Time for a Moratorium - Time for Affordable Housing

By C.V. Beck

Time for a moratorium now? Yes, I think so. In fact, I think it’s been time for some time now and now, we are overdue. People can stick their heads in the sand if they want to but we are approaching the Tsunami of uncontrolled hyper-overdevelopment and really need to get a grip, grab a- holt of it and take control of our neighborhoods and our streets. We can’t go on like this, we really can’t. Unless you just don’t care about anything except the money. I guess there are a lot of people out there like that but I find it hard to believe that most people aren’t fed up now.

Let’s hear from the community on this now.

Another thing on my mind is the willful withholding and withdrawal of truly affordable housing off the market.

There are hundreds of vacant units west of the 405 freeway, about 400 of them are at Lincoln Place being kept off the market. There are 100,000 homeless people in Los Angeles. How did this happen? Is it possible that it might have something to do with the Ellis Act in 1986? And more truly affordable housing is being trashed needlessly and replaced with truly not affordable housing.

I am sure that the powers that be could declare that 30% of all vacant “luxury” housing be immediately made available to those who need truly affordable housing and that those developers and landlords abusing the Ellis Act, itself an abuse of power, could, if they wanted to, make available through their own networks, this 30% at the same rates of rent that the displaced persons are now paying, under the rent stabilization ordinance. Or is this too radical?

Posted: Sat - October 1, 2005 at 05:30 AM          
