Swami Speaks
By X Swami
People who don’t know how to
listen should be restrained from writing books. People who don’t
know how to listen should be restrained, and...made to watch television.
I’m not against genocide, I just wish they
would stop calling it war. I’d like to be in a position to select
the next group that is to go. Of course, we all go, one way or another.
What’s the fuss?
people object to pain. I don’t blame them. I’m not big
on pain myself. I feel most of our pain is self-inflicted, in an effort to
get back into our feelings, which are windows of the soul, if you’ll
forgive my language. If not, fuck you. I jest. I hope. Laughter
makes for good blood and semen.
So far so
good, as I continually respond to inquiries about my health and well being.
To be honest with you, I would like to live in Disneyland until 2020, at
which time I plan to have a monkey gland operation and fuck Paris Hilton into
ecstasy and sanity.
I’m jesting
To be semi-serious for a moment, I
am sending this message because I feel you are close to being a mature human
being with possibilities for spiritual liberation, enlightenment and activity.
I hope I haven’t over-estimated you. There’s alot of
that going around these days, and especially in political circles--and
So life is an endless journey,
commencing and climaxing in ecstasy and then commencing again, endlessly.
Sounds monotonous, but it’s
not. It gets newer, richer and more real all the time. Just ask
Harry Houdini when you see him. He’s over there, on the other side,
preparing a magic trick...for you.
Posted: Tue - January 1, 2008 at 04:02 PM