Venice Statistical Review - 1936

Name of City: Venice

Slogan or sub-phrase: California’s All-Year Playground.

Form of Government: Part of City of Los Angeles

Population: Gov’t census 10,260 (1936) Local est. 22,000

Average Temperature: 66, Rainfall: 10 inches

Financial: 2 banks with $2,000,000.00 total deposits

Telephones in service: 2,653

Churches: 10

Industry: Employing 2,000 men and 300 women, paying wages $13,000,000 annually, and having products valued at $11,000,000 annually. Approximately 4/5 of this activity can be attributed to oil development. 225 wells employing 2,500 men. About 15,000 barrels daily production.

Trade: Territory (retail) serves 50,000 people within the trading area covering a radius of 3 miles. Jobbing territory serves 100,000 people within a radius of 6 miles.

Newspapers: Venice Evening Vanguard

Hotels: There are 10 hotels, with a total of 500 rooms.

Transportation: City served by Pacific Electric Railroad, Bay Cities Transit Co., Culver City Municipal Bus and Motor Coach Co., and Pacific Greyhound.

Amusements: There is 1 theatre with a total seating capacity of 1500 persons.

Education: Number of schools: 9, including one high school, one parochial school. Number of pupils in public schools: 3,000. Number in private schools: 600. Total of all teachers: 150. Value of all school property, private and public, approximately $2,500,000.00. University of Loyola, 600 students.

Libraries: One with 13,000 volumes

City Statistics: Total street mileage 250, with 80 miles paved. Miles of sewers 65, electric street railway 10 miles. Fire Department employs 46 men with following equipment: 5 autos, 2 engines, 1 hose and chemical wagon, 1 hook and ladder truck, 1 rescue company, 1 Foamite company, in 2 station houses. Police department has 63 men with 1 station and 6 pieces of motor equipment.

Posted: Tue - July 1, 2003 at 07:09 PM          
