Peace and Freedom Party Registration Drive

by Y. Miranda

I was recently elected to the Grassroots Venice Neighborhood Council as part of the Progressive slate of 12 people. I want to thank the open-mined community in Venice that supported our candidacies. It’s great honor for me, to be of service to the community I love so dearly.

The Peace and Freedom Party has a deeply rooted history in Venice. It was here that the party started in 1968. The community activists, war resisters and veterans of the Vietnam war believed that the two party in this country had no intention in ending the war or addressing the issues of working people in this country in improving the quality of our lives.

The Peace and Freedom Party had been on the ballot for 30 years, but in 1998 we were unable to obtain the 2 percent of the vote to keep our ballot status. We are currently on an intense registration drive to increase our total by 10,000, to more than the 86,212 needed to return to the ballot. Do third parties have a right to be on the ballot? Many people have responded affirmatively by registering Peace and Freedom.

If you believe in any of these goals: double the minimum wage; free, quality health care for all; good paying jobs for all; free education for all; free public transportation; affordable housing; bring the troops home (No More Vietnams); community control of the police; decriminalize marijuana; end homelessness; support affirmative action, end the death penalty; and instead of funding wars, spend money to find a cure for AIDS which globally will kill 56 millions people in less than eight years. Register P&F to provide an advocate for a better world.

Please contact Venice P&F at 399-2215, if you would like to help our registration drive.

You are invited to attend the Venice Peace and Freedom meeting, held once a month. Call me for details.

I also encourage you to join us in our every Sunday peace march at 2pm on the boardwalk. We start at 5 Rose Ave. At the end of the march we have an open mike where anyone can speak their feeling concerning peace, mass detentions and attack on our civil liberties.

Yolanda Miranda is co-chair of the Venice Peace & Freedom Party

Posted: Mon - July 1, 2002 at 06:01 PM          
