Statue Erection Update

By John Davis

The installation of a controversial sculpture proposed for the Venice Circle has been appealed by several different parties to the Los Angeles Department of Public Works. The Beachhead learned on March 31 that the application may be invalid because the required signature of Cindy Miscikowski is not on the application.

It is also inevitable the appeal process will eventually land in the lap of the California Coastal Commission at what must according to the Coastal Act must be a hearing held locally. That will probably be in June. Even if the Commission approved the Coastal Development Permit, the applicant, the City of LA, must wait sixty days to utilize the permit. That would push any installation of the Statue into August or September if it were not challenged in court.

At any rate it is highly unlikely that lame duck Cindy Miscikowski will be photographed cutting the ribbon on the 4th of July.

While there have been many points of view expressed, the majority believe that a request for proposals is necessary and for the Community to be offered alternatives to just one person’s vision, famous or not.

Posted: Fri - April 1, 2005 at 08:32 PM          
