
because you loved your perfectcreditscoremore.


Trials And Tribulations Of
The Brown People

By Sherry Chovan

Friends till the end or until we get divided.
Know your history so when the enemy tempts you with his
treats you
won’t get too excited.
Friends till the end or until we get divided.
Know your destiny so your truth is strong and you won’t
feel the need to
hide it.
Friends till the end or until we get divided.
Know your ancestry so when this empire falls you’ll find
me in the smoke.
Friends till the end or until we get divided.
Don’t fall for his tricks you’ll never be his equal just his
Friends till the end or until we get divided.
Together our people must stand united. So someone now
put down that
palm pilot.
Comrades they want to take our hearts and keep us
divided! But we must
Amigos temp el fin. And never be divided.


it was a hot one
that morning
steamy already
at breakfast
i seem to remember

woke up sweating
cicadas loud hum
bells tinkling breeze
among rooftops
i try to remember

crowd gathers
prayers incense
even nonbelievers
bow to buddha
i want to remember

we must trust each other
gently teach our children
that war is catastrophe
and can be prevented
the survivor remembers

even in the midst of horror
parents saved their children
carefully quietly offering water
there is always love
brave love

the monks chant walk
solemn and slowly
drum drum drum
we both remember
this lovely morning

– Diana Roose


Out of work, out of money
What do you need man?
The bliss of the leaf, the frantic rush of speed
or the ravages of the needle?
I got here, right in my pocket,
no need to check it
I’m the most honest dealer there is.
My home is the beach
My mother is my mind
While my father left. When? Beats me.
I got sick of begging the tourists for their change
Got sick of the constant hunger that wracked me over
Oh, I tried to find a job
Believe me I did,
but the economy’s shit
and no one’s got money.
Who’s got money? The dealers always did.
So there I was standing on the Strand
Trying to figure out who would do.
Hey man, need a nug? And that’s how it started
And now here I am
My stomach full, my back clothed.
People call me scum, they say I add on
to the degeneration of society.
Well listen buddy, society fucked me over,
society is why I deal today.
So don’t judge me too harshly each time I sell a sack
when at least I don’t have to force families out
thier homes when they can’t pay up
or face some shitty dead-end job.
I’m here in the prime of the arrogance of youth
living on my own with no one to look after me.
I’ve done it all but tap the vein
and trust me, the descent into oblivion
is all but horrific.
Maybe one day I’ll be smart enough to
quit or leave the city
but till then, want a sack?
I’m the most honest dealer there is.

– Al Farhoodi

Posted: Mon - August 1, 2005 at 11:32 AM          
