Interview with New Neighborhood Council Board Members Yolanda Gonzalez, Stan Muhammad and Richard Myers

The following interviews were conducted with Yolanda Gonzalez, Stan Muhammad and Richard Myers at the “candidates forum,” Sept. 7 at Venice High School. In the Sept. 10-11 election, Gonzalez was elected 2nd Vice President, Muhammad was elected Oakwood Representative and Myers was elected Communications Officer. The interviews were transcribed by Erin Grayson. They were made available to the Beachhead by Ian Johnston of KPFK-FM.

Yolanda Gonzalez: A lot of our funding went to security for the airport. That amount of money was reduced. I have suggested that we allocate 10,000 dollars of the 50,000 we will get (for GRVNC) in order to commit the City in order to do what they have to do (put up surveillance cameras on the boardwalk and in Dist 3 etc.) in order to secure us and provide a safetiness. Because the 50,000 dollars that are used should be used for community improvements not for special interests.

Ian Johnston: You don’t think invading people’s privacy is a special interest?

Yolanda Gonzalez: No, what happens is that it’s not invading. The people are requesting it because of the drug activity and the graffiti.

Ian Johnston: Who is requesting that?

Yolanda Gonzalez: Oh, the, the stakeholders. The, the residents.

Ian Johnston: Which one’s specifically?

Yolanda Gonzalez: Uuh, It’s happening all the way from the 14th District. And also ‘cause I was the first one to lead that movement they’re already requesting that in certain areas, well first of all, I found out that they were gonna bring in surveillance cameras to the Venice Boardwalk.

So I said well, that’s interesting and I said well we’re not even set up yet because the police departments are supposed to have that. OK? So, I said well that’s interesting if you’re gonna be able to it on the Venice Boardwalk then why is it that we can’t have it in certain areas where we have problems with the gang activity.

So then what I suggested to (LAPD Chief) Bratton and to the person in charge right now, one of the Sergeants is that we don’t need to have the police department set up for that. They can have mobile stations and set up the cameras and guard them from there. OK?

Let me tell you something. We have to learn to provide safeness. All I know is if you are a gang member, you are a gang member for the rest of your life.

Ian Johnston: But the point is what’s happening is that they create the problem and then get someone like you to clean it up by gentrifying the neighborhood.

Yolanda Gonzalez: Well Hon, if I have to clean it up I’m gonna keep cleanin’ it up. Because we have a lot of children at risk. OK? And we have to deal with what’s happening today.

Ian Johnston: Hi, Stan. Ian Johnston with KPFK. You are on the website as being a part of the Venice Progress Coalition I believe?

Stan Muhammad: No, I’m part of the, uh Venice Neighborhood council. I’m runnin’ for District 3.

Ian Johnston: Yeah, but I’m saying the people who have put you on a website that’s called Venice Uh, are you part of that group?

Stan Muhammad: Yeah, Yes, I am.

Ian Johnston: And how do you feel about so many people on their slate being deeply tied to the police?
Stan Muhammad: Well, I believe that those individuals have to become more aware of what their relationship is with the police. When you say deeply tied to, are you speakin’ in regards to whether or not they are working for LAPD or do they support LAPD or…

Ian Johnston: Well, it’s hard to tell sometimes.

Stan Muhammad: OK, well, I can’t really speak for those individuals, I can speak for myself and my position is intervention and prevention. I believe suppression has run its course and that’s obvious because they continue to build more prisons. They are continuin’ to lock up people, and it takes intervention and prevention strategies to avoid suppression overtakin’ the community.

Ian Johnston: Yolanda Gonzalez was talking about more police and cameras in the neighborhoods. What do you think about all that?

Stan Muhammad: I don’t think it’s necessary to have more police and more cameras. What I believe needs to take place is for the community to get involved. The stakeholders need to get involved to begin to do community policing.
That’s what we need is community policing, meaning if I see a crime, I should address that crime, not calling LAPD but address it as a community member. You know, find out what’s goin’ on. And that’s what we do through a non-profit organization by the name of Venice 2000. We do intervention, when a crime take place we have our gang intervention team out there addressing the issue, dealin’ with it from an intervention stand point.

Ian Johnston: Do you know who put together that website you’re on?

Stan Muhammad: Well, that website was put together by a group of individuals who’s also endorsing all those individuals who’s running for the Progressive, uhhh, Venice neighborhood council.
Ian Johnston: Who actually designed the webpage?

Stan Muhammad: I don’t know.

Ian Johnston: So, it’s listed as private currently.

Stan Muhammad: Uuh, I don’t know.

Ian Johnston: So, we just don’t know.

Stan Muhammad: I don’t. I don’t know.

Ian Johnston: OK, cause Dick Myers is uh famous for creating these websites that suck people in like

Stan Muhammad: I don’t know Dick Myer. That’s the reason I said I’m not that concerned about what the other candidates are doin’ throughout the city. What I’m concerned with is District 3 in particular because we have our own issues. And I want to be that voice for that district but ultimately when we unite that district we wanna be create a model for the whole neighborhood council and ultimately for the whole District 11 under Bill Rosendahl’s leadership.

Ian Johnston: Richard Myers, I see you fo….

Richard Myers: Hi Ian, How ya doin? Good to see you, I’m glad you came out to hear all the speakers, whadya think?

Ian Johnston: Well it’s an interesting crowd, more people actually running than listening I think.

Richard Myers: It does turn out that way. We hope we get more voters than running.

Ian Johnston: There’s a website called what do you know about it?

Richard Myers: Well, I mean, I know that I’m endorsed by it.

Ian Johnston: So you have nothin’ to do with it?

Richard Myers: Nothin’ to do with it, nope.

Ian Johnston: In the past you’ve created websites that where similar in name to other websites etc. Right?

Richard Myers: I have a website that is a protest uh, well not even a protest – an informational website that is complementary to the grass roots

Ian Johnston: I don’t think I wanna be in a photograph…

Richard Myers: Why are you so photo shy, Ian?

Ian Johnston: Because I don’t want to be a part of anything she has anything to do with.

Richard Myers: OK, then, I don’t want to talk to you.

Ian Johnston: OK, take it easy…

Posted: Sat - October 1, 2005 at 08:25 AM          
