Lincoln Center sails on

Recently I have been attending meetings of GRVNC to get information in regards to the proposed “Lincoln Center Project.”

I have noticed that most of the persons who choose to fill out speaker’s cards are quite adamant about the fact that they DO NOT want this project. The more talk there is from the builder and architect the taller the project becomes.

Currently the size would be seven stories high and completely cover the ENTIRE two blocks, with removal of the huge 50 year old Eucalyptus trees at the East edge of the property.

My understanding of the purpose of this Neighborhood Council is to provide a “way for Venice to find common ground and have a united voice.” This according to their own “Intent” of purpose.

However, Dave Moring, who is the representative for District One, in which this project is to be built seems to have made himself a “committee of one” and decided that the project is good for the community. He does not seem interested in the opinions the hundreds of others who reside in District One, nor the rest of Venice.
This Neighborhood Council does not represent the residents only its own agenda. This does not seem to be a very democratic way to handle this situation. Venice is a NEIGHBORHOOD, not a Citadel, Galleria, Century City, nor Del Amo. Let us be VENICE!

Barbara Eisenberg

Express your opinion on Lincoln Center
• April 7, 9 am Monday
Planning Hearing, 1645 Corinth Av. W.L.A.
Land Use & Planning Comm.
• April 21, 7 pm Monday - Venice Boys and Girls Club, 2232 Lincoln Blvd.

Posted: Tue - April 1, 2003 at 06:39 PM          
