Results of the March Beachhead Poll

March’s poll was on whether Venetians approve of oppose the city ordinance that limits a property’s front fence to 3.5 feet. 54% said they opposed it, while 27% said they supported it, and 8% didn’t care or were unsure.

Some of your comments included:
– Venice lots are substandard and it's a security issue as well.
– We can have overnight parking districts to eliminate legal parking, but illegal fences are OK?
– 100 feet high fences and with barbed wire and electrified in keeping with the spirit of the times.
– It only seems to apply to certain addresses and not everyone.
–If you don't like an ordinance, have it changed. Don't break the law.
– Why hide your front yard, it's part of the warmth of your welcome.

Beachhead Poll
Do You Feel Safe in Venice?
Tell us why, or why not
To Vote, clip & mail, or go to:
Poll ends April 29

Posted: Tue - April 1, 2008 at 08:03 PM          
