Venice Independence Day Parade

The annual Venice Independence Day Parade is back! Organizers say that this year’s parade was a trial run for the 99th and 100th anniversaries of the legendary founding of Venice in 1905.

The parade was dedicated to the memory of Silvia Kohan, who died just days before she was to sing “Moon Over Venice” at the July 4 event.


To anyone who can read:

What more visible sign can you have of the demise of the West than the ragtag bunch of aging politicals, hedonists, and downright saps who careen through the streets of Venice on the Fourth of July. Like the last gasp of an old courtesian, some jerk with a ship’s horn followed the rear of fourteen or fifteen Venetians, or is it Venusians? What a comedown.

My God. The ghosts of the sixties and seventies of Venice must be rolling in their shreds. Maybe the Parade Committee would have done better to call it an anti-Fourth of July event. Instead they had the graying doyenne of a failing local radical publication ride down the street in a convertible. What kind of a statement is that? Mediocrity? Has the pall of Playa Vista fallen over Venice?

On the lawn of the old Venice City Hall some goofy old lady had her picture made with the American Revolutionary War Flag, ‘DON’T TREAD ON ME’ At her age and infirmity it is doubtful she could be effective with a flyswatter. What is Venice coming to?

The glory days of Venice are gone. The world must look to other places for leaders of the resurrection or of the loyalists. It is all gone blah.

a fellow comrade

Posted: Fri - August 1, 2003 at 08:19 PM          
