Special Interests Call for Special Elections

By Theresa Hulme

On May 25 in Pershing Square, an organized protest attracted thousands of public employees who spoke out against broken promises to schools and open attacks on the working classes of California.

The dual protests occurred simultaneously in both downtown Los Angeles and Sacramento. Attendees herded in from Santa Barbara, Long Beach and everywhere in between. Bus drivers, SEIU members, health-care workers, students, children, families and helicopters were heard loud and clear on and above the streets of LA opposing a looming ‘special election.’ (Republicans LOVE special elections!)

In a latest attack against the REAL heroes in our culture, Schwarzenegger is unleashing another round of misogyny described as ‘reforms’ onto our most important vocational resource. The large and broad group is courageously confronting the corporate puppet, known as the Governor, but better known for bad acting and ultra-violent movies marketed to children.

''Teachers are joining with parents, firefighters, nurses and many others who are fed up with this governor's broken promises and his plans for a wasteful $80 million special election that favors special interests,'' said Barbara E. Kerr, president of the 335,00 member California Teachers Association. ''These rallies in Sacramento and Los Angeles are sending a message that the governor isn't fighting special interests, he's fighting us.”

The Governor recently described the public sector, including teachers and union members, as being a ‘special interest group.’ Ironically, he has received more contributions from ‘special interest groups’ (of the corporate sort) than any Governor in state history.

Proposed Reforms, Schwarzenegger style:

The Special Election: Schwarzenegger’s proposed $80 million ‘special election’ is about initiatives that working people don’t need, want or support. Insult to injury, his cronies at Enron and connections in Hollywood aren’t footing the bill. We are. Me and you. We’ll pay for it, then suffer the consequences.

Broken Promises: Arnie is reneging on his promise to pay back the money he owes to public education. In 2004-05, he borrowed $2 billion with the promise to repay when the economy improved. California's revenues for 2004-2005 rose by more than $6.4 billion dollars.  Despite this fact, he refuses to honor his promise to public education and to provide schools with their fair share of new state revenues. He offers no excuses why the money has not been repaid. Incidentally, the Gropenator’s kids attend private, not public schools in LA’s wealthy Westside.

Pension Reforms: This statewide scheme is similar to the Social Security scam Bush is peddling nationwide. The motive being to send a lifeline to his buddies on Wall Street and the flailing US stock market by re-allocating Cal-STRS and Cal-PERS into the stock market. STRS & PERS are current retirement pensions that are automatically invested in conservative guaranteed accounts. About 8% of public employees’ gross salary goes into these accounts where it is matched and grows slowly, safely, securely. These same adjectives also describe the reasons people enter into these professions. Not to get rich quick or to play the stock market, but to live modestly yet comfortably in retirement years. Most justify the horrible pay of a school teacher by looking forward to a secure retirement. (Although this is becoming a myth, as the years and Republicans go by)

By yanking the pensions from a stable environment and forcing their hard earned money into a risky, Las Vegas style, no guarantees stock market is stirring outrage among the very people it will affect. Cries of “No groping our public pensions!” could be heard in the crowds.

Prop. 98: A minimum funding guarantee, Prop 98 is threatened with being gutted while allowing the administration to cut public education and state programs at least twice in a given year. In addition to the $2 billion he borrowed and hasn’t paid back, Schwarzenegger hopes to leave classrooms at well below Prop 98’s current minimum funding levels. Teachers wages are also threatened.

No Child Left Behind: Though nationwide and not open to a democratic process, NCLB was pushed through by Bush and drastically affects California’s schools. A sneaky, complex Bill that forces public schools to report to the Pentagon the names of children eligible for the US military, in exchange for desperately needed funding. Schools must let military personnel onto campus to lure the young and disadvantaged into the military as a means to pay for escalating college costs that even middle class families can no longer afford.

The Bill also imposes near impossible standards onto teachers where they must take endless multiple choice tests. Critics of the Bill say the criteria are unrealistic, oppressive and nearly impossible to meet. The ulterior motive of NCLB is to create a system of failure where the government must come in, declare destruction and ‘privatize.’ Nicknamed ‘Leave no Academic Testing Company Behind,’ the Legislation is looked upon as a joke, but it isn’t really funny.

While California boasts the fifth largest economy in the world, it ranks 46th, or closest to last, in education. With Arnie’s proposed cuts, California is poised to ascend to the heights of hypocrisy. Despite its enviable youth culture exported internationally, the Golden State imprisons more of its youth than anywhere in the world. Combined with a dying education system, Martin Luther King was eerily correct when he said “A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual death.”

Posted: Wed - June 1, 2005 at 09:42 AM          
