
• Words - Hillary Kaye
• Boardwalk in Venice - Lily Tanner
• As the Escrow Flies - John O'Kane
• the answer - Rex Butters
• greetings - D.T. Jenkins


By Hillary Kaye

words are powerful
you moron
words are powerful
you fool
words are powerful
you’re too old now
words are powerful
you ugly girl
words are powerful
you’re just a boy
words are powerful
you heed them
words are powerful
make use of them
words are powerful
invent your own
words are powerful
invoke vision
words are powerful
you’re not alone
words are powerful
the world is becoming
stronger with your love.
words are powerful
you are not sad now
words are powerful
you can be too
words are powerful
the feeling
takes you
words are powerful
for you.



to the vendors
and crafts people who are
no more after March, 2006

Necklaces hide necklaces
jingling bracelets
a lady strokes heads
black emeralds

across the plaza
pizza by the slice
toy tin cars

a man in a mask
porcelain white
slits for eyes
hinged mouth
walks to her side
pulls her away

a crowd whistles and claps
a clown dances barefoot on glass

-Lily Tanner



By John O’Kane

As the escrow flies
frenzied from wamu’s veins
through the hearts of a-frames
free to flag all exceptions
to the deed,
a wireless boa
fortune’s fantasms,
our tissues of trust


the answer

Sunday morning
wolf down
peanut butter on a sesame wasa
fortify for the second day’s work today
Highwaymen roaring on the stereo
Big Al on guitar
knock on the door
pretty face in the peep hole

“Hi, how are you,”
she asks not interested

“I’m getting ready for work,”
I reply smelling her evangelicalism

“Well,” she says
fishing the pamphlet
out of her brown purse
“people wonder about all
the problems in the world
and this has the answer.”

I quickly shut the door
and on the floor
next to the cat’s scratching post
I see a small brown problem
pick it up with the pamphlet
throw both in the trash

the Lord provides

–Rex Butters


Shifting horizons.
The fog rolled in thick at sunset.
Houdini pelicans. The silence was deafening.
You spoke.
The voice coming from everywhere and nowhere.
Blood red water, but the trails were phosphorescent blue.
And the silence drew me to my feet.
Hello.Still Floating.
–D.T. Jenkins

Posted: Wed - November 1, 2006 at 12:50 PM          
