Immigration or Integration

By John Davis

Language is holy. It conveys the stories of who we are and what we believe. Words hold longer than empires. They cross absorb and bind cultures. So what is an immigrant? Or is “Integrant” a better word.

The dictionary offers two explanations of immigration, one political and one scientific. Politically speaking the term denotes people who leave one country to settle permanently in another. The scientific definition is of a plant or animal that establishes itself in an area where it previously did not exist. Humans are of course animals.

Our understanding of the term immigrant should not be restricted to the political meaning for that tells only one side of the story.

Beginning with the scientific it is well known that every human is the descendant of an African Ancestor. Human lineage has been traced by comparing the DNA in contemporary humans to determine their path of migration across the globe. Like branches of a great tree trunk people moved around the globe from Africa. Some branches grew larger and some died out entirely.

Humans evolved to meet the demands of various environments. Mighty mountains and vast seas isolated our tribes. Cultures differentiated. Food was different, clothing was not the same and some recipes were spicy while others were bland. Human skin changed to a rainbow of hues.

As societies developed human interaction occurred on these geographic borders allowing us to enjoy the diversity of our species. We are all diverse and not one of us is the same. Humans are in a constant state of flux and to deny it is inhuman.This adaptive response is the success of our kind.

However in the advent of purely political societies borders were represented as geometric lines on a map and replaced the geographic boarders that were natural to people. Of course drawing lines does not automatically separate one culture from another because the family lives on both sides.

For this reason political lines fail. Culture is osmotic in nature like a sponge absorbing and expelling humanity across such lines.

Therein lies the rub. Immigration is now a term of political art. In this use the implication is divisive, protectionist, and demonizing. It is a term of denial for those who fear the death of a stagnating monolithic culture. It is the hypocrisy of the static. Things change and time is not frozen.

When humans first came to California they immigrated. The first were Asians, also descended from Africa. Europeans then followed and integrated.

We should remove the pejorative political use of the term immigrant from our language.
Except for the first Asians here we are all integrants, not immigrants.

Integration is a word that heals, is acceptant and shines with truth. Read the definition. What do you think?
“The bringing of people of different racial or ethnic groups into unrestricted and equal association, as in society or an organization; desegregation.

Integrant means, “Constituting part of a whole; integral.”

For me, this is what California is about. Integration is the heart of our well being. As the most culturally diverse City in the entire world, we in Los Angeles have good and constant cause to celebrate our emerging world culture, for we are in the world’s eye.

Posted: Fri - July 1, 2005 at 12:59 PM          
