On the Campaign Trail with the Peace and Freedom Party

By erica snowlake

Last July the Venice chapter of the Peace and Freedom Party opened a center in Venice at 1720 Main street, across from the Post Office. A place for the public to meet the candidates, One and All. A great enthusiasm reigned as the Center became an instant mecca for the latest in political awareness, debate, and action. Anyone gracing these doors for the potpourri of films, local music talent, and special events hosted gathered communal enlightenment and hope for liberation from the current political nightmare from a grass roots organization radiating compassion at it’s core.

Peace and Freedom Venice are a wild and lively bunch of pro-labor, free speechers, earth activists, and innovative do-it-your-selfers. The three ambassadors I have come to know the best are Yolanda Miranda, Karl Abrams,and James Smith. Coincidentally all three are Beachhead Collective members as well. So they’re damn literary, too! 

Yolanda’s the firebrand of the trio, leading an activist life from day one organizing farm labor in the San Joaquin Valley, raising a family, and standing for international women’s solidarity. She can be found singing campesino songs at the center to cooking up a great chili, when not dancing like a Cubano.

Karl Abrams is currently a chemistry prof, former save-the-world with blue-green algae spokesman, humanitarian with a heart sweet as cherry pie. He is running for State Assembly.

Jim Smith stands out as the Captain Kirk of the intrepid adventurers. A great respect for diversity, equality, a visionary philosopher with a Venetian sense of humor, Jim’s out there every Friday waving the rainbow Peace and Freedom flag with his friends in the Windward Circle. He’s running for Congress and his campaign’s taken off on an epic course of events.......

Seems Jim, in doing his homework, some online research about his competition, the not-so-very-well-liked by her constituents, (from what I’ve heard handing out flyers), the quasi-Democrat Jane Harman. The-I-am-friends-with-George-Bush-though-I-am-doing-quite-a-bit-of-the-backwards-shuffle-distancing my-self-from-Him-these-days Jane Harman, despite having voted for His War in Iraq, the HomeInvasion Patriot Act, and being cozy onboard the ultra-secretive Trilateral Commission. The same Jane who in a public debate two weeks ago declared in her opening statement she will be “fighting the fight against terror” as her Doomsday re-election promise. As the Bible says, folks, right in the beginning, “Terror begat Terror begats More Terror,” don’cha know.

We’ll get back to that ill-fated debate, (for Jane), later, but let’s zoom in on our hero Jim, wiling away hours on the Net looking for loopyholes in Jane’s credibility. Jackpot! Not only does he find out she’s one of the wealthiest members of Congress, being not only a millionaire, (which she admits), but a billionaire to boot! (which she disguises). Seems one of Jane’s hubby’s assets is Harman International, you remember those speakers you paid an arm and a leg for in the eighties? Yeah?, and guess where they’re made?

Yes, I was glad to be part of that fact-finding Peace and Freedom delegation which crossed into Tijuana September the 11th. I can verify it’s all true, maquiadoras/prisons, no windows, workers paid $1.20 an hour, surrouding shantytown in ruins, utter disregard for the water running through it, why? did you think those multi-national corporations would kickback a little into the communities they defile? Jane, if your assertion your workers are paid $9.50 an hour were true, the line-ups from that sign at the gate soliciting 16- year-olds would have extended to kingdom come. You know, wealthy people need to reality check on how they came to be so.....wealthy.

Well that was just the first nail in Jane’s coffin Peace and Freedom discovered just by, uh, caring.

Democracy can be so exciting when it comes down to David versus Goliath proportions. Sure, Peace and Freedom can play the game, but what they really want is a moratorium on development, rent roll-backs, more affordable housing, and environmental responsibility. They don’t need to tow a Party line, hand-out favors, or speak in vague gibberish about terror to win the day. Peace and Freedom can just be real people helping the world get fixed up, before our collective oil-addicted dogma eats our karmas all up.

Back to the campaign, we’re now at the League of Women’s Voters, (fine, outstanding women, I might add), Candidates Debate in Torrance on October the 22nd. Guess what?---the Universe’s rooting for Jim! - the morning’s newsbreaking toast adds more fuel to the fire. Seems Jane is now under investigation involving leaking documents or trading them for American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) intervention with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to save Jane’s ass on the Intelligence Committee. As Candidate Jim merely stated the obvious, citing Jane to resign, more instances of extreme denial ensued. Tune into the debate at www.votesmith forcongress.org. Warning: denial is contagious!!! Zingers by the Libertarian Candidate and an ongoing oxymoron by the Republican abound. 

It’s all tuning up to be a great fight! If only people knew! If only Democrats were’nt always making the excuse they’re afraid of throwing away their votes. If only peeps followed their hearts. If only you had seen the latest film by Robert Greenwald at the P&F Center called Iraq For Sale, and heard the true story of the private contracting companies in Iraq. Listened to the confessions of a professional interrogator, or the contractor for Halliburton hired to provide clean water for the troops who quit after one week after discovering the wells filled with malaria and typhoid strains, of course, par for the course for the Iraqi people. Or heard David Rovics sing at the Center a Celtic bard’s treasure trove of rallying warcries against Halliburton, SUV’s, and the bones of the displaced Mexican farmers piling up at the border. Or, closer to home, heard the Lincoln Place Contingency Band sing for the evictees one last hopeful song. Or witnessed in the film How Cuba Survived Peak Oil 80% of Cuba’s farmland is now organically viable. Compare that to our Heartland, America.

Yeah, well, Peace and Freedom for the People’s hard to come by these days, especially in a stagnant two-party system. The true message of Democracy exists in the people, the majority, I might add, who don’t even vote anymore. Peace and freedom only needs you to show us the Way!!!! Just do one little thing for fun...vote out Jane Harman, do it cuz’ you read it here, do it for .......Peace and Freedom!

p.s. The Peace and Freedom Center couldn’t exist without its awesome volunteers, none more dedicated than our beloved 78-years young Jack Johncock, giant hugs and Thank-You’s - You Rock! to all of them!!!

Posted: Wed - November 1, 2006 at 02:45 PM          
