What’s in a name?

By Carol Fondiller

It seems that the only way to get the Progressive Slate out of Grass Roots Venice Neighborhood Council was to steal the Progressive’s Platform and it’s name. Everything was legal, but was it ethical? About as ethical as attempting to sabotage the reputations of people on the ORIGINAL Progressive slate by red baiting and slander. The faux progressive slate won the election by that Black Power slogan, “by any means necessary.”

They even endorsed people who claimed they were unaware of the endorsement by the faux slate, nor were they aware of any endorsement, nor did they seek any endorsement. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But however, the faux slate won, they won. And the original Progressives had better suck it up and get with the program.

Obviously, some people thought they had to get even with the legitimately elected board, just because those nasty, aging Hippies won.

Through barely legal tactics the puppet masters of the faux progressive slate won. But they won on the original Progressives platform. They ran on the platform of more low income housing, better and more mass transit, exploring energy efficient methods of improving mass transit, no expansion of LAX, slow growth or no growth, and respect for the residents in the community.

They pledged to stop the destruction of Lincoln Place Apartments, and to stop the megadevelopments in the community such as Lincoln Center. This is what the faux slate won on. It is to be hoped that they will keep the promise of that platform since the fauxs so desperately wanted to win at any cost.

Perhaps they really do believe in the platform, but some fauxs who ran on that platform have spoken out against preserving Lincoln Place. Perhaps they changed their minds. If the fauxs stick to the platform they ran on, perhaps they will earn the privilege of being called the REAL progressive slate hyphen included.

Posted: Sat - October 1, 2005 at 09:22 AM          
