Neighborhood Council Election, Sept. 10-11: VOTE as if your town depended on it

Beachhead endorses Venice Progressive candidates in long-delayed vote

Finally, the Neighborhood Council may be back in business. Its demise last November at the hands of the city of Los Angeles, and the failure to call follow through on a scheduled June election, did a disservice to Venice at a time when our town was under assault from a legion of developers.

Quite a few of the Venice Progressives spent hours and days trying to keep the Neighborhood Council alive so it could respond to the developers, the Ocean Front Walk lottery, the Centennial celebration, the selection of public art in the Circle and the host of other events that have keep Venice humming during 2005.

We believe the Venice Progressives have earned the trust of Beachhead readers (we can’t speak for all Venetians) and deserve our votes in the Sept. 10-11 election at Venice High School.

We’re also impressed that in these days of slick politicians who don’t talk about real issues because it might alienate some voters, the Progressives have a detailed platform and have shown a willingness in the past to actually try to implement it.

There are a variety opinions among the Beachhead Collective on such subjects of growth, definitions of noise versus music, torsos, etc., but we are of one mind when it comes to preserving Venice as a place where low-income people – residents and visitors – can feel welcome.

That simple pleasure is in jeopardy these days due to the invasion of cookie-cutter buildings, high fences, and believe it, or not, gated communities.

The Barbarians are at the gates, or rather, the Barbarians are putting up the gates.

We feel fortunate that there are so many Venice Progressives who are willing to – almost literally – stand in the way of the bulldozer.

There are a few other candidates who are running, but at press time, unlike the Progressives, they had not told us much about how they stand on the issues.

We, therefore, urge our readers to get out and vote for the Progressives.

Posted: Thu - September 1, 2005 at 08:33 PM          
