Why the Election Matters

Venice does not have its own city government. As part of Los Angeles, we can only advise its city officials on issues that affect Venice.

The Neighborhood Council is the only community organization that has official standing with the city of Los Angeles. City officials and departments must listen to advice from the Neighborhood Council.
It is also the only local organization whose elections are open to all members of the community.

In the future, the GRVNC can be even more effective since we will now be working with Progressives in the City Council and Mayor’s office. We, Venice Progressive, expect to have a positive working relationship with the new city officials for the betterment of Venice.

Why Vote Progressive?

The Venice Progressive candidates were selected at a community nominating congress. They are committed to the goals and issues in this brochure.

• Vote for all Executive Committee candidates.

• Vote for all six at-large candidates.

• Vote for one of the District candidates.

Please vote for these candidates to ensure a progressive majority that will represent YOU.

Posted: Thu - September 1, 2005 at 09:58 AM          
