Big City News

God Almighty!

On Sept. 23, L.A. City Councilmembers Bill Rosendahl and Dennis Zine jointly made a motion to ask the City Attorney’s office to prepare an Amicus brief that would oppose removing the words “under god” from the Pledge of Allegiance. 

It was almost exactly four years ago, that Councilwoman Ruth Galanter, backed by six other members, proposed that the City Council recite a “Pledge to the Earth” in addition to the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of its meetings.

The new verse would state: “I pledge allegiance to the Earth on which I stand, one world, one people, undivided, with food, shelter and justice for all.”

Galanter’s motion failed to win the necessary eighth vote need for passage.

Beachhead Sustainer makes good

A long time Venice resident and Beachhead sustainer, Larry Frank, has been appointed a Los Angeles City Deputy Mayor for Neighborhood and Community Services by Antonio Villaraigosa. We’re not saying that he was appointed because he’s a Beachhead Sustainer, but...

You too can curry favor with Dame Fortuna by helping to sustain the Beachhead. We survive on your donations, so write a check for $100 (one year) or $50 (6 months) to the Free Venice Beachhead at POB 2, Venice 90294. An annual sustainer entitles you to four free business-card size advertisements during the year. We’ll add your name to the list on page two, unless you tell us you want to remain anonymous. 

Posted: Sat - October 1, 2005 at 12:17 PM          
