Phil Chamberlin, Raging Pacifist, dies

By Carol Fondiller

Phil Chamberlin was born on Feb. 17, 1937. He was married and he wrote some cool poetry and that’s all I know about him except this:

Decades ago, after a particularly wonderful Canal Festival, the garbage scow ( in reality a Huckleberry Finn type raft) that was known locally as the Royal Barge was liberated. About ten people including myself and Phil climbed on board - most of us including myself were in an altered state of consciousness brought on by inhlaling some Thai Stick. The barge was riding lower in the water than usual and Phil was at the helm poling us through the tree stumps, discarded car parts, scum, feces, chemical waste, etc.

I am a physical cowaard. The other people on the raft were very quiet - one could say mute. I tried to control my apprehension as we glided along the filthy waters.

I whimpered “Watch out!” as we seemed, to my Herb paranoia, in danger of capsizing.

Phil, standing tall, slender, and erect looked down at my crouching craven form and said, contempt radiating from him... ”Stop it. I am a graduate of Annapolis!”

Like I say Phil, that’s all I really know about you and may your journey across the Styx be as peaceful, safe and fun as that sweet memory on the pungent canals.

Posted: Tue - April 1, 2003 at 06:30 PM          
