Venice hosts Solari founder, Catherine Austin Fitts

By Tom O’Meara

The Grass Roots Venice Neighborhood Council’s Town Hall, December 13, featured Catherine Austin Fitts, a nationally known investment banker and a pioneer in applying modern financial wizardry to empower neighborhoods and support local business.

She spoke for an hour and a half at the Venice United Methodist Church Peace and Justice Center, answering many questions from interested Venice residents.
She introduced the audience to her concept of a Solari, a community-run organization that utilizes the methods of today's savviest investors to economically grow neighborhoods like Venice that are rich with both diverse local business and cultural creativity, but without compromising either.

Under conventional Wal-Mart type models for growth, neighborhoods stay unorganized and unaware that cooperation enables them to utilize the same economic leverage that is being wielded by those outside the community, allowing resources (or character) to flow out.

A Solari starts out as an investment club where civic-minded Venetians get together to find local profit-making opportunities. But the club would eventually expand into a corporation whose controlling stock would be offered only to all Venice residents. Its prime mission is simply to align the neighborhood money and people.

For example, housing built using Venice Solari funds could give occupancy priority to Venice residents. Also, local business would have access to Solari mechanized stock-market-type profit multipliers, eliminating the advantage of cookie-cutter chain stores and preventing them from getting a foothold in Venice.

More information at:

Posted: Sat - January 1, 2005 at 03:55 PM          
