By C.V. Beck

TENT CITY IS NOT WINDING DOWN...for those who still don’t know where we are: we are at the southeast corner of Frederick/California Streets, east of Ross, south of Ralph’s and west of Lincoln Place.

As we await our day in court and our constitutionally promised due process of law, some of us have been “posted”, (that is, having an Ellis Act-oriented unlawful detainer summons served) and some haven’t. Some had summons left stuck to their door with very sticky masking tape (by a masked man, no doubt) and the office has not accepted our rent. Some of our more irresistible seniors have people banging on their doors late at night and the phone rings and rings...and no one is guards pop out at me while I empty my trash, saying, “Good morning, I didn’t mean to startle!” when I jumped but in my heart of hearts, I’m sure he did mean to startle.

Lincoln Place residents are experiencing a barrage of threatening legal boilerplate as the big law firms “paper” us with scary, incomprehensible-to-most people-multiple pieces of white papers...involving several different areas of the law and also involving the removal of almost 800 truly affordable apartments under rent control from Venice. People in brand new cars continue to circle around and through Lincoln Place, staring at the “rentmonkeys”with our knuckles seemingly dragging on the ground. (Imagine that, these “rentmonkeys” have the nerve to think they can continue to live in aesthetic Venice...rapidly on the way to becoming anaesthetic Venice)...I continue to experience direct attacks on my property in the back yard as things “coinkidinkly” continue to vanish...just like they want us to do...just discovered a tent in my car trunk has disappeared...just when I might really need it! Some more people have sold their souls to the devil for green pieces of paper. Somehow, someone’s wife, who works or worked for the Rand Corporation in some unknown capacity, is present at a meeting between the relocation specialist and a taking-the-deal-kind of resident. Why was that? Just a coinkidink, right? Are we part of a study of some kind of people moving techniques? The big lawfirm’s mouthpieces continue to spew lies, lies and more lies. They really don’t want us to go to court, do they?

Last month, the Venice Neighborhood Council had their elections. There are a only a few people who understand their roles as a NEIGHBORHOOD REPRESENTATIVE and not for personal aggrandisement or as a clone of the Venice Chamber of Commerce or Abbot Kinney District Association. On the upside, Spike Marlin, a feisty rentmonkey from Lincoln Place, was elected as a representative. While this is encouraging, unfortunately, too many of the rest of our reps seem to think that it’s all about me, me, me and I, I, I and not we and us...together, trying to make a too small place better for everyone, not just for a select, incredibly lucky and few “Lords of Dirt or Sand.”

Last week, I observed one of the security guards in his big car, creeping along much too closely behind one of our most disabled seniors, struggling to walk down the alley. I had to direct him with hand signals to go around this person and lectured him on his misconduct, letting him know that I would be contacting his supervisor. On another note, one of our creepiest dogwalking neighbors is back. This is the person who puts the dog waste in a plastic bag and hangs it decoratively from trees directly across from my residence where it is liable to remain-- til the cows come home--unless, of course, I remove it. No one else seems to have noticed this vile person’s disgusting activity. Stay tuned for time and see you in court, any day now.

Posted: Sun - October 1, 2006 at 05:22 PM          
