Out of the Litter Box

By Ali Katz

A farewell wave of the Paw to Community Activist Bonnie Cheeseman.

Though this kitty disagrees with Bonnie about practically everything from Parking Permits to how to deal with the homeless, Bonnie is a straight shooter. She always lets people have their say, and actually listens to them. She is founder and creator of the Venice Carnavale.

She worked hard as a volunteer for what she believed. She was one of the few people in the Bedrosian-Feibusch Grass Roots Neighborhood Council cabal who was ethical or approachable.

She had to move out of Los Angeles because of rising rents. Ms. Cheeseman is a teacher. This grizzled cat remembers when teachers, social workers, engineers, and retired folks used to be the backbone of Venice along with workers at local businesses. This was decades ago, but this cat guesses that teachers and social workers were part of the “undesirable element” that the speculators always wanted to clean out of Venice. It took them a while but they succeeded.


A spray of kitty bad-smell to the people at the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment and/or the Board of Neighborhood Councils for Bringing the Bible to Life. —”And it came to pass that Greg Nelson decreed that all people claiming to be handicapped and wanting to vote in the GRVNC elections must show themselves in person and present their papers, and there will be no handicapped parking for their donkeys, and frankincense and myrrh will not be distributed.” This of course requires people to travel, who cannot travel without difficulty, thus ignoring the Americans with Disabilities act, which, ironically, is 15 years old, this August.

Mark Felt, Number 2 G-man in Nixon’s time, has copped to being the “Deep Throat” of Woodward/Bernstein and Watergate break-in fame. He was roundly condemned for being a snitch by that example of ethical behavior, G. Gordon Liddy. This is a man who burglarized Democratic headquarters and the office of Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist.

A lot has happened since the days of Watergate, including the decline in the quality of the media today. But there’s hope. A local weekly, the Santa Monica Mirror has been running a series about the history of Santa Monica’s Promenade and Santa Monica Place by Nina Fresco. The Mirror’s editorials regarding the developments in Santa Monica are worth a read also.


This precious pussy sprained one of the precious paws, so Ali could not attend the inaugural reception held at Windward Circle for newly elected councilman Bill Rosendahl. Gee! Just when this kitty finally learned how to spell Miscikowski! This pussy is piqued because everyone had a wonderful time even without Ali’s gracious presence.

A real Venice poem was read by one of Venice’s cherished poets, Philomene Long (Poem in other part of paper). Dancing, music, speeches, and even the new mayor, Antonio Villaraigosa was present, and made a little history himself by his poetic vision of making Los Angeles the “Venice of the twenty-first century.” He was speaking of Venice, Italy when Venice was an independent republic. (Venetians had a heck of an inquisitorial system, however.) One hopes that this vision includes making Venice, California the Venice of Los Angeles.

One of the auditory rapists on the Ocean Front Walk starts his torture by braying “Welcome to Venice—the hippest place on earth.” Doesn’t the auditory rapist know that when one says they’re hip, one ain’t hip no more? But what can one expect when he’s been mauling “Born in the USA,” “This Land is Your Land,”—AND can’t even sing “Love Potion Number Nine”!

This kitty’s yowls are far more melodic than the song killer and auditory rapist.

In spite of the fact that there were no amplified “musicians” (auditory rapists) for a few days, on the OFW to violate the delicate ears of Ali, the Ocean Front Walk was jammed and jamming with visitors buying, eating, walking, gawking, etc. This kitty thinks that maybe the auditory rapists aren’t the only attraction their outsized egos seem to think. The beach and the weather just might have something to do with Venice’s popularity.

That’s all for meeow!!

Posted: Mon - August 1, 2005 at 03:23 PM          
