
• Distant Sun - Hillary Kaye
• Winter Waves - Shanna Baldwin-Moore
• Road Poets - Bill Fleeman
• To My Wife Natasha - Terence Pearce
• dog park priorities - Rex Butters
• Year 2004 Resolution - Ali Hebshi
• The Flame - Miranda
• Venice is free - Kurt Max

Distant Sun

by Hillary Kaye

They try to stop me
but they can't
my legs are made of feathers
and my heart is big like the moon
The stars are my home.
and the clouds are the way I travel.
The distant sun keeps me warm as I follow it.
I enter a paradise that can not be paid for and
these things they want to take from me but can't.

Winter Waves

Blue skies
Winter waves crashing
washing the lava leaving
a vision of white water
like snow of long ago
Salty air taste of wind whispering
songs from across the ocean
across the planet
sand kicked up from the rover “Spirit”
from a crater on Mars
footprints of joy
across the sands of time
this Universe of Verse
I am humbled......

Shanna Baldwin-Moore.
January 2004

Road Poets
first road poet, first
drunk poet too, maybe,
also first rant poet, was
li po.
then came old walt, 19th
century poet pacifist
kicking up dust down
dirt road america.
scraggly beard baggy
pants holes in his shoes—
what a sight!
then came kerouac,
lurching on & off
the road. wrote a
million words, he said,
before his first bleeker
bar legal drink.
micheline, another jack,
brooklyn bred like walt,
hitchhiked all the way to
isreal, partying the
waters of the red sea.
jumped into the arms of
the Muse from a west
coast commuter train,
neal cassady along lonely
railroad tracks.
ginsberg quietly in bed.

–Bill Fleeman

To My Wife Natasha

By Terence Pearce

A certain line of the cheek, the pillar of the neck
All delicacy; and above, the crucible of thought,
the invisible, the inexplicable running like
turning with massive implacability in the fallow darkness;
The hind before she springs, with the forest in her
The willow curtsying , gentle in her river-strength
Caressing the black earth with her hair,
The gold in the gleam of the wheat.
The geometry of the soul is lucent and ineffable
but words are the smaller part of language;
She is mute, standing quite still, studying something in her hand
and out of this clay she is shaping the divine......

dog park priorities

13 bright spotless
sun gleam aluminum cans
at 30ft intervals
each with new yellow
painted handled
shit shovels

patio chairs
folding chairs
tree shaded benches
large cool clean
water bowls
for pampered pooches

bulletin board adverts
expensive grooming
and massage services

across the parking lot
human beings with nothing
lean into dwindling
hot afternoon shade
old mildewed bedrolls
soiled packs of nutty junk
panhandle a cool moment’s
rest from life
before they’re chased into the sun
or arrested for their crime of

if they wore collars
ate out of bowls
on the ground
the plush puppy parents
throw them a bone

–Rex Butters, Westminster Ave.

Year 2004

Here we are, A new Year
What about the vanished year
How many tears
Were shed for the victims
Of oppression
Of occupation
“infinite war” they call it
How many times we stood by them
A war,
For whom?
Against whom?
For the capitalists and Capitalism
The final phase of barbarism! ?
Iraqis, Afghanis
The Palestinians
O' yes, Columbians,
Nicaraguans, Cubans,
The toiling poor
Children, women and men
Against nature
The oceans and seas
The streams
The rivers, lakes
Aquifers too
The trees
The skies
The earth
Life itself
It’s an infinite war, no less
Has to encounter
The drive for peace
For justice
For democracy
For life
Is an awesome force
Cannot be conquered
It’s the engine
Driving life forward
Against destruction
Against death
Dictated by market forces
Lest there be
Spread further
The wealth.
This is the force of
The people
Loudly saying
Another world IS possible!!!
For us and for nature.

–Ali Hebshi, jan. 2004

The Flame

by Miranda

Where did the flame that once glowed so deeply in my soul go?
The one that made my eyes shine like sparkling, vintage wine
reflecting the hope each tomorrow would bring.

The tide of curiosity directing me as I walked the path of life’s journey.
The excitement within myself as I turned every corner life had to offer.
Never looking back as I crossed each bridge in front of me.
Never faltering in my steps, driven by the sensation of faith for what lies in
the past I could not undo.
But learned from each new step that I took.

My life has not been in vain for I have so many self-dimensions still to
Feeling the sensation of the flicker in my heart that keeps me connected to
my body and spirit.
Where did the flame go so embedded in my soul?
That makes my eyes bright that reflect my inner-core.
From an ember it grew filling my soul with passion as my life unfolds.

Venice is free
Venice is me
Since 1964 I have called you home
My, how you have grown
I can't say I'm happy with all the changes
Strange days and rearranges
Trams and canal festivals and concerts in the pavilion
It doesn't seem like 40 years have gone by
It seems more like like a million
I waved as Bobby Kennedy rode down Venice Blvd.
He was gone a week later, the world was scarred.
Peace and Freedom
Freedom and Peace
I heard Anna Haag died
That I knew her, gave me pride
Hail Hail Rock & Roll
From the Doors to ST to Jane's
I blew mind so many times
I'm surprised anything remains
Before disco and before the roller-skates
Before crack cocaine and Ballona Creak debates
There was a little haven at the edge of LA
Where free spirits come out to play
Venice, yes, you've changed...alot
There's not denying that
But the sun still shines, the winds still blow
there's some who remember, some who know
I can't forget the beautiful new blood that fills your streets
From Washington all the way north to Marine
There's a light in peoples eyes
A smile so serene
We can't give up and moan for the good old days
It's up to us to carry in our hearts
Peace and freedom and love
Not become bitter, cynical old farts
Wink, wink
Shaka Nana
–Kurt Max, January 20, 2004

Posted: Sun - February 1, 2004 at 06:14 PM          
