Let Freedom Ring

By John Davis

An important lawsuit was filed against the City of Los Angeles recently. A request for a preliminary injunction to prevent the City from further eroding freedom was also filed with the courts.
Venice Beach is on the forefront of the Constitutional right to free speech.

A scheme by the City Council of Los Angeles to thwart those rights mimics the recent “protest pens” erected by local authorities during the last presidential election cycle.

Apparently the Los Angeles City Council felt they could not physically gag or cage artists, performers, religious and political activists in chain link fence pens so they enacted a City Ordinance that had the same invisible effect.

The City proposes that in order to exercise what the U.S. Supreme Court considers the most important Constitutional right, people must now pay for a permit and not move beyond a certain boundary.

That area, if you can get in it, is about the size of a solitary confinement cell in the harshest of maximum-security prisons. If you cannot afford to get in the City will not allow you to speak freely at Venice Beach.

Thomas Jefferson said that sometimes the tree of freedom must be watered with the blood of Patriots. In this case Patriots have arisen. Luckily bloodshed is not necessary this time. The lawsuit filed on behalf of those who choose to speak freely in the United States and California has gotten the City’s Attention.

The injunction was filed because according to Attorney Carol Sobel, “I was concerned that the City’s process for reviewing and considering the claims raised by this lawsuit was not speedy enough given the First Amendment rights at issue.”

There are already signs the City knows when it is whipped, by Venetians and a knowledgeable and good-hearted Attorney.

According to Sobel on July 26th, “This afternoon I received another call from the City Attorney’s Office advising me that the City Attorney intended to submit an emergency ordinance to the City Council, hopefully for passage on Friday or Monday, suspending the enforcement of the Boardwalk ordinances while they are written.” This will open the door to further refinements of the ordinance which must bring it in line with the Constitution of the United States. Let Freedom forever ring!

Posted: Mon - August 1, 2005 at 06:17 PM          
