Venetians head for Burning Man

By Rich Mann

Much like our Venice Boardwalk’s daily pedestrian community, the “Burning Man Festival,” is located in the Central Nevada Desert area.

It’s the second largest flat barren uninhabited terrain in the West. Located 600 miles northeast of Venice, and 100 miles north of Reno.

Somewhat like the Woodstock Festival, the community of Black Rock City is very cooperative of this yearly event, which attracts about 40,000 participants. This illusive happening occurs between: August 29 and Sept. 5. The actual burning takes place on Friday, Sept. 2 at 9:38 pm.

This years art theme is “Psyche: Conscious, subconscious, and the unconscious.”

If you ever wanted to join a Circus, at Burning Man, are the Circus.The events are of a creative/art cultural Love-In nature, with a tolerant-survival-ceremonial bonfire, and self-expressing campgrounds, flavored with a masqueraded-psychedelic like funhouse of the mind.

Ritualistically, “Burning Man has taken place in the US. since 1986. Originating from San Francisco by it’s creator, and organizer; Larry Harvey, it has been permanently relocated to the ever-mystical Black Rock Desert for the past nine enchanting years.

Our local aesthetic posse traveled to this event from the socioeconomically marbled 5th St./Vernon St. Oakwood District of Venice and is depicted here, departing with an eclectic assortment of whims, wits and wonderments, also known as the: “Venice Vibe Tribe.”

*For further information go to: or, or view the Oct. 2004 issue of the Beachhead.

*Mucho ethereal fun, amusement, didactic enlightenment, and all out hilarity takes place at “Burning Man.”

Posted: Thu - September 1, 2005 at 07:02 AM          
