Sher-ruff of Venice

The Law End Force Human
by Calvin

Jacob La Mountey was born out of wedlock on July 26, 1956 on the highway just outside of Odessa Texas.Son of Jock La Mountey of St. Pierre Island (Fr) and a local Texas girl Emy May Beaumont. They were in transit to Venice Beach Ca. Little is known of the rest of the family.

His inauguration as Sher-ruff of Venice Beach Ca. July 29, 2006 by an overwhelming popular vote by the local constituents after many years of corruption, deception and skulduggery by law enforcement agencies.

Day of the Beard

Ruben, the friendly street Bruin (bear), had noticed that the local law enforcement had not shaved in over a week. The woman officers who where usually smooth as a fresh peach had developed a thick stubbly mass of whiskers. Showing his concern for the officers, Ruben the street Bruin, had called the local Sher-ruff and had spoken to him about the beards. The Sher-ruff then called upon his friend George Crassfar explaining the strange beards on the normally clean shaven officers. Shocked they decided to investigate this strange event.

Warning to all government agencies.
BEARDO WEIRDOSIS VIRIALOSIS MELANCOSIS is becoming a national problem.
National Center for Beard Control and Management.
A must read for all concerned peoples.
Beard Management for Egalitarians and those who where once clean shaven.
Authored by the HORSE

The strange malady had escaped from a secret government laboratory.The substance had contaminated some razors destined for the law. Nothing can stop Beardo from growing. Those infected display strange behavior. Beardo can jam guns, cause car doors to become clogged with its long titanium, kevlar matrix Officers start to itch and scatch becoming disoriented. They then start arresting each other while driving around in circles, Their memories lapse and they forget where the jailhouse is. Stopping at fast food joints gobling down fast food and donuts. One person with Beardo began kayaking to the Panama Canal from Venice Beach. Another was found swinging from his beard like a possum in a tree..

Pretty Scrufffy Situation.................

Posted: Tue - October 1, 2002 at 05:00 PM          
