Music in the Aire

By Arnold Clover

Walking down the street, I fade in and out of musicians on the boardwalk.

These people are “American Idols.” But ears are the eyes of the beholder. I stop and listen. Closing my eyes and feeling the vibrations of the music, I place myself where I can hear best. I am lost for now… The sun sneaks away and so do the colors. The drum circle beats rhythms into the moon’s appreciative face as she turns her head to hear with each ear. She never turns her head away from the music. The tide warbles and the earth vibrates ticklishly. The cool air dances wildly. I find myself—in syncopation. Much later, a convertible cruises by blaring “If I was your girlfriend”… The guy parks and enters a bar. The Red Elvises’ van is ever-present. The Lovesick Lunatics are playing somewhere. Suzy Williams is performing. Musical talent is prevalent in Venice.

Every one has their favorite song. We remember first hearing a tune—where we were, what we were doing—and sometimes we travel back in time. Music pours into our bones and fills us up. It reflects our mood or changes it. Music speaks to everyone and unites us regardless of the language we speak, the color of our skin, or our religious beliefs. And we dance to the music as we interpret it. We express ourselves and find our voice in the beats, the bass and the melody. I experience the music. I follow the band. I forget the world that is so cruel—for the moment.

I appreciate all music for what it does for our souls. It’s in our heart and in our head; no one can take that away. The outside concerts and sponsored events are gone until next summer. Are you wondering where to go to listen to music? Your first stop should be the Venice Beachhead. Our calendar section will keep you in the know! I will just sign out and dedicate Joan Baez’ “One Tin Soldier” to the chess-players of the world who use real people as their pawns.

Posted: Fri - November 1, 2002 at 06:34 PM          
