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BEACHHEAD BACK ISSUES FROM THE EIGHTIES: 1980 Beachhead #121 - January 1980 - For The Time Of Your Life Come To Venice New Year's Eve; Letters; Letter: Follow-up on Greenie Case (Wendy Reeves); Doll Lady of Venice; Letter from Moe Stavnezer re: Greenie; Nicaragua Aid: Thank-you to Venice Folk (Ed Pearl & Carol Wells); Short Stuff; A Joint Effort; The Freedom Co-op; I'm One For The Books (Lynne Bronstein); Off the Beaten Shelf, The Spirit of Venice (Moe Stavnezer); Poetry: Skyline; God packed up and moved to Venice Beach (Austria Giancarlo); Venice 90291 Fact or Fiction? (Rick Davidson); Lament for Venice West (Donald Johns); Small Moon (David Allen Smith); It's Snowing People in Venice (R. Mayack); Festival (Arnold Springer); Sandpatch and Broken Wall (Robt. Wells); Hey Kid (Marilyn S. Taub); Into the Sun; Running to the End (Alan Leonard); Venice (Dolan Andrews); Gray Panther Strikes Again (G. Ridley); From Mid-Venusian Mythology (S.E. Mendelson); The Spirit of Dimmick Avenue (Julie Timmons); The Spirit of Venice (Phil Nuremberg); Call Someplace Paradise: Kiss It Goodbye (Anne Alexander); Photo Essay: "A Love for Venice" (Susan Weinberg); Ride The Highboy: Memories of Venice (Gerry Goldstein); A Look at Cinema (Linda Burdick & Martin Margulies); Community Events Beachhead #122 - February 1980 - Venice: 1914 -1916: Part 1: Big $$$ Back When (Maureen Burns); Low Down On Low Cost Housing (Arnold Springer); Letters; More Letters; Poem: For Robert Greenfield (Pano Douvos); Meeting, Meetings, Everywhere (Moe Stavnezer); Neighborhood News; Eating Radioactive: A Navaho Nightmare (Irene Fuerst); A Year For The Environment (Moe Stavnezer); Shrinks For Pot (High Times reprint); Vieques Island, Puerto Rico: U.S. Navy Out! (Merle Geffner); Puertoriqueno 4 in L.A. (Merle Geffner); Govt. Moves to Expedite D.C. Railroad; Mobilization For Survival; Boardwalk Beat (Linda Burdick); Community Events Beachhead # 123 - March 1980 - Viva La Huelga! (Elizabeth Elder); Lawless Meatless (Brenda Harney); Letters; Statement from the Collective; Kings, Queens, and Khomeinis (Carol Berman); Town Council Chaos (Lance Diskan); The Earth Belongs To All of Us (Sandra Gray); The Times They Stay the Same (Brenda Harney); Oil S(l)ickies (Moe Stavnezer); Environmental "Bill of Rights" Initiative; Venice: 1914-1916: Part 2: Wives and Others (John Haber); More On Greenie (Wendy Reeves); Book Review: The Brethren (Marge Buckley); Tenant Action Center; California Marijuana Initiative; Mobilization For Survival; Showdown At Paramount Ranch (Hazel I. Matthews); Sign Up, For My Second Draft!; Some Reel News: The Boss' Son (Linda Burdick); Brother Writes On Sister City ("Lonely Sibling"); More Letters; Community Events Beachhead # 124 - April 1980 - Snyder Gets $nyder (Moe Stavnezer); Jarvis Con (Moe Stavnezer); Letters; Venice -Tehran: Calling the Question (Robt. Wells); The Greening of Venice (Carol Fondiller); Epitaphs for a Survivor: John Hamilton: The Windward Avenue Sketches (John Hunt); Helping the Old and Homeless (Martha Fitzgerald); Fox Venice Staff on Strike (Lance Diskan); KNX Coastal Editorial (George Nicholaw); Venice 1914-1916: Part 3: Religion: Hells, Bells, and Canaries (Ralph J. Migliozzi); Ben Chavis Banquet (Elizabeth Elder); Film Review: Salt of the Earth; Bookshop Benefit (Lynne Bronstein); California Marijuana Initiative; Poetry: Venice x 5 (Andy Castro); Collage (W. Reeves); More Letters; Avakian Goes to Court; Community Events; Comic: The Funny Bunnies of Venus Beachhead # 125 - May 1980 - Demolition in Oakwood: Adios Hampton Court (James Dawson); Cementing the Sand, Slip Sliding the Bay; Letters; Word Games (Arnold Hansen); Short Shots (Moe Stavnezer); How Green is the Machine? (Glen Small); Beats at the Fox (J.D. Bacharach); Peace and Freedom: An Open Primary (Robt. Wells); At the Convention (Rick Davidson); Epitaphs for a Survivor: John Hamilton - Part 2 (John Hunt); Lance to Bob (Lance Diskan);Westside Community Leaders Speak Out on Propositions 9 & 10; Venice 1914 - 1916: Part 4: Sports and Entertainment (Kathleen MacAndrew); Community Events Beachhead # 126 - June 1980 - Strange Bedfellows Make Housing (Springer & Stavnezer); Letters; help (Moe Stavnezer); As I Remember It (Rick Davidson); Venice Ocean Park Co-op; Spatz Speaks (Walter Spatz); In Spite of Spatz (Elizabeth Elder); Chuck's Briefs (Chuck Bloomquist); Dawn Defeat; Clare-i-fying the Question (Moe Stavnezer); Double Speak (Rick Davidson);Venice 1914-1916: Part 5: Minorities and Racism (Mark McIntire); La Raza Proscita (Ricardo Flores Magon); Resolving the Energy Crisis (Jeff De Zellar); A Tribute to the Decadence of Cinema (Linda Burdick); Collage (John Kertis); Legacy of the Beats (Joan Friedberg); Simulators Simulate Strife; The Ballad of Reading Jail (Lynne Bronstein); Arts 'N' Crafts (Gershon Ulysses Gelernter); showbiz comes to venice (John P. Marsh); Dawn Defeat; Sacred or Profane? (Jimmie Catalina); Poetry: I Am Not A Joiner (Israel Halpern); you may believe the lick (Steven Evans); untitled (Lawrence Karp); Face (Cammie Groode); World (Cammie Groode); Love (Pauline F. Griffith); Photos (Charles Williamson); Community Events Beachhead # 127 - July 1980 - Westminster and Ballona: Under the Bulldozer (Moe Stavnezer); Real Estate Calls Tune C.A.C. Dances (Helen F. Fallon);Manifesto (Frederick Douglas); Letters; The Silver Strand (Alison Arnold); A Matter of Taste (Carol Fondiller); Parting Thoughts (Brenda Harney); Mike Clare 1952 - 1980; Poem: Carrying On (Rick Davidson); Street Performers Concert (Jingles); The Great Hot Air Library Balloon (Ed Pearl); New Age Overdue at Library (Rick H. Batterson); Terror in Palestine (Greg Goldin); "Terrorists" and Terrorizers (Robt. Wells); Venice 1914-1916: Part 6: Transportation: Wheels of Fortune (Nancey Hogan); Victory, Insanity, & Iran (Robt. Wells); Collage: Love Is Coming; Community Events; Overtones (James C. Hovey) Beachhead # 128 - August 1980 - How It Is With Us (Beachhead Collective); Letters; More Letters; Boycott Guatemala (Otto Chap); Poem: The Earth Is A Satellite Of The Moon (Leonel Rugama); Announcement of Anti-Smog Suit (James E. Richards); Poetry: Movement (Israel I. Halpern); Ocean Front Walk (Stefan); Beach (Cammie Groode); purpose? (Steven Evans); Photos (Charles Williamson); Dawn Defeat; Bay Area Bug Collective; Venice Town Council & Iran (Robt. Wells); Retroactive Reassessments?; Arts 'N' Crafts (Gershon Ulysses Gelernter); All That Jazz Needs Space; Local Art Politics Flap; Overpopulation: Only A Symptom (Milton Shiro Takei); Chip and Pot (High Times reprint); Community Events Beachhead # 129 - September 1980 - Venice's Love Canal? (Arnold Springer); Oakwood Artists Overcome (Lindsey R. Haley); Letters; Boycott Campbell's and Libby's; Mike Clare: A Responsibility (Rick Davidson); Board Walk Bummers (Raphael); Bums, Winos, & Vigilantes (Joan Friedberg); Smoke Detectors (Hope Blacker); Black Hills Survival Gathering (Peter Parks); Official Circles (Omni reprint - William K. Stuckey); There's No Accounting for Hayden (Moe Stavnezer); PFP Convention: Who's On 1st? (Rick Davidson); El Salvador: The Coming Revolution (Nora Hamilton); Town Council Stymies Gehry (Moe Stavnezer); Elderly Jews of Venice in 'Brief Candles' (Lance Diskan); No Nukes (the "other" Jerry Rubin); Community Events Beachhead #130 - October 1980 - Whither Windward? (Moe Stavnezer); Community Conference on Racism; Letters; Racism Conference: A Viewpoint (Robt. Wells); Universidad Obrera; Beachhead Benefit; Neighborhood Watch (John Sprung); Those "Dodge City Blues" (Observer); Another Rainy Afternoon in Paradise (Brenda Harney); El Salvador: The Coming Revolution (Nora Hamilton); Giant Poem; View from OFW; The Hayden Account (Richard Mayock); Seeing Through the Media (Mike Wells); The Empire Strikes Back! (Letta Tayler); PFP Convention:Who's On First? (Rick Davidson); Of Mice and Medicine; Community Events Beachhead #131 - November 1980 - The Resurgence of Racism (Joan Friedberg); Alliance Walk: Hell, No, We Won't Glow! (Christopher Toussaint); Letters; Venetians Remembered: Dorothy Weisser (Kate Keeling); David Rosen (Richard Conant); Mime Troupe to "Squash" Venice (Elizabeth Elder); Meatless Stews, Council Sues; Winos Organize (Huntley Bromberg); Nuclear Trojan Horse (John Sprung); Fit To Be Pied; Out of the Mouths of Scientists, Behind the Titan Explosion (Geoffrey Brown); Midwifery: World's Oldest Profession Legalized (Hope Blacker); Racism and Crime; Iran Runaround (Robt. Wells); El Salvador: The Coming Revolution; The Midnight Special Bookstore, the Cops, and towards better dreams; Community Events Beachhead #132 - December 1980 - Make Art Against War (Bill Oxendine); Beneath the Crime Hysteria (Carlin Thompson); Letters, Letter to John Sprung; The Changing Face of Venice; Beating the Meatless-Messhall (Moe Stavnezer); The 1980 Election: Time to Stop Waiting for Teddy, Tom, & Jerry (Ed Pearl); These Interesting Times (Lynne Bronstein); new right tunes out pacifica; Venice Racism Conference: The Question of Genocide (Robt. Wells); Poetry: Ocean Flame: Shedding Light On The Malody of Red, White, And Blue (Creek, Dellal, Soorani); Unpainting the Town (Pat Robinson); Not Job: An Adult Christmas Fantasy (Helen Ruffner); Repression vs. Revolution: The Case of Bob Avakian and the Mao Defendants; Tenant Alert!; Here We Go Again: Draft Registration to Resume; Neighborhood Justice Center; Community Events 1981 (Feature : The Bob Wells Quartet: September '81 through January '82, except November) Beachhead #133 - January 1981 - The Politics of Police Abuse (Jeff Cohen); VTC: "up for grabs"?; Letters; Peace or Pieces (Jim Conn); How Venice Voted; Racism Conference Continues; Blowing It on Windward? (Rick Davidson); Kill or Overkill?: The Question of Genocide (Moe Stavnezer) (Bob Niemann); Racists & Fascists On the Move: Greensboro Verdict - A Stamp of Approval (Rev. Philip Zwerling); Co-op Confab (Rick Davidson); Behind the Gas Guzzlers (John Sprung); P & F Party; Viva California (George Noonan); Can the Left Harness the Donkey? (Steve Tarzynski); Community Events Beachhead # 134 - February 1981 - Fox Features Fascist Flick; Developer Dumped (Moe Stavnezer); Letters; Dawn Defeat; anti-imperialist chess game; Help for the Invisible Alcoholic (Gillian McKenna); Trash: Once is Not Enough; Work Don't Kill (Peter Kelly); Snyder - Nolo Comment (Art K. Snyder); Poetry: For Our Fallen : untitled (Steven Evans); Blazin' #'s in Venice (Andres Castro); lennon (Steven Evans); The End of Dreaming (Alexander Scianna); Love Work, Hate Mastery, And Seek No Intimacy With The Ruling Power (David Meltzer); POWs: In the Belly of the Beast (Phoebe Hirsch); Genocide and National Liberation (Robt. Wells); Genocide and Trilaterialism (David Williams); Women and Technology (Louise Snider); Neighborhood News; Petition: Film: Song of the South Beachhead #135 - March 1981 - Delayed Gratification (Elizabeth Elder); New Waves in Housing (Moe Stavnezer); Thank-You For Not Shooting (Jeff Cohen); Song of the South Wrap-up; Bike Path Freeway? (Arnold Springer); V.O.P. Bags Bread; Who Really Stands For LIFE? (Louise Sherley); Military Spending: Small Boom, Big Bust (William Winpisinger); Street Vendors Blues (Carole Berkson); Pedaling with Pat; Venice Celebration: Heritage of Resistance; A Lift In Need Is A Lift Indeed (Smooch Repovich); Pontiac Brothers; War Crimes Tribunal; Mao 17 Charged Again; So You Want To Kill Pain? (Moe Stavnezer); A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall (Moe Stavnezer); Poems: Venice Denizen (karp); war if you must (Rick Davidson); untitled (Andrew Von Sonn); untitled (Jack Cooper); damn dogs (Steven Evans); Time For Waking (Alexander Scianna); untitled (Justin Groode); Community Events Beachhead # 136 - April 1981- The Big Brush Off: mural unpalette-able; Boardwalk or Park Place? (Arnold Springer); Letters; VTC News; Russell Slips On Skate Path; Speaking Ill of the Dead (Carol Fondiller); Ellison Apartments: Tenants Sold Out; Is Your Gun Buttered on the Wrong Side? (Peacemaker reprint); Sand Forms (the other Jerry Rubin); locally (Peter Kelly); The MX Missile (Peter Kelly); Radiation Hits the Road (S.E. Mendelson); The Backyard That Nobody Wanted (Carol Fondiller); Heritage of Resistance; Housing Deleted? (Moe Stavnezer); Warning for Women!! (Moe Stavnezer); Union Drydocked; Tracers (Judith Wood); Community News & Services Beachhead #137 - May 1981 - Beachhead Accused of Free Speech; 56 Arrested: Demonstration at Rockwell (Peter Kelly); Paradise Lost; Letters; VTC News; Storm Drain (Bob Bennett); In Memoriam: Lilly Sabina Fairweather (Sharon Bas Hannah); Forked Tongue Strikes Again (Four Directions); The Unkindest Cut (Bill Blum); A Manifesto : New American Middle (Christopher Toussaint), YIPPIEE! Manifesto, Such A Deal (Dorothy Lank), Machine Needs Green (Karen Mathews); Sprouts Alive!: Part I: Leslie Lebowitz interviews Will & James of the Comeback Inn; Tenant Relief? (Elizabeth Elder); Money is the Me$$age (Mike Wells); Venice Art Walk; Science Slickered (D.A. Barber); racism in the eye of fear (Robt. Wells); Out to Sea: Coast Law (Moe Stavnezer); Fat Cat Plan (Lance Diskan); Born Again (John Dawson); Victims of Venice (Anne Alexander); Community News; Comeback Inn Menu and Entertainment Beachhead #138 - June 1981 - Vets at Wadsworth: Hearts and Minds (Moe Stavnezer & Peter Kelly); Beyond Baroque's Poetry (Liza Jane Braude & Peter Kelly); Letters; Christine Johnson Obit; Getting Away With Murder! (N. Petrova); Planning Proceeds Comatose Community; Rollerskate Strip; Entertainment Theater (Ed Pearl); Quoth The Reagan, "Nevermore" (Moe Stavnezer); Deep Shit for WHITE CROAKERS! (Kit Stolz); Smog Wars; Finger A Cop - Go To Jail; Perils of Principle: Thoreau'n in Jail (Christopher Toussaint); Community Events; Live Art, Live Food: Part II: Sprouts Alive!; Moacir Santos Garden Concert Beachhead #139 - July 1981 - Beyond Baroque Responds to BH Article; Eat Me, I'm V.O.P. (Carolyn Rios); Letter : Oceanfront Lawn Dying (Randy S. Brook); Median Strip Parking Plan; Baroque-n Promises (Lynne Bronstein); Democrats vs. Democracy (Ed Pearl); let them eat Agent Orange (Robt. Wells); Another Chapter for bookstore, The Whole Earth Page : The Prophecy Continues, Defending Wildlife, Watt Removal (S.E. Mendelson), Dunes-Buried; Wailing Wall (Moe Stavnezer); Reactor Reactions?: Letter to Pres. Reagan, ERA for men, too, (Joe Guis); Yanqui Stay Home!; Pontiac Bro's Win! Christopher Toussaint); Community Events; Algae Wonder Food! (reprint from Dr. Christopher Hills); Garden Music Festival (Will Raabe) Beachhead # 140 - August 1981 - Painful Prescription: Don't Get Sick in Venice (Sally Obermeyer); Shall We Make Do With Nothing? (S.E. Mendelson); Freak Out and Touch Someone; Letter: Venice Is Not Losing Its Grass (Randy Brook); Coasting (Moe Stavnezer); Sadie & Bill (Elizabeth Elder); Dawn Defeat; Gov't Guilty: Vets Eat (Christopher Toussaint); Last Mile for ERA; Fight For Life (Louise Sherley); Blockade Imminent; Hiroshima & Nagasaki: 36 Years of Fallout (Peter Kelly); The Voice of Revolution: Interview with Victor Rubio (Liberation News Service); Poetry: Grey Panther Lament (G. Ridley); On The Beach (Stefan); found in the journals of Stuart Z. Perkoff; Santa Monica's Unsurpassed Surf Bathing (Outlook, 1893); untitled (Andrew Von Sonn); the devotional; The Trouble with Spirulina (Rev. Robert Alexander); Temple of Man Times (Anita & Baza); Watt's On Second? (Gonzo); 1981: The Year of the Strike (Christopher Toussaint); Community Events; Happy Birthday Comeback Inn! Beachhead #141 - September 1981 - OFW: Lots of Difference (Jim Bickhart); Ill-Legal Aid: Reagan Steals Scales (Moe Stavnezer); Community Unity; Letters; Busine$$ as usual; democrats lose - Democracy Wins (Ed Pearl); The Book Shop in Ocean Park: The Last Chapter? (Linda Garrett); Paranoia or Terrorism? (Joan Friedberg); Love Is All Ya Need (Sammy Israel); Found drawing by Bingo; What Will It Take To Prevent Nuclear War?; Free Venice: Myth or Reality (Rick Davidson); Jeffersonian to Jacobin: Calling The Question on Bob Wells - Part 1 (Arnold Springer); Photo of Cronk's Mural Venice on the Half-Shell; Community Events; Poems: Silence (Will Raabe); Sunrise (Jim Hovey); Comeback Inn Calendar Beachhead #142 - October 1981 - Diablo Diary: Blockading The Devil ("Karen Silkwood"); Photos of Blockade (Alan Karlbelnig); Planning Meeting Planned (Jim Bickhart); Letters; God Help the People (Moe Stavnezer); Where Women Go For Help; Caging A Thirsty Beast (Moe Stavnezer); Is The Canal Peripheral?; Hiroshima, Nagasaki,Venice: A Local Activist Reports from Ground Zero (Mary Lou Johnson); Peace is Disarming (Phil Chamberlin); Extra-Terrestrial Intervention (Christopher Toussaint); Nuclear Response: Taxes Against War Machine (Larry Ephron); Montagnard or Marxist?: Calling the Question on Bob Wells - Part 2 (Arnold Springer); Community Events; Listen In, Find Out (Lee Underwood) Beachhead #143 - November 1981 - Renters Do It With Control (Wendell Jones); World Peace March Photo (Peter Kelly); Tenant Action; Letters; Diablo Dialogue (Michael A. McNamara); freeze arms (Phil Chamberlin); Fast Results: Oxfam America; Hunger Strikes: Food Bank to the Rescue; The Lusts of Greed (Anthony Fiorillo); painted babes Pretty Perver$e (Carolyn Rios), Public Art Event : Thanks, but No Thanks, Santa Monica Airport: Pro: (Rol Murrow), Con: (Dennis Zane); Play It Again, Carlos (Casablanca Restaurant); Stop the KKK Conference Planned; Diagram: Contributions to Legislative Candidates; Zendik: Ecolibrium Communalism; Community Events, Electromuse News (Les Underwood); Overtones (Jim Hovey) Beachhead #144 - December1981 - Caribbean Crisis (Elizabeth Elder); tenants mount offensive movement (Wendell Jones); Letters; Weird Funny Story (Philip W. Gregg); mondragon experiment; When To Call The Minister (Rev. Robert Alexander); High Hedge Against Inflation; Fuel For Thought; The Earth Held Hostage! (Charlene A. Richards); Nuclear Freeze Initiative; Unique Mexican Seafood Restaurant (Casablanca); Calling The Question On Bob Wells - Part 3 (Arnold Springer); Another Nuclear Cover Up; "Life Line" Cut? (Christopher Toussaint); Politics for a New Age (Christopher Toussaint); Community Events; Season's Greetings! (Will Raabe); Electromuse (Lee Underwood) 1982 Beachhead #145 - January 1982 - North Beach Plan: Is That All There Is? (Arnold Springer); Nukes On Ice (Ed Pearl); Letters; The New Jewish Question (Lynne Bronstein); Playing The Pavillon (Chris Toussaint); Custodians of the Cosmos; Amerikan Inquisition; sexual obsession: It's In The Script (Paul Kessler); Et Tu, D-2?; 'Reds' in Westwood; 'Reds' in Westwood (Andre Hall);Warren Peace: A Little Red-Beattying (Joan Friedberg); Nuke Notes; Venice 1916 Bathing Suit Parade (Arnold Springer); Poem: Obituary: Maria Placenta - Midwife (Luis Campos), Calling The Last Question On Bob Wells - Part 4 (Arnold Springer); Community Events; Eat Your Vegetables; Our Ears Are Now In Excellent Condition (Will Raabe) Beachhead #146 - February 1982 - El Salvador March Photos (Peter Kelly); A Plan to...Resist the Draft! (memphis slim); nobody's perfect (P.G. Muchmor); Letters; Consciousness (P)raised; Letter: "a sinner in the hands of an angry god" (Robert Greenfield); An American Radical Revisited (Ethel Shapiro - Bertolini); heroes -- and zeroes (Kent Harber); 'Reds' Reread (Barbara-Jo Osborne); C.E.D. stands for what?; Pagoda Kidnap! (T. Vestal); the State of Real Estate (Arnold Springer); Poetry: A Note on the Late Election (Tom McGrath); Mean Events (Pablo Neruda); The Pause (ADSLA); breaking through (daniel biskar); Grey Panther Confession (G. Ridley); The Commandments (Gustave Ridley); On the Brink of Revolution; A Band Called Sam: Caught in the Act (Juke Joint Dave); Letter: More to Muchmor (Moe Stavnezer); Eat, Drink, Demonstrate; Milking Profits from Babies; Co-op Consciousness; Community Events; Overtones (Will Raabe) Beachhead #147 - March 1982 - No More Potatoes: Over Easy And Out (Moe Stavnezer); International Women's Day March For Peace (Charlene Richards); Letters; Venetian Fights Deportation; First They Did It With Zorro..And Now...Robin Hood (Sally Myers); Loans For Homes; The Russians Are Coming To NBC (Jefferson Cohen); Nuclear Navy Fatherless; Movie Ms.Fires (Moe Stavnezer); American Boys to be Prosecuted; Book Review: Mayan Night (Lynne Bronstein); Sharpeville Massacre Remembered (Chris Navarro); Factwino Flies to Venice (Carol Fondiller); ART SHARK ACED OUT (Rich Mann); Animated Abuse of Women (Carolyn Owen Rios); U.S. Threatened; Uncle Sam Thanks You (Loretta Nose); Community Events, Full Of Life: Why Be A Vegetarian?; Overtones Beachhead # 148 - April 1982 - Split-ting Up Venice: Venice in the Fast Lane (Arnold Springer); Venice Drawn & Quartered (Moe Stavnezer); Letters; Westside Food Bank; Gimme Shelter (Wendell Jones); Plus Ca Change, Plus C'est La Meme Chose (Arnold Springer); Govt. Got Your Number? (Chris Robinson); Organizing At Ground Zero (Andrew Liberman); Kids 1: Landlords 0 (David Pettit); Klan Destine Power; Guatemala's Machine Gun Democracy (memphis slim); In the Sun: El Salvador Walk-A-Thon (Lynne Bronstein); Extended Benefits For Bosses; Pesticide Peril (Diane Schadad); Disco Biscuits; ripped off, towed away (K.S. Lewis); Community Events; Star Not Afar (Jeri F. Roth); Overtones (Will Raabe) Beachhead #149 - May 1982 - Union Busting at the Venice Post Office? (John J. Gwozdz); Mayday! Mayday!; Letters; Beachhead (No Longer) Ignores Inflation; Band Called Sam to play Beachhead Benefit; Laughter in Mime Time (P.G. Muchmor); The People's Paper Chase; From King David to Camp David (Andre Hall); A Call to Resist; War Victim Writes Reagan (Rosa Acosta L.); Forked Tongue Strikes Again; The Autistic Minority (Annette F. Robinson); Community Events; Dusan Bogdanovic at Comeback Inn; Overtones (Will Raabe) Beachhead #150 - June 1982 - Pigrimage For Peace: Escape From Ground Zero (Phil Chamberlin); Unemployment Blues (Rozinkhes Mit Mandlen); Letters; Hayden & Hampton: primary issues (Moe Stavnezer); bi coastal art works (Wendy Dishman); Parasites Cash In (Elizabeth Brody); ERA Countdown: Will Women Win? (Joan Friedberg); woman raped, landlord pays; Money Talks -Reagan Eats It (Arnold Springer); Chemical War Against Cuba (Chris Robinson); Socialist Reunification of Mexico; Tallulah and friend (Filis Frederick); Money: A Big A$$et; Community Events; Blues Fest; Garden Concerts at Comeback Inn (Jill Tailor) Beachhead #151 - July 1982 - Dividing Venice: Crime & Racism (Jim Smith); L.A. Game Plans (Arnold Springer); Yellow Thunder on the Black Hills; Bob Avakian Cops A Plea (memphis slim); Letters; Tongue in Chic (Lynne Bronstein); Studying the Logic of Venice (Moe Stavnezer); Wheat's Up, Doc? (Arnold Springer); Fina's Rising (Elizabeth Elder); Polaroid Paintings: David Hockney (William Littman); Gay Robin Merry Made (Brian Rothstein); peace is disarming: Take the Toys From The Boys (Mary Lou Johnson); Moveable Peace (Marc Wagner); What Price Peace? (memphis slim); Tacky Tactics (Moe Stavnezer); Brink's Captive Tortured; Klan Exposed: Off The Sheets; Community Events; Giving Birth At Home (Cathie Morales) Beachhead #152 - August 1982 - Hands Off Lebanon Hands Off Santa Monica (memphis slim & Moe Stavnezer); Tenant Center Seeks Action (Moe Stavnezer); Letters; Target L.A. (Linda Mitchell & Jeff Cohen); We Get Responses: Returned Raps; Take Back the Night At the Fox (Moe Stavnezer & Dora Ashford); Palms go round & round (Joseph V. Partansky); Mel's Vine (Mel Levine); Anti-Harassment Bill Passes; JDL: In Defense of Whom (Mario Kincaid); Poetry: An Impression At An Alaskan Port (G. Barchenger); What Is To Be Done (the Grey Panther); Taking Care of Baby Business (Cathie Morales); Confessions of a Coffee Junkie (Gentry Rose Davis); Federation Fumes: Invasion Scored (Edwin Pearl); Community Events; Overtones; Synthonic Visions Beachhead #153 - September 1982 - People Protest "Celluloid Vileness" (Daniele LeCroy); A Word From The Sponsor (Jay Levin); VOP Veggies Velcome in Venice (Michael Weisley); John and Martha and Carla and Tom and Jane and Carol (Carol Fondiller); Call Activist Hotline (Jerry Rubin); Post-Nuclear Post Office; Poetry: time does not wait (Rick Davidson); How To Become A Guru (G. Ridley); untitled (memphis slim); Call It Home (Don Lou); Wednesday Night (Daniel Kramer); Not Too Fast Madonna (lyn lifshin); Photo by Diana Spears; Privacy: a two-way street (Dave Brown); Medi-Cal Cuts (Moe Stavnezer); Canal Defeated (Ronald Robie); Conservation Urged (Tom Jensen); Mutterings From memphis (memphis slim); Marinoids Miffed: Seniors Gain Housing (Moe Stavnezer); Community Events Beachhead #154 - October 1982 - "Women of the Year: Barbara Avedon, Clare Falkenstein (Arnold Springer); Letters; "Washington Squares": Radford's Erection (Carol Fondiller); Appealus Interruptus (Moe Stavnezer); "Home Grown Violence"; "Bankers Break Peso" (Sharon Karcher); Feminism According to 'Garp' (Lynne Bronstein); Mime Troupe Tangos Again (Alisa Beaton); Poetry: just one more war (rick davidson); My Waitress (Israel I. Halpern); untitled (Andrew Von Sonn); The Mystery of the Antique Shop (Wiley Carter); untitled (John W. Hinckley); "Sewers, Strips and Laundry" (Arnold Springer); Arnold Eats A Cookie; "Yasser, That's My Hayden" (Douglas Appel); Joan's Grecian Column (Joan Friedberg); Community Events; Lennon's Birthday; Wayne Johnson at the Comeback Inn Beachhead #155 - November 1982 - Freeze The Big One (Ruth Galanter); Jim Congdon -1948 - 1982 (Fonda-Bonardi, Rios, Moster); Letters: Another Satisfied Customer; Grin and Bear It (Moe Stavnezer); Waiting For Audet (Moe Stavnezer); Supporting Hayden; Scratchings From The Jock (memphis slim); Florence McDonald for State Controller; Jack Hampton P&F; Peace & Freedom Party is Back! (John Haag); Take My Initiatives, Please (Jeff Cohen); Poem: untitled (Jim Congdon); Moe recalls Jim Congdon; Imagine (Lynne Bronstein); TheBallad of Gregorio Cortez (Lindsey R. Haley), Arnold on Reds, Kidnaped On The Beach : The Ordeal of Maxine Mann (T.P. Stamp); Heah Cum Da Judge (Elizabeth Elder); Marylou for Queen; The Lure of Hamburger Heaven; Supreme Court (Jeff Cohen); Community Events; Arco Iris Jubilee at Comeback Inn Beachhead #156 - December 1982 - Droppings from the Throne (Mary Lou Johnson); Reagan's Christmas Carol (Lynne Bronstein); Letters; A Tale of Two Drugs (Jack Rezenvats); Marina By-Pass Keeps On Truckin (Challis MacPherson); Meet Mr. Bomb!; Rapacious Moguls; Peace On You (Jerry Rubin); Thanks Hank's; His Lot In Life (John F. M. Lawson); Poetry: The Real Thing (Dennis Holt); something's wrong with peggy (A.J. Wright); Next, Please (Rob Libertell); untitled (Ruth Clark); Refraction (Dennis Bolt); "Let It Be"; Venetians At The Polls: Swimming Against The Tide; P&F: Breaking Out is Hard to Do (John Haag); Venice Theatre Project Thrives; Ronnie's Remnants; Community Events; Comeback Inn Calendar 1983 Beachhead #157 - January 1983 - Rand on the Rampage (Ron Newman); P & F Picking Up Steam (John Haag); Ruby Reminisces; Letters; Community Casting Call (Robert Shipp); Authorities Investigate Theft at Newspaper; Police Red Squad Rising (memphis slim); No Beach Plan: Going Down on Venice (Moe Stavnezer); Islands in the Scum; Duke of Oil (Moe Stavnezer); Mozart at the Schubert (memphis slim); Ballad of Slavin' David (Ellen Deutschman); Changing Venice: Community or Commodity (Wendell Jones); Palestinians After Lebanon (Ted Hajjar); Poem: Moments of Anguish (Andre Hall); Gunning For Prosperity (S.E. Mendelson); In Defense of Boxing (memphis slim); Community Events; Comeback Inn Calendar Beachhead #158 - February 1983 - Bypass Surgery; "Please Mr. Reagan Blues" (Moe Stavnezer);Lyrics: "Please Mr. Reagan Blues" (Sam Taylor); Graphic: The World According to Ronald Reagan; Letters; Park a Car, Go to Jail (John Haag); Comic: The Adventures of Undercover Bum (Ken Sparks); Magnificent Seven (John Haag); Big Blue Bust (Westside Unemployed Council); 20 - 20 Plan: A Puerto Rican Wasteland (Suzanne Mills); Film Review: Gandhi (Howard Ryan); Stray Dogs and Sinners (Jerry A. Sierra); Philomene Long: Her Luminous Dance (J.D. Bacharach); "What if my whole Life has really been wrong? (Lynne Bronstein); Rich Mann's Poor Venice: North Beach 90291; Gil Scott Heron: Dawn of a New Day; The George Washington Monument (Charles A. Williamson); Playing the Powerhouse (Elizabeth Elder); Mideast Alliance Progresses; A Dog's Life: Piss on Venice (Libre & memphis slim); Steal This Escargot (High Times reprint); Jennie Low Gives Good Szechuan (Elizabeth Elder); Persistence Pays (Teresita Vestal); Community Events; Synthonic Visions (James C. Hovey) Beachhead #159 - March 1983 - From Wetlands to Wet Dreams: Playland For The Rich (Moe Stavnezer); How To Survive Without A Salary (Elizabeth Elder); Letters; Comic: The Adventures of Undercover Bum (Ken Sparks); Lou Stands Pat: Simpson For City Council (John Haag); Evictions Halted - Rand Reprieve (Ron Newman); Wallflower Order Dance Collective; Women's Day Demo.; Body Art Feminist Performance; Stop The Marina Bypass; All Punked Up (Lynne Bronstein); The Arts Surround Us (Moe Stavnezer); Community Events; Overtones (James C. Hovey); Comeback Inn Calendar Beachhead #160 - April 1983 - Russell-ing Real Estate (Nattering Nabob); A "Catalyst" Is Born: Small Newspaper Tackles Giant Issues (Joan Friedberg); More Ballona Bologna (Moe Stavnezer); A Brief: People's College of Law (Jeff Cohen); Dr. Simpson's Anti-Russell Tonic (John Haag); This Article Ia A Nuclear-Free Zone (Phil Chamberlin); The Ronald Reagan Synthetic Sea Coast (Bim Jickhart); Venice: Babble-On By the Sea (New York Zoftig); Who Name Dropped the Beachhead; Letters; Horror Scope (Casey Dixon); Comic: Undercover Bum (Ken Sparks); Over-Duckulation (Mary Lou Johnson); Babylon By Bus (memphis slim); Poem: untitled (Julia Stein); Play With Your Planet (Jerry Rubin); Profile of Laddie Dill: Painter (Arnold Springer); Community Events; Comeback Inn Calendar Beachhead #161 - May 1983 - Lou Gives Pat: A Run For Her Money (John Haag); Duke Disarms Defense (Moe Stavnezer); Letters; Comic: The Adventures of Undercover Bum (Ken Sparks); Venice Skills Center; Take An Art Walk (Carol Doumani); How Venice Voted; Mime Troupe Returns (Carol Fondiller); Nuclear Sanity : Who's Judging Who? (Phil Chamberlin); Confront Them At Rand-dom (Patty Litwin); The Holiday On Ice (Andre Hall), Babylon By Bus (memphis slim); Windward Volleyball Olympics; Gods-Demons-People (LeAnne & Jay); Poem: Jukebox Afternoon (Bob Libertelli); Greetings From The Wasteland (Jerry A. Sierra); Fear & Loathing in Venice: A Just Anger (T. Daniel Sullivan); What Is The Prime Factor? (Thomas Robischon); Mexicans Speak Out: Land Grab Defended (Suzanne Mills), Salvadoran Sanctuary!, Reactionary Robots: Chipping Away At Our Lives (Nattering Nabob); Peace In El Salvador: A Long Shot (Moe Stavnezer); Community Events; Comeback Inn Calendar Beachhead #162 - June 1983 - A Leak From The Think Tank (Phil Chamberlin); Chee-Wah-Wah Wants You (Beachhead Collective); Letters; Comic: Undercover Bum (Ken Sparks); Book Review: The Frozen Frontier of Richard F. Davidson (Larry Abrams); Showdown At The O.K. Canals; Confessions of an Undercover Bum (T. Daniel Sullivan); Poetry: After the Fire (Julia Stein); The Extent of It (Fritz Hamilton); in the south of the north (A.J. Wright); choice stuff (Sharyl L. Nelms); Surrogate Mama Madonna (Nyn Nifshin); Revolution in Zen (Lynne Bronstein); foolish architecture (Richard Davidson); Identity Crisis (Don James); Greetings From The Wasteland (Jerry A. Sierra); Live Theater: Robin Hood, A-Part-Of-The-Forest-Fable (S.E. Mendelson); Captured In Mexico (Suzanne Mills); Community Events; Algae: Wonder Food! (Jim Hovey); Comeback Inn Calendar Beachhead #163 - July 1983 - West of the Rest: Lots of Hard Luck (Loise Nevelle); Duck Nabber Nabbed (Richard & Eileen Quintana); Eat Your Heart Out: Not For Sale (Moe Stavnezer); Comic: Undercover Bum (Ken Sparks); Peace and Freedom Report (John Haag); Out of Touch: Considering Kindergarten (Thomas Robischon); For Whom The Bill Tolls (Carol Fondiller), Peninsulites Plot Privacy (Moe Stavnezer); The Jaundiced Eye; Hope For The Homeless; People Are Ducks Too (Sweet Baby Jane); Free Venice; On Stage or Off (rick davidson); Getting Clean With Clare; Woo Sues; Community Events; Festival Season Overtones (James C. Hovey) Beachhead #164 - August 1983 - All Black And White: July's Beachfront Riot (Moe Stavnezer); Hiroshima Day, Toronagashi (Mary Lou Johnson); Peace on Our Front (Carol Fondiller); Will The Real Bathhouse Please Rise (Arnold Springer); Slim's Shorts (memphis slim); Poem : Some Thoughts On The Prime Driving Force In My Life (Alan Richard Neal); Big Bomb Diplomacy (Milton Takei); Community Events; Happy Birthday Comeback Inn! Beachhead #165 - September 1983 - Kicking The Habitants (Ann Clayton); Artists Target L.A. (Moe Stavnezer); Letters; A "Hot" Sunday on the Beach; Comic: Undercover Bum (Ken Sparks); Landmark Status For Canals (maryjane); Bill Comes Due (Carol Fondiller); Left is Right: Sculpt-ing A President (John Haag); Largest Ocean Front Property Owner: Werner Scharff "Reclaims" Venice (Arnold Springer); Death Begins in the Colon (Peter Oill); El Salvadorans: What They Don't Know Will Hurt Them (Rick Davidson); Selected Blasphemy (Moe Stavnezer); Letter from Tuum Est, Inc., Community Events, Eat Your Vegetables; Art Exhibit at Comeback Inn, Our Ears Are Now In Excellent Condition (Will Raabe); Eat Your Vegetables (James C. Hovey) Beachhead #166 - October 1983 - Politics in the Post Office: Kafka At The VeniceGate (Jack Nail); Letters; For The Record: Response to Tuum, Est, Inc.; Still Striking After All These Years (Andersen Van Hoy); Beachhead Birthday Party Invite with "A Band Called Sam"; St. Charles Blues (Andre Hall); Serfs Up! (Larry Abrams); Cadillac Hotel (Arnold Springer); The Case Of The Disappearing Benches (Carol Fondiller); A Rude Awakening (Loise Nevelle); Poetry: Living In A Glass Asylum (Rick Davidson); An Aggregation of louts (Maria Telesco); "Zits" (Jerry J. Tobias); Beachhead Poetry Policy; Psychic Fair Predicted (Arnold Springer); Planning For Millions: The Marina Metropolis Moe Stavnezer); You Only Get What You Pay For (Bill Webb); Letters; Community Events Beachhead #167 - November 1983 - Stop Reagan's Wars (Greg Mano); Neighbors Nix Nukes (Phil Chamberlin); Beachhead Memories Wanted; Russell Gets Aide; A University Is Jailed (Rick Davidson); Letters: Carol's HOT!!; Peace & Freedom Reports; Sterilization Breeds Genocide; Support Our Advertisers; Giant Kite Kills Its Maker (Tom F. O'Mara); The Venice Village (Ad); For The Birds: A Tribute to Chee Wah Wah (Nancy VanderVelde); Community Events Beachhead #168 - December 1983 - 15TH BIRTHDAY ISSUE - Defend Venice; Revolutionary Hamburger; Warping in Time; Review: War Is A Racket; Pigs on Horseback; Beachhead - Inside To Out, And Further Out; Stafflocacca; Puke the Little Duke; A Joyous Chee-Wah-Wah to all!!; Community Give Good Beachhead; List of all Collective members; Community Events; The Grenada Grab; Police Story 1984 Beachhead #169 - January 1984 - God is Dead and the World is Crooked (Alice Cramden); The Cost of Malibu (Carol Fondiller); Letters; Pawns Wanted (Joe Maislich); "Oh, 'Fickle' Landmark" (Suzanna Hall); Mendocino Report (Paul Encimer); Photo: Temple of Man; Life in Venice (Mathew Tekulsky); Ballona Wetlands, Summa Wrestling (Moe Stavnezer); Poetry Review: Rhyme Scheme (memphis slim); Poetry: Venice by the Sea; It Rains in Venice (Alia Congdon); High Coo (Susan Packie); Never A Cover (Bob Libertelli); I Saw The Light In Culver City (Alan Richard Neal); A Chinese Phone Call (Bob Libertelli); Science Lesson (Tom Massey), Feeding The Hungry: Venice Christian Community (Elizabeth Elder); Vop-bop-a-lop-bam-boom (Ross Moster); Scrounging Your Next Meal; The Descent From Slavery (Ted Molter); Community Events Beachhead #170 - February 1984 - Paloma Plan: Cadillac or Edsel? (Carol Fondiller); Cadillac Hotel sketch (R, Farrington); Letters; Caging the Wetlands (Moe Stavenezer); We'll Take Manhattan (memphis slim); Dot's All Folks; Code of the 40th President (S.E. Mendelson); A Branded Liar (Revolutionary Insurgents of Planet Earth); LOONEYTUNES (Alice Cramden); A World Without Imperialism; Community Events Beachhead #171 - March 1984 - Parking A Trojan Horse (Moe Stavnezer); Jesse Jackson and the Rainbow Coalition (Ed Spring); Dateline: Upper Volta (Jim Rosellini); Wanted: God, Dead or Alive (J.L. Scott); Letters; Prisoner Personals; Hope From Pope; Primary News (Milton Shiro Takei); Graphic (Akwesasne News); Operation Greylord (Franklin Burke); The Homeless Economy (Rhonda Ridabot); The Kite Festival (Mathew Tekulsky); The Piscean (Suzanna Hall); Community Events Beachhead #172 - April 1984 - Trojan Horseplay (Moe Stavnezer); Venice Veggies (Arnold Springer); Southern Pacific Railroads Venice (Arnold Springer); Shady Business on Washington (Paul D. Freedman); Letters; Memorial Service For Homeless Dead (Mary Lou Johnson); Provisional Govt. Proposed: Dateline San Salvador (Rick Davidson); Peace on the Pentagon (memphis slim), A Taxless Proposal; The Jaundiced Eye; Lord of the Rings (Arnold Springer); Mocha Clowns (Agnes Moorhead); Home, Home, On The Mall (Alice Cramden); Pandomoanium (Carol Fondiller); Stop Diablo Canyon petition; Independence for Puerto Rico (Suzanne Mills); Rent Control (Eileen Lipson); Community Events Beachhead #173 - May 1984 - Is The Beachhead Camp? (Carol Fondiller); The Beachhead Condition: Community Meeting Called; Morrie Rosen profile: a mitzan among us (Lance Diskan); movin on up, 25 Years of Agit-Prop (Carol Fondiller); Sam Splits (A. Springer); No Aid for AIDS (Sandy Blixton); U.S. Occupation: Planet Earth and Beyond (memphis slim); Central American Brainwash (excerpt from The Guardian); U.S. - Nicaragua - People to People; Nixing Bucks for El Salvador; Community Events Beachhead #174 - June 1984 - Pavilion Date With Fate (J. Solomon); Pavilion graphic (Jeannie White); Letters; Buckminster Fuller Dome Party (Glenn Hopkins); What Do You Mean, There is No Editor? (Moe Stavnezer); First West Washington Festival (John Kertis); Collage poster Venice Festival; Come Alive on June 5th (Moe Stavnezer); Fascist Network in Southland (The Public Eye reprint); Imperialist Juggernaut Rolls On (A. Springer); RTD Bussing Out (Moe Stavnezer); The Deane Dana Desert (Raphael); Baby Boomers Bomb Out (Alice Cramden); Primary Report (Ballot meeting excerpts); Community Events Beachhead #175 - July 1984 - Pavilion: Use It or Lose It: Pavilion Stirs Council (Janet Solomon); Fables and Foibles; Letters; CP Writes Beachhead; Tall Stories from Zanja: Between "The Rock" and a Hard Place (Moe Stavnezer); Lance Diskan Q & A Ken Kesey; The Longest Run; Jim Thorpe: All-American; The Last Olympics (memphis slim); Recalled Cadillac (Moe Stavnezer); The Electric Cafe (Moe Stavnezer); Festival A Success (Acting Mayor Emeritus); Community Events Beachhead #176 - August 1984 - Venice Land-Rush Continues (Moe Stavnezer); Olympics Hurdle Venice (Kabit Carter); Letters; VTC Update; Beachhead Expands; Political Oil slick On Local Beaches (Jeanne Calderon); Neighbors Move on RTD (Pat McCartney); School of Many Facets (Kabir Carter); From Need to Greed: A Political Odyssey (Alice Cramden); No Help For Jean - life on the streets (Jim Conn); Gays in Cuba: Film Review: Improper Conduct (Sandy Blixton); Poem: Plant Hell (Emilie Glen); Commercial Art: a book review (Jennifer Pirie); African Films in Venice (memphis slim); Editorial: Defend Venice!; Iconic Photo: Defend Venice! (Richard Mackson); Activism and affirmation (Beachhead Collective); Poetry: Sounds of Summer; O.F.W. (Ruth Clark); PCV Blues (Bob Rivkin); dump truck (Sheryl L. Nelms); The Peace Generation (Jeff Cohen); Photo (Rich Mann); Community Events Beachhead #177 - September 1984 - Pavilion Power Play Exposed (Carol Fondiller); Santa Monica Nuke Busters (Moe Stavnezer); Venice Blvd. Homes Threatened (Moe Stavnezer); How Venice Voted; Beachhead Apology; Letters; Artists Against Apartheid (Carol Thompson); West Bank: Cowboys and Arabs (memphis slim); Housing For People: Not Profit (Karin Pally); Texas Oil Co. Plans Venice Drilling (Patrick McCartney); Commie Busters : The Dark Night Before "Red Dawn" Jennifer Pirie); L.A. Shuns Walking Wounded (Patrick McCartney); A Time For Living (Gregory Boyd); Community Events Beachhead #178 - October 1984 - Sea Spray Apts Shell Game (Arnold Springer); Nicaragua : Pro and Contra (Mark Rosenbaum), Static on KPFK (Brian Stokes), Letters, No on Prop. 41 (Sandy Blixton), Graphic : Rosie Renter, An American Story (Sandy Blixton), Amerika's First Couple Contest, Infighting Racks PFP (Rick Davidson), Resurgence of the Right (Carol Fondiller), Film Review : The Gods Must Be Crazy (memphis slim), Cheap Eats in Venice (Essie La Fresseur de la Yenta), Children's Peace Ballot (Jerry and Marissa Rubin), Community Events Beachhead #179 - November 1984 - Damson Oil Ducks Permits (Patrick McCartney), America and Armageddon (Alice Cramden); Old Developments (Moe Stavnezer); Letters; Not A Good Cut-Up (Ruth Galanter); "Keeping Some Poor Bastard Warm" (Agatha Aekshun); Renters, Gays Seek Own City (memphis slim); Reaganism Feeds Ultra-Right Forces; The Greater Evil (Moe Stavnezer); The Party's Not Over (Carol Fondiller); P & F Election Nominees; Ballot Recommendations; KPFK Benefit; "burp" (Brian Stokes); Home Jerk Office (Bob Rivkin); Comic: Feiffer (Jules Feiffer); Rainbow Shines For Mondale (Andre Hall); Community Events Beachhead #180 - December 1984 - Archers of the Poor (Jennifer Pirie); KPFK Stayin' Alive (Carol Fondiller); Letters; KPFK Winterfaire; Commission Gives Damson 3 Wells (Patrick McCartney); Metro Rail-Roads Tenants (Samuel Schiffer); Dateline: Central America (memphis slim); Poetry Review: The Unsung Angel Sings Back (Lynne Bronstein);Venetian in Venice...Italy (Jeff Cohen); Best Buzzes in Venice: Caffeine Junkies Unite (Essie La Fresseur de la Yenta); Miracle On Ocean Front Walk: 'Circles' Straightens Out (Patrick McCartney); Exclusive: Beachhead Secrets Exposed (Moe Stavnezer); Reagan's Death Star (memphis slim); Community Events 1985 Beachhead #181 - January 1985 - Prudential Plans Shady Affair (Moe Stavnezer); Neighbor Reacts to Market St. Fire (Diane Nickerson); Letters; Homeless: Helped or Hyped? (Patrick McCartney); Talking About Israel (Jennifer Pirie); Venice Bars: Quest For The Cosmic Quaff (memphis slim); Eating Out: Chomp, Chomp, Burp, Burp.... (Essie La Fresseur de La Yenta); Comic: Barnyard Fun (Gerald Murphy); Poetry: The Drooling Dervish (Grey Panther); Tricked (John J. Soldo); Redemption A La Lafitte (Tom Massey); The Party (lyn lifshin); No Worry (Fritz Hamilton); Playing Daddy (Austin Strauss); The Teacher-Disciple (Susan Packie); He-e-r-e-'s Johnny (Ridley); untitled (Sheryl L. Nelms); Holocaust (Ronald Edward Kittell); untitled (Sheryl L. Nelms); Eco-Los Angeles (Pim); Community Events Beachhead #182 - February 1985 - Million Dollar Venice Ripoff (Patrick McCartney); Letters; PFP Locals Enter City Fray (John Haag); Beachhead St. Patrick's Day Dance with A Band Called Sam; 70 Years In Venice: Temple Mishkon Tephilo's Big Celebration (Arnold Springer); L.A. Peace Directory; How Venice Voted; Community Events; Comeback Inn Calendar Beachhead #183 - March 1985 - Victim of Violence (Elaine Damrosch); Urban Terrorist Revealed (Jim Prickett); Wombs: Property of the State? (Carol Fondiller); Letters; Poetry: Yali (Michael Cowan); For David at 2:00 in the morning (Lisa Dee-Howell); untitled (Lisa Dee-Howell); Butcher of Beirut (memphis slim); High Tech Killing (Moe Stavnezer); Revolution and "The Killing Fields" (Patrick McCartney); PFP: Elections and Lawsuits (John Haag); Of Eyesores and Band-Aids (B. Biarro); People's Court; Building For Earth Day (Jerry Rubin); VTC Update (Shannon Wood); Stop The Swap (Moe Stavnezer); Comic: Proliferation Update (Pete Savino); Krassner in Venice (Lance Diskan); Gardens Plotted (Maryjane Kwan); Cosmic Gardens (Paul Glover); Puerto-Rican Hero (1908-1985): Juan Antonio Corretjer (Bob Wells); Political How To (Shannon Wood); Community Events Beachhead #184 - April 1985 - Pre-Planned Traffic Jam (Moe Stavnezer); Double Disaster For Venice Homeless (Patrick McCartney); Letter; Comic: Hero Dog; Play A Part in History (John Haag); Venetians Run (Moe Stavnezer); Dancin' in the Dark (Lois L.); Last Chance Poisoned (Cassandra Salamagundi); Homeless Conference: Questions Evaded (Sheila Garden); Poetry: Beer (Gerald Locklin); Community Events Beachhead #185 - May 1985 - Mutants Uber Alles (John Dover); Parks Wreck Venice Party (Patrick McCartney); Letters; Letter To Safeway (Charles E. Bloomquist); Free At Last; Help Us Pass Out The Beachhead; Love Me, I'm A Liberal? (Jeff Cohen); Political Cartoon (Pete Savino); PFP Candidate Wins 35% (John Haag); Vendors: Sold Out? (Carol Fondiller); Clair Horner: The Venice Sideshow (Carol Fondiller); History Is....& Property (Patrick McCartney); Drawing: People of Venice (Bob Farrington); Straight From The Heart (Dawn Deleon); Drawing: Venice Circle (Pete Savino); Straight Thru The Heart (Moe Stavnezer); Memories of Envar (Patrick McCartney); Cap Cops Big Chill (Recon News); Pornography and the Law: Fit To Be Tried (Moe Stavnezer); chozzerai (Essie La Fresseur de la Yenta); Poetry: Getting Friendly with Indian Sam (Fritz Hamilton); untitled (unknown); The U.S. War Against Nicaragua (Joe Maizlish); Comeback Inn Calendar; Charity Begins At Home Also (Dolly Pennilessy); Community Events Beachhead #186 - June 1985 - Terror in the City (John Haag); Springtime in Bitburg (Jim Prickett); Locking Horns on Gridlock (Cheri Leslie); Letters; The Christmas Story: Chapter XI (Carol Fondiller); Anna Haag party at Townhouse; "Mutants": Another View (E.S. Bertolini); Cleaning Ballona Lagoon (Iylene Weiss); Weakly Bleeder (John Dover); Underrated Virtues (Patrick McCartney); Back in the Belly of the Beast (Alice Cramden); Sixteen Years of Struggle: Brigada Venceremos (memphis slim); Westside CISPES Walkathon; A Nation Bent on Suicide (excerpt from The Defense Monitor); Diane Watches TV (Diane Nickerson); Poem: Not A Sonnet (Don James), untitled (Don Meyerowitz); The Weatherman Comedy Show (Hazel Hazzard); All Saints' Callboard; Heart to Heart (Mike Kidder & Dawn Deleon); Community Events Beachhead #186 - July 1985 - Venice, the Eternal Carnival (Patrick McCartney); American Hostages: Unofficial Soldiers (memphis slim); Our Floundering Fathers (Jim Prickett); Letters; Politics near & far (John Haag); Jeffrey Stanton's Venice Map (Moe Stavnezer); Poetry: Venice Beach (Don Johns); Venice '85 (Ruth Clark); Panoramas Trunk (Andy Castro); Venice As Mecca, or Jerusalem (John Haag); Happy Birthday Venice (Tina Corcoran); La Ballona: Once Upon A Time in Venice (Arnold Springer); Do you know what you do George Lenney: Closing of the Lafayette Restaurant (V. Merriam); Moe Stavnezer & Friend's Venice Quiz; Nuclear Double Talk (Andrew Liberman); Venice Beach: and now a word from our sponsors (Carol Fondiller); Drawing: Pete Savino, Community Events; Weekly Walking Tour of Venice (Paul Glover) Beachhead #187 - August 1985 - St. Joe's Forced To Close (Patrick McCartney); Radioactive Politics (Jim Prickett); Letters, Vote on Transportation Plan: Public Comment Excluded?; Another 'Trail of Tears': Big Mountain Relocation (John Haag); Cookin' With Charlie (Joan Del Monte); Tears Are Not Enough (Rick Davidson); Stay Out of Jail, Inc. (Geriatric Jack); Culture Vultures Left For Dead: On Venice (Moe Stavnezer); Photos: Closing of the Lafayette Cafe (Rick Sinatra); A crock at the end of the 'Rambo' (Jim Prickett); Pro on Contra?: Levine to explain vote (Andy Lieberman); Weatherman Comedy Show (Hazel Hazzard); After The Party....A New Way to Help the Hungry (Sherri Ashman); Comeback Inn Calendar; Community Events Beachhead #188 - September 1985 - Poverty Solution L.A. Style: Durban Removal (Carol Fondiller); Homeless Yuppies (Moe Stavnezer); Letters; Our Dinner with Ronnie (Diane Nickerson); Rand-dom Arrests: No Business As Usual (Carol Fondiller); A Swift Solution (Geriatric Jack); Entrant of Venice Quiz Wins!; Vendors Sold-out (Boston Blackie); LIP meets 'Heads; Life On A Leash (Libre Leibchin as told to memphis slim); Welcome to Illyria (Carol Fondiller); Our Final Report: Citizen Bertolini (Ethel S. Bertolini); Safran Rising (Jim Bickhart); Community Events Beachhead #189 - October 1985 - Ducks Dumped in Canal Caper (Carol Fondiller); The Wolf is at the Door (Moe Stavnezer); Letters; Beauty is in the Eye of the Advertiser (Lynne Bronstein); The Night Stalker and the Contras (Peace Hallucination News Service); Parking in Venice: Spark's Lament Patrick McCartney); Corridor Plan Passes (Patrick McCartney); Up Bill's Alley (Laurie Ochoa); Bits and Pieces (Geriatric Jack); munchin' down and out (Essie La Fresseur de la Yenta); Review: "Kerouac" (Carol Fondiller); Police State on Venice Beach ('Unicorn'); Weatherman Takes To Sky (Harriet Hazzard); The Yuppies Are Coming x2 (Moe Stavnezer); Ark Lost on Venice Beach: This Bud's for You (Tim); Comeback Inn Calendar; Community Events Beachhead #190 - November 1985 - Honky Hideaway (Natalie Smith); KCRW Rapped: SM Students Fight Apartheid (Roswell Page); Letters; El Salvador: Death From Above (Andre Hall); Stop Bombing El Salvador petition; "We Swore We'd Remember" (Jim Pritchett); Pax Trendiana (Carol Fondiller); Auto Miserables (Patrick McCartney); Up the River to Grandma's House "Wayte-ing in Whittier?" (Andrew Lieberman); Piracy By Any Other Name (memphis slim); Relevant Rock Writer (Moe Stavnezer); C-Section Racket Exposed (Moe Stavnezer); Community Events Beachhead #192 - December 1985 - Parking Scam Exposed: Tow for the Gold (Patrick McCartney); God Changes Mind (Tim Stephens); Letters; Apartheid's Phony Reforms (John Sang); Rollin' Over Rock 'n' Roll (Moe Stavnezer); Violence is Violence: Women Human, LAPD Told; Santa Monica Bay: The Toilet Bowl We Swim in (Moe Stavnezer); Central America: Reasons for Revolution (Jim Pritckett); Photo Portraits of the Homeless of Venice Beach (Lynne Warberg); Sicker under Reagan: Stretched to the Limit (Fern Seizer); Cheap Shots (memphis slim); Poem: Little Chapel of the Speedway (M.W. Lindenmeyer); Gentrificator Runs Amok: Sunset Pagoda Greenwashed (Robert Kocchiu); It Makes Me Wanna Live in Moldavia (Diane Nickerson); Review: Happy Endings (Patrick McCartney); Review: "cash crop" (Carol Fondiller); Big Mountain: Lobbying for Justice; Bits 'n' Pieces (Geriatric Jack); Read my Lips--No More War (Andy Markley); Prole Food (Essie la Fresseur de la Yenta); Where 'Head Can Be Had; Water and Energy Theft; Community Events; Thomas 'Hot Dog' Menu 1986 Beachhead #193 - January 1986 - VII Professionals to Direct Venice (John Haag); Tiny Tim Politics (Carol Fondiller); KCRW Stonewalls Sun City Connection (Roswell Page); Letters; Beachhead Metamorphosis; Now You Too Can Support The Beachhead (memphis slim); Exclusive: Beachhead Secrets Exposed (Moe Stavnezer); Merchant of Venice Restaurant (full page ad); No Park On Park (Carol Fondiller); Roses and Thorns (Patrick McCartney); Peninsula Parking: A Step Forward (Meri Albright); Poem: A Sad Song - For Rosie (Tina Corcoran); Peace and Freedom Campaign 86: Cons by Pros (Moe Stavnezer); Poetry: I only write love poems; From the Halls of Montezuma...; Nobody (Julia Stein); Christmas in Review: Two Weeks To Be Nice (Diane Nickerson); Discount Commandments (Tim); Community Events Beachhead #194 - February 1986 - Town Council Sues Over Hughes (Moe Stavnezer); Bradbury to Speak: Death in Venice (Joan Del Monte); Letters; P & F Locals Announce Candidacy; Canal Controversy Continues: To Dredge is Divine (Carol Fondiller); So Happy Apart (Jim Prickett); Prole Food (Essie La Fressuer de la Yenta); Confessions of a Male Spinster (Patrick McCartney); Community Events Beachhead #195 - March 1986 - Premature Excavation: City Jumps Gun (Mary Lou Johnson); City Hall Redux; Rain Dance Successful (Carol Fondiller); Letters; P & F Open New Office; Why I'm a Criminal Now (Carol); Radicals Reunion (Arnold Springer); Prole Art (Eddie O'Goy); History Comes to Venice (Patrick McCartney); Community Events Beachhead #196 - April 1986 - Ocean Shlock Walk (Patrick McCartney); An Encounter with the Thought Police (Jim Prickett); Letters; Swim Club Takes Plunge; Spaceship Earth (Alice Cramden); Women Will Decide Their Fate (Diane Nickerson); Walkstreet Chronicles (Laura Stewart); Nicaragua: Help Build, Not Destroy (Rick Davidson); U.S. Out of Central America, No Guts on the Left (memphis slim); Authoritarianism Si, Totalitarianism No (Alice Cramden); American Druid Monitor (Tim O'Moody); Propeller (Joan Del Monte); Charity Begins at Home (James Riley); P & F Party: Off To a Good Start, Bits and Pieces (Geriatric Jack); Community Events Beachhead #197 - May 1986 - Is Hana Qaddafi a Terrorist? (Jim Prickett); Another Miracle (Geriatric Jack); Thanks to B.A.N.A.!; Letters; Remember You're Only Four Years Old..." (Suzanne Thompson), Short Shots (memphis slim); Volunteers Make the Best Slaves (Join the Beachhead!); Dr. Spock Visits Venice (Kelly Ball); P&F Candidates Meet the Press (Kelly Ball); Confessions of an Urban Paranoid (Carol Fondiller); American Hostages: Unofficial Soldiers (memphis slim); Bucks Not Bats a Burn? (Jim Pritckett); A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Ball Game (memphis slim); On Being 'Legitimate' (Rick Davidson); Graphic (Amelia America); Poem: March 29, 1986 (Kelly Ball); Art Against Apartheid (Moe Stavnezer); Bits and Pieces (Geriatric Jack); Call for Artists (Susan Weinberg); Movie Review: Pretty in Pink : One For The Have-Nots (Lynne Bronstein); Your Druidscope for May (Tim, Druid, & Stargazer); Rick Nelson Wake; Poem: talking to myself or ha, ha, ha (Rick); Community Events Beachhead #198 - June 1986 - Secrets of a Candidate; Summa Russelling (Moe Stavnezer); Letters; Canal Restoration petition; Pain and Suffering (Geriatric Jack); Propositions (Geriatric Jack); Leader of the VAC Pack (Moe Stavnezer); Great Peace Marches Do Not Die (Frank Holmgren); "Can You See the Bones in Your Arm?" (L.A.Sue); Rick Nelson Way : Renaming of O.F.W. (Druid Tim); I'd Walk a Mile for Art (Eddie O'Goy); Dark Visions (memphis slim); Odds 'n' Ends (Carol Fondiller); My Breakfast With Mel (Diane Nickerson); Bits 'n' Pieces (Geriatric Jack); Someday My Frog Will Come (Mary Hunter); Venice Summer Festival; Community Events Beachhead #199 - July 1986 - Fresh Air With Pearl (Kelly Ball); Poem: No More 'Shabby Chic'; Letters: Lola Opinionola; Growing Up Homeless (Mark); Thanx! Got A Minute? (Francis S. Strasser); Yo, Venice! (Jeanne Costello); Gregg Writes (Philip Gregg); Zoning Appeals (Patricia Grenfield); Dateline Watsonville: Workers Can Cops (Natalie Smith); Poem: Good Ship America; SRO at Russell Roast (Moe Stavnezer); Peninsula Parking Plan (Kate Keeling), Help! (memphis slim); Alert! Alert! Alert! (Diane Nickerson); Guitar Dan Murdered (Carol Fondiller); The Greening of P & F (John Haag); Venice Plans (Moe Stavnezer); Peace Marches East (Joni); Can You Live on $228 a Month? (Sheila Garden); Carecen; Holocaust in the Americas: Eyewitness to Horror (Roberto "Tito" Kocchu); Community Events Beachhead #200 - August 1986 - 'Probable Cause' (Carol Fondiller); Part Two: I Am Not a Criminal (Carol); We Get Letters; Ozone Protection Association; Bubble Man - Ex-Beachhead Staffer, Dies; Peace Marches On (Frank Holmgren); Carcinogens at the Cleaners (Moe Stavnezer); Hair-Do Education (Victor Wightman); Single-ing Out Good Dinners (Lynne Bronstein); Dueling Sprouts (Kelly Ball & memphis slim); Heil Liberty! (Alice Cramden); P & F Convention This Month! (John Haag); Cartoon: Feiffer (Jules Feiffer); Who's Safe Now? (memphis slim); Poetry: The Plight of the Stumblebee (Don Johns); Shooting Star (G.S. Gulliksen); And They Call Us the Kooks (Kelly Ball); Hiroshima/Nagasaki Commemoration; Community Events Beachhead #201 - September 1986 - Venice Median Trap (Patrick McCartney); U.S. Out of Central America (Jim Prickett); Letters; Poem: Summer Sunday (Mary Jane); Sex, Drugs, & Rock 'n' Roll (Moe Stavnezer); Auschwitz Triggers Discussions (Victor Wightman); Poem: Jay Janus Jamieson Tribute: Photo of Bubbleman (Roderick mann); The Loneliest Number (Victor Wightman), Bits and Pieces (Geriatric Jack); Community Events Beachhead #202 - October 1986 - The Anti-Bird Campaign: An Attack on Justice (Jim Bickhart & Moe Stavnezer), President as Pusher (Jim Prickett); Poem (Tina Corcoran); Letters; Jeremy Coon: Local Realist (Kelly Ball), Thirty Seconds Over Venice (Patrick McCartney); Haag For Controller (Diane Nickerson); Prop 61: Impending Disaster (memphis slim); Peace Journeys East (Frank Holmgren); Censorship Uber Alles: "Groszness in Amerika" (Victor Wightman); Prop U and Us (Patrick McCartney); Nuke Rattle & Roll (C.A. Sue); Divine Madness (Nelson J. Schwartz); Community Events; Make Your Vote Count: Vote P & F, Telling It Like It Is; Carol Berman for 44th Assembly District!; Election Propositions Beachhead #203 - November 1986 - Prophecy as Policy : Holy Moly! (Alice Cramden), Eden Out : What About the Sculpture Gardens? (Diane Nickerson), Letters, Creeps 'R' Us (Kelly Ball), The Unmaking of a Candidate (memphis slim), Plucking the Bird, Bits 'n' Pieces (Geriatric Jack), Comic : Zippy the Pinhead (Bill Griffith), Rags & Tags & Rags (Carol Fondiller), You Can Fight City Hall (Geriatric Jack), Poetry : Chorus (George Gott), Wet Avenue Madonna (Lyn Lifshin), Desert Madonna (Lyn Lifshin), untitled (Philip Wallace Gregg), Prole Food : Chain of Foods (Essie La Fresseur de la Yenta), Peace March Targets D.C. (Frank Holmgren), Community Events Beachhead #204 - December 1986 - Karma, Kapitalism and Korruption; rapping it up (Carol Fondiller); correction: What About the Sculpture Gardens; Letters; Why I am Not a Patriot (Patrick McCartney), Boston Pee Party (Darryl Cherney); Bits 'n' Pieces (Geriatric Jack); U and You (Geriatric Jack); PFP Shows New Vigor (Diane Nickerson), Ballot Blues (Geriatric Jack), Making Prop U Work (Ethel Selvester); Congratulations Peace City! (Frank Holmgren); thoughts on peace march (Carol Fondiller); Eviction on Horizon? (Moe Stavnezer); It's All Done With Mirrors (Thierry Bernard); More Letters; Community Events 1987 Beachhead #205 - January 1987 - Rustling with Russell (Geriatric Jack); Venice Bards at Silverlake (Ron Singlewish); Homeless at 10961 (C.A. Sue); Letters; Veggies to Glow On (Loise Neville); Weapons For Profit: Secret Team (Janette Rainwater); Iranguano (Carol Fondiller); Poetry : Hail To The Chief (Don Johns); War Bores (Kelly Ball); OOPS!!! (Geriatric Jack); Collage: Prototype For A Luminous Monument (Thierry J. Bernard), Candidate For City Council: Why I'll Work for Ruth (Carol Fondiller); Political cartoon (Carol Simpson), Community Events Beachhead #206 - February 1986 - $$$$Venice Vision 2000?$: Art Bucks Stop Here; Tears of Rage & Tiny Tim (Carol Fondiller); V.A.C.: Good Taste for Sale (Arnold Springer); Letters; Call For Action; Sour Grapes; Free Vegetarian Dinners (Robert Steinbach), War Toys Meltdown, Ruth Galanter for City Council; Cocaine Nightmare: A Story (memphis slim); PFP for Ruth (John Haag); V.A.C.(uous) (Moe Stavnezer); Experiment in Survival (Stella Starlight); Censorship by the Sea! (Victor Wightman); Prole Food: A Bellyful (Essie La Fresseur de la Yenta); Community Events Beachhead #207 - March 1987 - THE RED ISSUE: Defeat Pat Russell; Letter to Venetians from "Abbot Kinney"; Give Her the Boot (Geriatric Jack); 5 who can; Grapes of Right (Craig Heillor); Queen of Lies; Flic-Picking (Jim Prickett); McCartney for Council: You Can Stand this Pat (Diane Nickerson); Excommunicated by Young Communist League (Victor Wightman); Queen of Lies: Look Who's Talking (Moe Stavnezer), The Rendering of Venice (Carol Fondiller), Earthquake; War & Courage in El Salvador (Linda Dove); Musical Documents: The Films of John Cohen (Stephen Clare); "Dump Pat" page; Poetry: Venice West (Don Johns); The Door (Daniel), Nicaragua (Adele Wallace); untitled (Stephen Meadows); Photos (Rich Mann); Community Events; Viva Venice cartoons "Pat in Hell" Beachhead #208 - April 1987 - A Primary Issue: Vote Your Troubles Away (Carol Fondiller); Our Chance to Choose: Russell's Record Exposed; Letters; Give Venice a Voice! (Dell Chumley); Bits and Pieces; Up With Venice! March & Rally, Elect Patrick McCartney (ad); Parking Plan Previewed (Dell Chumley); Gold on the Silverstrand (Iylene Weiss & Moe Stavnezer); 5 Challengers for Council; Venice Extra! (Moe Stavnezer); Security Guards Attack (Victor Wightman); Venice Photo-Essay (memphis slim); Anti-Russell cartoons; Beachhead #209 - May 1987 - Front page: Anti-Russell cartoon (Borie/Springer); Letters; Help Wanted (Beachhead); Yet Another Grendel; Galanter for City Council; Commissioner Plays the Racist Card (Patrick McCartney); russellax (Bobby Be Gone); Traffic Jam at Lincoln & Washington (Anthea Collier); Bits n' Pieces: More Russelling (Geriatric Jack); Alice Cramden on Russell; Grendel Again (Kelly Ball); High Energy Horoscope (Brandy); Collage of Russell Headlines; 'Red Tide';: A Red Herring (Carol Fondiller); Galanter's Got...Russell on the Run (Moe Stavnezer); Community Events; More Anti-Russell (The Beachhead) Beachhead #210 - June 1987 - The Green Issue: Vote Venice!; Letters; Right to the Throat: Galanter Stabbed - Political motivation? (Carol Fondiller); We Get Letters (Jim Prickett); Westchester voters abandon Russell and force a runoff; It Plays Like a B-Movie (Diane Nickerson); Pat Russell's Last Four Years (Malcolm Tent); Is There Love After AIDS? (Lynne Bronstein); A Moving Tale (Carol); slim for President: fat chance (memphis slim); Prole Food (Eatie Gourmet & Essie La Fresseur de la Yenta); Astro Logic (Brandy); LAPD, Union Porkchoppers Unite! (Victor Wightman); I Heart the Canals (Amy Pestana); Community Events Beachhead #211 - July 1987 - What Russell Hath Wrought (Malcolm Tent); Taking Credit (Carol Fondiller); Name That Felon; Letters; You Did It!: Voting results; Addresslessness (Jon Hilldale); What is FAIR? (Jeff Cohen); Pier Pressure (Joan Del Monte); Unravelling the Stinkiest Union (Victor Wightman); You Can Have Your Cake (Jann A. Carver); Ash Grove Regrooves (A. Springer); Bits and Pieces (Geriatric Jack); Taking Your Initiative (Malcolm Tent); Seven Wonders; LeRoi Jones/Amiri Baraka (Sharon Stricker); More Russelling; Hands Off The Americas Festival; Community Events Beachhead #212 - August 1987 - Galanter Q & A (Arnold Springer); Slavers in Drag (Jim Prickett); Righteous Indignation; Bits & Pieces (Geriatric Jack); Zev Who? (Rex Frankel); The Seduction of America (Alice Cramden); Eviction Alert! (Dennis Burke); Vidiot (memphis slim); First National Green Conference: The Greening of America (John Haag); No Room at the Lot (Patrick McCartney); Invisible Child (Margot Pepper); 'Number One West Dudley': For Milton Carroll Blatten (Carol Fondiller); Poetry: Found poem; Life on Broadway; Santa Monica (abby kirk); Potpourri* (Diane Nickerson); Summa Shaking (Malcolm Tent); The Gates of Hughes (Kelly Ball); Prole Food (Essie La Fresseur de la Yenta); Community Events Beachhead #213 - September 1987 - VAC/VTC on Homeless (Carol Fondiller); Luis Valdez: "El Hombre" behind "La Bamba" (Patrick McCartney); Task Force Offers Homeless Solutions (Patrick McCartney); Education - Sovereign Down; Letter: How Green is my Party? (Sheila Garden); Letter: Iranamok (Warren Carroll); Bits and Pieces (Geriatric Jack); Poem: Heil Liberty! (Rex Frankel); "Riding Shotgun" (Lynn Bronstein); Ruth Update (Arnold Springer); W.A.R.M. Welcome; City of the Angels (Alice Cramden); Run, Grunion, Gone (Beth Miller); Nueva Cancion; New Song (Kirk Downey); New Age Honky Tonk (Becky Bishop); Community Events Beachhead #214 - October 1987 - Twilight Zone for the Homeless? (John Haag); Statue of Limitations (Carol Fondiller); Letters; Letter: From Ruth Galanter's Venice Field Office (Lance Diskan); Patpurée (Patrick McCartney); The Right to Rape Law or... (G.Spouse); Here There Be Fascists (Carol Fondiller); Where's the Bread?; National Food Relief (Sakhorov & Steinbach); Rubber Lasagna (Kathy Sullivan); The Sellout Begins (memphis slim); Developers Have 9 Lives- And Then Some (Geriatric Jack); I Fought the Law and the Law Lost (Victor Wightman); Bits 'n' Pieces (Geriatric Jack); twits and fleecers (Malcolm Tent); Community Events Beachhead #215 - November 1987 - Our Own Fault: Local Fault the Most Dangerous (Patrick McCartney); Canal Plans All Wet (Carol Fondiller); Letter to Ruth Galanter (Rick Davidson); Open Letter to Venice Merchants (Tommy); After the Quake (Beth Miller), Child Abuse Hotline: Hell on Hold (Sara Omari); Poetry: friends? (Rick Davidson); Thanksgiving the First (John Haag); Thanksgiving Day, 1979 (John Haag); Rose Avenue Food Queue (Sara Omari); Class Act for St. Joe's; Bits and Pieces (Geriatric Jack); Whining and Dinning (Essie La Fresseur de la Yenta); Community Events Beachhead #216 - December 1987 - "Que Dios la Bendiga"(Beth Miller); Photo of beach arrest of Dr. Patricia Greenfield (Arlene Hendler); Letters; Goodbye Airian (K. Sullivan); Roundup on the Pacific Rim (Carol Fondiller), Hope for Homeless...Hope for All (John Haag); Bits 'n' Pieces (Geriatric Jack); Stocking Stuffers: Kwanza; Xmas Past; Saints of St. Joe (Sara Omari); The Year That Was (Diane Nickerson); Poem: james dean (Tony Moffeit), Community Events 1988 Beachhead #217 - January 1988 - 'Processing' at City Hall (John Haag); Venice, California: Walden Pond West (Rick Davidson); Letters; The Venice Library (Beth Miller); Odder Beginnings (Carol Fondiller); Bye Bye Baza (Obituary); Merry Krishmas (National Food Relief, Inc.); YIMBY! Yes, in my back yard! (Phil Chamberlin); Venice...NOT Beverly Hills (Nattering Nabob); Community Events Beachhead #218 - February 1988 - No More Fluff! (Patrick McCartney); Lessons Not Learned (memphis slim); Notes On Planning & the Politics of Community Empowerment (Arnold Springer); New Age in Venice (Beth Miller); Homelessness: Again Invisible; Still Strongly Felt (Carol Fondiller); Keep the Heat On (Geriatric Jack); Venice Zoning Showdown (Malcolm Tent); Venice Video (Jim Prickett); Up Your Access (memphis slim); Thoughts and Memories of Bob Alexander (Rick Davidson); Poetry: Tributes to Baza : letter to Baza (Stuart Perkoff); The Mensch (William J. Margolis); untitled (baza); for Baza (Barry Simon); This is not to be a poem (Tony Scibella); untitled (baza); WHO DO YOU THINK YOU'RE KIDDING? (John Thomas); A Song of Crossing (Frank T. Rios); BazaScope (David Meltzer); Understanding AIDS (Diane Nickerson); Community Events Beachhead #219 - March 1988 - Semitic Semantics (Carol Fondiller); Painting: Kore & Demeter (Minerva Herzog), A lecture by Peter Dale Scott: Dark Spring (Kelly Ball); Letters: The Sting of Police Brutality (S.D. Mojo), Abortion? (Philip W. Gregg); Pier Pressure (LuBelle Boice); Radicals Unite! (Jill Wininger); How to Do It, Armbands Next? (The Walker), Black Air Force (memphis slim); Lessons Not Yet Learned (David Weisman); Lessons in Logic (Ross D. Frankel); Beachhead Responds (Victor Wightman); Ethnic Rivalry (Patrick McCartney), Save Water; Heal the Bay (Moe Stavnezer); 1976 Canal Poster (Mary Jane); New Age in Venice, Part 2 (Beth Miller); The Downside of Downzoning (Rick Davidson); Venice, Go Brahgh! (The Christic Institute); Community Events; Prole Food (Essie la Fresseur de la Yenta) Beachhead #220 - April 1988 - No More Fluss!; Amazing G.R.A.C.E. Making a Clean Sweep (Toni Flynn); Lincoln Place Evictions! (G.B.S.); Letters: Town Council Responds to The Walker, Recovering Zionist Writes (Loise Neville); Comic: Nightline: Nancy on Drugs (Joseph & Marty); DemoPub Developmentally $umma: (Rex Frankel); Venice of the World - Pan Africanism (Rikki & Phil); "If We Can't Defend Our Neighborhood; We're Not Worth Shit Socio-Politically"(Arnold Springer); Channelling & Reeling (Carol Fondiller); Amnestia (One Stop Immigration Center); In the Face of AIDS (Diane Nickerson); Amnesty (Devra Weber); New Age in Venice, Part 3 (Beth Miller); Venice Canal Plan Update (Ruth Galanter & Jim Bickhart); Letter: Palestine (G.R. Wells); Community Events; Venice Neighbor to Neighbor (Penny Jennings); Capirotada Lenten Meal (Sara Omari) Beachhead #221 - May 1988 - Stop Summa - - NOW!!! (Rex Frankel); Lincoln Place Evictions; Part 2 (Sara Omari); Beachhead To Celebrate 20th Year of Muckraking; Letters: That Was Milton (Kitty Bratton); ADL Replies (Loretta Szeliga); Town Council Responds (Nancy Burnet Kent); Ramadan (Sara Omari), Democracy: Who Said it Was Easy? (Carol Fondiller); Environmental Quality Hearings; Oxy's Big Squeeze (Rex Frankel); An Unwritten Letter (Rick Davidson); ArtWalk to Benefit Venice Family Clinic (Eddie O'Goy); Light at the End of the Tunnel...! (Arnold Springer); Future (Patrick McCartney); Blasé Pudding (Victor Wightman); Bye Bye Pat McCartney; Beachhead Homeless!; Human Care, Not Warfare (J.L. Martin); Nobody Told Me (W. Rowe); A Modest Proposal for Naming Progeny (L. Gulliver Swift); Community Events; Mother (Sara Omari); Cinco de Mayo (Sara Omari) Beachhead #222 - June 1988 - Knights of the Living Dead (Alice Cramden); Community Planning Boards: Power At Last (Rex Frankel); Letters; Art's Heart: Art Kahn Obit (Moe Stavnezer); Jesse for President (Moe Stavnezer); Except Jello Biafra: Nobody in '88 (Malcolm Tent); Venice Planning, Venice Politics (Arnold Springer); Conversations with Ruth Galanter (Arnold Springer); Media Manipulators (Rex Frankel); tony bill's b&b; Venice Activist (Angelo Bertolini) Hits Big Time! (Carol Fondiller); Poem: Trivial Pursuit (Sharon Stricker); Revenue Generation Officers (Moe Stavnezer); Boom-Shaka-Laka: First Impressions (of Beachhead Collective) (Sara Omari); Rage, Unconcealed... (Sara Omari); Venice Planning Notes: Parkin' and tha' "Biz"!, New Age in Venice, Part 4 (Beth Miller); skidroseave (Carol Fondiller); Prole Food (Essie La Fresseur de la Yenta); Venice CO-OP Reopens (Jan Jarecki); Community Events Beachhead #222 - July 1988 - Venice: Not Just Another Pretty Place (Carol Fondiller); VAC=VACANT (Malcolm Tent); Letters: Why the Knights Are Dead (Rick Davidson); From One Beachie to Another (Lynne Bronstein); Canal Banks (Edward Taylor); From The Archives; Our Wildlife Corridors (Rex Frankel); Think Before You Flush (Moe Stavnezer); Marina Place Public Hearing; Gang Warfare in Venice (Rick Davidson); Poem: Independence Day, 1988 (Don Johns); Venice Sketch: A Trip Through Oakwood (Beth Miller); Nothing is Free : Gem Sniplets About Our Advertisers (Sara Omari); Color Me Angry (E. Terrestrial); Play Review: Hair (J.L. Martin); Hands Off The Americas Festival; Heal the Bay Interactive Space Beachhead #223 - August 1988 - License to Swill: A VACuous Community Vision (Malcolm Tent); Pan-Africanism: Venice: Wise Up, Rise Up, Africans in Babylon (Rikki); Letters: Vishnu were here (Pat McCartney); Oakwood (Victor Wightman); Archives Collage: Jan. '73 - Dec. '76; War Rhetoric Returns (Kate Kausch); Clubhouse Apts. Doomed? (Reid Freeman); V.O.P. CO-OP Celebrates (memphis slim), Poem: No News Is Good News (Jack Wainschel),Democrats Party...Republican Style (Rick Davidson); Prole Food (Essie La Fresseur de la Yenta); London 1988 (Lynne Bronstein); Venice, California Coloring Book (Emily Winters & S. E. Mendelson); L.A. Smog (Victor Wightman); Poem: Subvenetian Parking District Blues (The Chain Gang); Community Events Beachhead #224 - September 1988 - Quayle Under Glass (Carol Fondiller); Why? Equal Opportunity Killer (Captain America); All-American (memphis slim); Equal Opportunity Killer; Letters: The Bitter Truth (Geriatric Jack); 20th Year Beachhead Benefit: The Poets Read; Venice History Archival Collage; Define Your Terms (J.L. Martin); How many City employees does it take to screw in a lightbulb? (Wes T. Chesterman); Read These Lips (Arnold Springer); Design Standards (Rick Davidson); Creeping NIMBYism Gives Me the Creeps (Moe Stavnezer); May Michel - Our Belle (Beth Miller); Tree Huggers Unite! (Rex Frankel); Poem: Toni (John Haag), Community Events; VTC News (Dell Chumley) Beachhead #225 - October 1988 - No Place Like Home: Setting It Straight (Kathy Sullivan); The Wrong Road: Vaya Con Dios (Nicky de Jesus); Letters: In Their Own Self-Interest (Steven Schlein); Philmenations (Philip W. Gregg); Bits and Pieces (Geriatric Jack); Beachhead Archival Collage: First 15 years; Bible Tabernacle: Another Satisfied Customer (Sara Omari); Response to Steve Schlein's letter (Dell Chumley); Murderers' Row (Captain America) Beachhead #226 - November 1988 - Propositions and Oppositions (Red Eye Victor); Venice Pier (Penny Pettler-Jennings); Heads They Win, Tails We Lose (Rex Frankel); How to Size Up a Ballot Measure; 20th Year Beachhead Benefit at Sidewalk Cafe, featuring Paul Krassner; Carol Fondiller, Danny Peck; Collage: Archives 1985-88; No Game Tonight: Cancel Bush (Diane Nickerson); Jesse-Jack-In-The-Box (Sara Omari); More Bushshit (Captain America); Poems: Dawn Over Venice (John Haag); Monday Morning at the 7-11 (John Haag); Gracias a la Vida (Beth Miller); Photos (Chili Charles); No on 96; Community Events Beachhead #227 - December 1988 - 20th Anniversary issue (28 pages): "this paper is a poem": Everyday is Christmas--in Venice (Tina Corcoran); Street Scene (Don Johns); Venice as Mecca, or Jerusalem (John Haag); From Where The Voice Begins (Philomene Long); in venice, california, day after thanksgiving, 1983 (Robert L. Greenfield); Venice West Cafe at Dudley #7 (William J. Margolis); Letters; Kendrick Kinney on Abbott Kinney (Patrick McCartney); Photos (Rich Mann); Greetings from the Gipper and his Gang (ad for The Realist); Local Coastal Plan (Rick Davidson); SOV*, SIP*, With the LCP in Millwood (Emily Cordova); Sanctuary Much! (J.L. Martin); Poem: natives of planet earth (rick davidson); Tenant Action Committee Turns Ten; Bits and Pieces (Geriatric Jack); Venice Town Council supplement; Bar-None: The Town House (Carol Fondiller); My Twenty Years with the Beachhead (Diane Nickerson); Crystal Balling (Carol Fondiller); Birth of the Beachhead; 20 Years to More (Lynne Bronstein); Another View (rick davidson); Apologies to Eugene O'Neill (Geriatric Jack); The Boardwalk in Venice; Beachhead Beginnings (John Haag); This is Your Beachhead (photos); Those were the Days (Alice Cramden); Poem: But Where Can I go? (Richard Morano); It Was Twenty Years Ago Today (memphis slim), Smashing Imperialism Graphic (Emily Winters); Homeless Teen (Yvette L. Johnson); "Chingada": "Go Back to Mexico, Bitch!" (Sara Omari); Plight of the Children (Gregory Boyd); Venice: 60's to 90's: Bob Dylan (Beth Miller); Joan was a Contra; Poetry: Road Song (#13) (C.K. DeRugeris); the wrong way charlie (Rick Davidson); Aunt (Sheryl L. Nelms); untitled (Steve Effington); Community Events 1989 Beachhead #228 - January 1989 - 300 Rose Avenue (Judith L. Martin); Poem: calcified (Andy Castro); Letters: LIP, LCP comments (Jo Cunningham); Poem: Decompression (Beth Miller); Bits and Pieces (Geriatric Jack); VTC Voice: Marina "Bypass"?; Venice Is A Proptype of A Model Community (Dell Chumley); Editorial: Oxford Flood Control Basin (MacPherson); Trends: Where is Venice Going? (Dell Chumley); Sixth District Perspective by Councilwoman Ruth Galanter; Laura Lake for City Council (Arnold Springer); Calendar of Events; VTC Outreach; Marina Place Update; Mayoral Politricks (Rex Frankel); Cartoon page; Community Events Beachhead #229 - February 1989 - Hot times in the Hood (Alice Cramden); Ocean Front Walk: Fast Food Fortress (Geriatric Jack); Summa WANGer Cracks Up (Rex Frankel); Letters; Phlegm-Flam: 'Snot Necessarily So (Carol Fondiller); Voice of the VTC, Sixth District Perspective (Ruth Galanter); Group Therapeutic Swapmeet (Sara Omari); Our House (memphis slim); Elizabeth Marek 1958 -1988 (J.L. Martin); Ruthless Retreat? (Steve Schlein); Bye Bye Jelly Beans, Hello Pork Rinds (Diane Nickerson); Community Events Beachhead #230 - March 1989 (Mislabeled as March 1988) - Racism & Discrimination Perpetrated on Black Tenants of HUD Housing at Holiday Venice (Rikki); Local Heroes (Judith L. Martin); Letters; ..The Best Government Money Can Buy..? (Malcolm Tent); Love at War (Snow White); Disneyland Law; Voice of the VTC; Rico-Rubbing Out the First Amendment (Diane Nickerson); Time to Celebrate (or Adopt a Contra) (Rick Davidson); Poem: Venice Sketch #6 (Beth Miller); Community Events Beachhead #231 - April 1989 - Bush has Sex with Reagan; Scripping & Tripping: Welfare Shape-Up (John Haag); Chaplin Centennial (Carol Fondiller); Letters: Fun Sunday (Steve W. Perlsweig); Free At Last: Civil War Continued (Rick Davidson); Anchor's Away! No to Marina Place! (Juan Persona Derosnec); Voice of the VTC, Fundamentalism: A Clean Sweep (John Reif); Opened Letters 2 skool bored (Education Banalyst); Short But Sweet, 9 Days in the Pits; Poem: early or late (Pam Emerson); Somedays...(Pam Emerson); Community Events Beachhead #232 - May 1989 - Operation Wretched (Lynne Bronstein); Will She Step Down? (Steve Schlein); In Defense of the L.A. 8 (Andre Hall); Marvena Kennedy 1924 - 1989 Memoriam; Poem: Venice, My Love (John Haag); Letters: Rubble Rebel; Voice of the VTC; Death of Yippie: Abbie Hoffman 1936-1989 (Carol Fondiller); Abortion Agony (Sara Omari); No Growth at All (John Haag); Rubble Rabble Bust the Rock (Rocky Tycoon); Revolting Developments; MisIncorporated (Rick Davidson); No Peace with The Rock: Showdown at the Straits of Prudential (Rex Frankel); Update on Lawsuit; Community Events Beachhead #233 - June 1989 - Environmentalist... or Ruth Russell? (Rex Frankel); Management of Compassion (Jim Prickett); Slavkin for School Board?; Letters: Phil Fires The Beachhead (Philip W. Gregg); Missing Marvena (Bob Wells); The Times They Are A 'Changin (Moe Stavnezer); Moratorium Alert! (John Haag); The E.B.V.T.C.; F.V.B. & Me (Carol Fondiller); Voice of the VTC; Poem: Cabrillo Eucalyptus (William J. Margolin); Guts and Glory - Nuts for a Story (Diane Nickerson); Book review: Tasty Little Tales (Judith L. Martin); United We Stand; Divided We Fall (Kathy Sullivan); What Do We Want + How Do We Get It? (Arnold Springer); The Secession of Venice, Part I (Beth Miller); The Poverty of Justice (Sara Omari), Community Events Beachhead #234 - July 1989 - Tom and Jeanne (Robert James); Voices of Lincoln Place (Sara Omari); The Uses of Power (John Haag); Letters: An Open Letter to the VTC (Fran Longmire);Veniceland (Chuck Sladky); Bed 'n Beer (Carol Fondiller); Cityhood Now! (Rex Frankel); Secession of Venice reprint; For Ourselves and Our Children (Kathleen Alvarez); Strip Search: Sybil Brand-Style (Sara Omari); HaHaHa to the Public Defender (Sara Omari); System...What System?; Community Events; Happenin': Ruth Galanter Pros & Cons Beachhead #235 - August 1989 - The Comeback Inn Comes Back! (Rick Lesser); Funnyfarm Cliches (Victor Wightman); For A United Korea (Andre Hall); Letters: The Uses of Power (Moe Stavnezer); Witness the Vanishing Community (Randelyn C. Webster); Webster vs. Reproductive Services (Judith L. Martin); Sandra Day and the Extremes (Rex Frankel); The "Wilding" of HUD, Privacy, etc. (Carol Fondiller); Cityhood Secession: What's the Plan Stan? (Moe Stavnezer); 20 Minutes in Downtown L.A (Sara Omari); ,etc, Ad Nauseum (Geriatric Jack); The 2 Faces of Death (Sara Omari); Community Events; VTC "Our Agenda" (Rex Frankel) Beachhead #236 - September 1989 - Korea Is One! (Bok Dong Yoon (Andre Hall)); !000 Flowers Bloom (John Haag and Arnold Springer debate development); Protestors Framed: Sups Act on Act Up L.A (Wendell Jones); Letter: Where's the Power? (Arnold Springer); GULP! (on the size of the Beachhead) Beachhead #237 - October 1989 - Venice Town Council: Changing of the Guard (John Haag); Save the Venice Pavillon; Song: Feel Like I'm fixing to commit a felony Rag" (Rex Frankel after Country Joe McDonald); Letters: No Growth! (Ed Ferrar); Reply to "Tom and Jeanne" (Edgar Swabeck); Poems: Dirt; day in life; Fidel Castro (Tom Brill); On My Way to a Matinee in L.A. '63 or 4 (Wallace Nathaniel Fraser); The Burning Bush: Drugs (Carol Fondiller); Book Review Blues (Judith L. Martin); Night of the School Board Living Dead (Victor Wightman), FBI in the Bush (Rick Davidson); Potpourri* (Diane Nickerson); Whining and Dining (Essie LaFresseur de la Yenta); Thugs and Drugs - Overkill (Rex Frankel); "Bad Bob" Dylan contest; Community Events Beachhead #238 - November 1989 - Potpourri* (Diane Nickerson); Getting It Together (John Haag); Housing Now!: A Box Is Not A Home (Rikki); Builder's Emporium (Rex Frankel); Carol Berman Letter on VTC; Liquidation & Gentrification; Film Review: Drugstore Cowboy; Community Events Beachhead #239 - December 1989 - 'Established Facts' (Rick Davidson); 7.3 Million Pimps and pimpette (R.E. Scrivi); Service With A Smile: Mar Vista Market (Sara Omari); Potpourri* (Diane Nickerson); Letters: Housing Hurdles (Jon Hildale); Venice Renaissance? (Rex Frankel); Poetry: Results of "Bad Bob" Dylan contest: Heaven Help Us; Venice - Venice, Help Your Own (Tina Corcoran); Ain't Workin' on Georgie's Farm No More (Kelly Ball); Book Review Boogie (Judith L. Martin); Community Events |