December’s Child: Beachhead turns 35 next month

Next month will be the 35th anniversary of the founding of the Free Venice Beachhead! You hold in your hands the 269th edition of this community endeavor.

The December issue, in addition to covering the current happenings in Venice, will take a look back over those 35 years. We’d like you to be part of this retrospective.

Please write down something that you’ve experienced in Venice, anything from two sentences to 800 words will do. Mail or email it to us by Nov. 20. See the masthead for our addresses.

In addition, can you answer any of these questions?

* Who’s the oldest person in Venice?
* Who’s lived here the longest?
* Were you born in Venice (not in a Santa Monica hospital)?
* Who’s the most significant person in Venice history (excluding Abbot Kinney), and why?
* What was it like in Venice in the 1930s? 40s? 50s? 60? (if you were here)
* When was the Golden Age of Venice?
* What’s the best form of government for Venice?
* Who is your favorite Venice poet? Venice singer? Venice painter? Venice plumber?
* What’s your favorite book about Venice (or set in Venice)? Why?
* And most importantly, how has the Beachhead influenced your life?

P.S. Please consider taking out an advertisement or becoming a Beachhead Sustainer ($100/yr - payments accepted), so that we can print more pages.

Posted: Sat - November 1, 2003 at 04:59 PM          
