FLASH – the interview

By erica snowlake

Flash is the name he’s going by for this...printed mirror image of human lightning. he is quite mercurial. rajneesh meets elvis meets fat freddy’s cat - whiskers and great chops, lambchops, (got sideburns! get it?) wears all black, the odd pinstripe suit jacket, leather pants, meticulously clean for a dude living in his volvo the past seven moons. loquacious, interesting, fascinating, even. possesses a wisdom apart from the ordinaire. perhaps playing the role of superhero, in his own mind, and, in fact, in reality. definitely pursuing a mission related to godhead. teaching me spanish, so far the words arco iris y pesadilla prove sublime. makes me laugh and gives me hope - if he can sustain positive vibes day to day “out there” what more affirmations of a blessed life do we need? why? flash? and more miraculously, how?

flash: i was born in mexico city. we soon moved to los angeles. my parents are of spanish and italian origin, had four kids. early on, the feeling “they are not my family”. i remember me as a kid telling them our family is like a band, everybody needs to play an instrument in harmony to actually make music. by 9 i wanted to leave, moved in with uncles and grandmas and cousins. part of this time we lived in hippie communes with folks from argentina, brazil, europe, and africa. playing with the commune kids i recall speaking a jumble of five languages! the adults practiced thankfulness, following a spiritual life over any prescribed religion. as a mystic, one comes to understand and honor every belief - it is plainly stupid not to see jesus is mohammed is buddha is one....

beachhead: ....is spirit is mystery....

flash: my favorite book as a kid was The Jungle Book.

beachhead: you are so totally a mowgli ninja, especially with those traditional koi tats, you can see your other lives coming through.

flash: i always get asked by the cops if i’m from the middle east. i just say yeah. i love the streets, and art. i see it all as mother nature, there is no separation. i channel myself from the sky. the beauty of my art for six years now is black ink abstracts, i feel satisfaction in my mastery of this as a process. i went to the National School of Plastic Arts, (in mexico city), but, believe me, art is a lot more complex than wine, women, and cheese. the surrealists and dadaists blow my mind, how alien they seemed to the early 1900’s!

beachhead: just saw this flick Art School Confidential - great art world exposé! so what jobs have you had?

flash: forklift driver, bartender, cook, music store clerk, dishwasher, go-go dancer . i never liked any of them. you’ve gotta choose your role on earth, we’re here to do God’s work. people want to see you slave yourself. i have three dreams - live my life as a creative person doing what i love, travel the world, and become psychic through meditation and contemplation of my life.

beachhead: homeless?

flash: when i first started hanging out with homeless people, i felt overwhelmed. they need help to heal themselves, in the heart or in the brain. i’ve been living in venice for a 1000 years with all that craziness, Fellini’s Land, i call it. when i lost my last job, and, subsequently, my apartment, i asked myself “how are you going to survive? i was already into drugs and alcohol, i suffer migraines, i decided to take it as an opportunity to get to know myself deeper, what hurts me?, what gives me joy! there is a feeling of exhilaration being on the streets - a freedom like, yeah, you’ve got nothing yet you feel like you own the whole city. every moment is spontaneous, is totally unknown, time speeds up and slows down in weird ways.....

beachhead: yeah the keepers of the keys! zen alleys! i remember the same feeling walking the streets of montreal all night and sleeping on rooftops by day. we howled at people carrying briefcases taking the metros at 6 a.m.

flash: walking is one of my greatest salvations - really calming. the downside is i feel judged, people think i’m lazy, you don’t work.....keeping myself alive is my work - my Jimi Hendrix Experience - it’s a totally psychedelic experience that keeps me pretty much aware and awake. the cops presume i’m a criminal, and if you resist them, they kick your ass. i’m not stealing or killing people - i shouldn’t feel bad about myself - but now the few things i possess have been taken away - it’s like what penny do you have left we can take? my vehicle’s been impounded this week, i’ve been pretty down, when i saw my art gone, i felt dead, they’ve drained my blood. i want to live on peace, not the constant adrenaline of drama, it’s a big difference.

beachhead: so you’ve got zero money coming in? (nods his head) how do you eat?

flash: before i put myself in this situation, God gave me some signs. i saw a container when i was walking, it looked clean, it had pizza and potatoes and salad in it, at first i was paranoid about poisoning. now i love rich people - cuz they waste alot of stuff! there’s free lemons, oranges, greens like fennel and dandelion growing wild....

beachhead: edible flowers! thank goodness for groups like Food Not Bombs!, though even the dearest angels are harassed. last week the cops escorted the health dept. to where they set up sundays at 3 at dudley and the boardwalk to try to shut them down. you mentioned God?

flash: i didn’t know i am also a poet, an actor, the movie star of my own life. as far as God goes, God’s not my boss, but i do follow him. he knows what’s best, the best chance for me to grow, you have to grow yourself in this life. you can have lots of talent and money but still be an asshole.

beachhead: yeah! word up l.a. so what’s other ways of keeping it real?

flash: on the path to pure existence! well, i’ve found sweet friends who are also homeless - offering smooth ways to interact - for example guys sharing their medical marijuana . i enjoy seeing people who have nothing sharing what little bread they have. it’s the only way out for humanity, MAN. look and see if you can find it in your heart. look for absolute truth within yourself!

beachhead: what can we do in venice?

flash: create free spaces, happening places, for everyone and anyone to make art and music. open up personally owned garages and gardens, as safe, supervised, sleeping and storage spaces for people, befriend a homeless person with whom to share your humor and wealth.........

we end with hugs, flash has a shower at my place and we feast on some tacos. fortunately, he’s got a friend’s van to crash in, i lend him an umbrella as it’s pouring out tonight. i’ll see him again and share what i can.

p.s. the next time we meet he relates he did get his stuff back from the impound! he’s got a bit of a sunburn, and just been ticketed that morning by the cops for sleeping in a park near the beach. under his shades i see a glint of quicksilver....

Posted: Thu - June 1, 2006 at 03:01 PM          
