By Pano Douvos

The L.A. Times offers a wide range of news covering local and world-wide events.  Astonishing and unexpected items drift in periodically. Recently, I was much surprised by a report concerning our good Governor Schwarzenegger. He was proposing legislation that would rescind long-standing practices, and usher in a new/day for our incarcerated citizens.

Counter to all expectations of mine, he was pushing the positive idea of providing for the rehabilitation of prisoners rather than continuing with the present benighted policy of merely warehousing them...offering prospects of a new life rather than the current practice of punishment and revenge.

That was the unexpected good-Terminator news, unfortunately, it coincided with bad-Terminator news -- specifically that his private life includes at least one act of the criminal kind.  This crime I was witness to on the second Sunday in February.  However, the thought crossed my mind that the good Governor’s new prison plan was motivated by a desire to receive better future prison treatment for himself, down the road. 

Wait a minute, wait a minute – hear me out.  His criminal-rights stance helps felons today and, luckily, provides him leniency when he hits the Big House tomorrow. So, let's break that down, he committed one crime in Venice but whose to say it won't lead to a future pattern of more criminality? I could have attempted a citizen’s arrest but the criminal flashed past me in an instant.  Even commandeering a bike, I would have had slim or no chance to bring him to earth. 

The Perp came speeding erratically toward me on his crime spree, busting through the large Sunday crowd strolling the boardwalk as sunset neared. People were moving peacefully, content in one of only 4 or 5 places in all of L.A. where pedestrians can walk safely in a pedestrians-only walk-way. Remember, flanking the boardwalk is a bike-path, recently installed -- naturally for bicyclist's only. So, right, conversely, the boardwalk is for pedestrians only. Bike-riders are forbidden by law!

So, as it happens, some miscreants ride their bikes on the boardwalk, bereft of all righteousness. I've been known to confront them by leaning into their space and yelling loudly – “No bike riding.” That Sunday, I moved nose to nose with this unknown law-breaker, giving him my call out. Immediately, I recognized this wide-eyed Perp with the large head and large teeth... the Terminator incarnate.

 The idiot criminal was followed closely by two large accomplices, but their leader gave no thought to the welfare of the People as a result of his lawlessness. So, our esteemed Governor, dodging a near collision, dove past me, giving a startled "umpf" while looking anxiously at me.  He careened on in his zig-zagging rush, scattering the People. He was in his glory, this common scofflaw, a law unto himself. Obviously, no role model for the People of California.

So, Governor Terminator, I say you are not a good leader. I accuse you (of malfeasance and hypocrisy). You can expect a short stay on high, you can expect that your title will be soon relinquished, going from Terminator to Terminated.  We will have to bid you adieu, more sooner than later.

P.S. Perhaps, Governor, all is not lost. You, too, can go straight and be rehabilitated. Life is a paradox, instead of striving for money and power for success, instead of following the money trail as the mantra goes, to get answers, you will prosper doing the exact opposite. Turn from money and power to ethical purity.  Go to the People and their aspirations, share your fortune. They will guide you, they will give you a ride on their cart...when they have inherited the earth. 

Solitary contemplation now will spare you solitary confinement later.

Posted: Fri - April 1, 2005 at 11:45 AM          
