
The Beachhead
in the 1970s





Beachhead #12 - January 1970 - Venice Raided; Peace & Freedom Reports (John Haag); Election Results (Rick Davidson), The Course of Human Events, Davidson Campaign - Two Views (John Haag), Crud Conspiracy (Carol Fondiller), Marge Buckley & Rick Davidson get married on the beach, Venice High Students Challenge Administration, Drawing : The Silent Majority (Bill Edelen), Editorial: Create a Venice Community Congress

Beachhead #13 - February 1970 - Declaration of Free Venice / Peace collage, Venice PFP Reports (Jane Gordon), More Reports (John Haag), Rebirth of the Boy's Club (Bob Farlice), Support Beachhead Patrons, City Hall Invades Venice, Venice Defense Committee organizes against police marijuana bust, 1970 Anarchist Revolutionary Calendar

Beachhead #14 - March 1970 - PFP Convemtion (Sandy Blixton), The Course of Human Events, Health Council Election (Marge Buckley), Venice Canal Suit (ARSAP), Community Redevelopment Agency (Terri Volpin), Venice and the Master's Plan (Rick Davidson), Letter to Dr. Breslow, UCLA, from Peggy Simon, VHC, Basic Car Shuck, Police Chief Ball (Carol Fondiller)

Beachhead #15 - April 1970 - Editorial : Thomas H. Thurlow, Last Mayor of Venice Dies, The Course of Human Events, Poetry : response to Miss America (John Haag), Role of the City Trees in the New Revolution (Lynn Shoemaker), Homage to Chuck Berry (Bob Michaloy), Untitled (Sandy Blixton), Important Things, Isle of Dogs (Jane Gordon), Aphorisms (Clair Horner), Free School, Venice PFP Reports, Braude (?) (Carol Fondiller), Poem: Softly Yelling (Rick Davidson), Support Beachhead Patrons

Beachhead #16 - June 1970 - Health Shuck (Carol Fondiller), The Course of Human Events, Earthlight, Venice and the Master's Plan (Rick Davidson), Puke the Little Duke (Publius), Canals Battle On (Steve Clare), Family Gathering - Howland Canal, U.S. Invades Cambodia, Photo of PFP Anti-War March on Ocean Front Walk

Beachhead #17 - August 1970 - Huey's Free / Free Bobby, Second Annual Canal Festival, Community House, Editorial : Free Venice Park, The Course of Human Events, Chicano Moratorium, Puke the Little Duke (Publius), On Women's Liberation (Jane Gordon), Charter Revision, New Venice Poets

Beachhead #18 - November 1970 - Venice PFP Reports, The Course of Human Events, CUPP (Sherry Wilds), Editorial : Venice Waterways Project, Puke the Little Duke (Publius), Gay Liberation, Voices of the Past (Bob Beaulieu), Organic Rip-Off (Sharon Brannon), Artist's View (Bob Beaulieu), Record Review (Dennis Reid), Poem: Naked in Tomorrow (Rick Davidson), Revolutionary People's Constitutional Convention, Poem: Untitled (Jean Allen), Venice Film Fricassee, What is the Military-Industrial Complex?, Midnight Special ad, A Class Analysis of the Constitution (Peter Young)



Beachhead #19 - January 1971 - Venice 5 Freed!, The Organic Rip-Off Continues (Sharon Brannon and Rich Conners), Puke The Little Duke (Publius), Court Decision Goes To The Dogs, The Course of Human Events, Venice Poets Defended (Lynn Shoemaker), Pink Pages Available, Editorial: Yapping Sam Yorty

Beachhead #20 - February 1971 - Ocean Front Walk Photography, Birth Trauma (Randy Watsek and Bob Wells), PKP Candidate a Winner?, Food for Thought (Don Lubin), Hampton for PFP, California PFP Ratifies People's Peace Treaty, Iron Mountain Review (R. Dranow and P. Armerding), Bread and Roses (Carol Fondiller), Winter Soldier Investigation (David Schulman), Chicano March (Calvin Gurin), Constitution Void on Venice Beach?, Poetry : Sesame, Lynn Shoemaker, Robt. Wells, Rachel Dranow, Photo : Theresa Sandison, Community House, Puke the Little Duke (Publius), The Course of Human Events, Sexist Judge Turns Fashion Dictator, Peter's Bar closure, Poverty Law (Marge Buckley), City Council Shut Out, Venice 5 Appeal Denied,

Beachhead #21 - March 1971 - International Women's Day Celebration (Ethel Herring), Vermont McKinney's Roust (Bob Wells), Action Reaction (Marie Banks), Abortion Controversy (Ann Forfreedom), Anti-War Rally (John Haag), Puke the Little Duke (Publius), Free Venice Benefit, Peace and Freedom Goes National (John Haag), Prison Feature Articles : A Maze for the Poor (Rachel Dranow), Menace Anyone? (Ralf Jennings), Draft Resistors and Prisons (Joe Maizlish, Greg Nelson, and Art Zack) Poem: Tommy, Who'se goin' to prison (Terry), The Venice Five (Peter Young), Letter from Tucson (Lee Wineberg), Chino State Prison (Diane Wayne), Grass Roots Politics, Canal News (Steve Clare), The Venice Fire, Hung Jury (Spy), Street Theater for Venice (David)

Beachhead #22 - April 1971 - Know Your Enemy, Vietnamese Poetry : Trien Vu, Ngo Vinh Long , Operation Total Victory Leads to Inevitable Defeat, Poem: 13 Ways of Looking at a Blastbird (John Haag), The Spoils of Victory, Women's Conference : From a Venice Delegate (Judy Goldberg), The Story of Dinh Thi Huong, Special Report : POWs - The Big Lie, Facts and Decptions : Were They Tortured?, Con Son Tiger Cages, Lt. Frishman, Peace with the Vietnamese People, The Course of Human Events, Book Review: Noam Chomsky's At War With Asia, Sign the Treaty (John Haag), Running Down the Grand Jury, Hampton Gets 10 %, Demonstrations Calendar

Beachhead #23 - June 1971 - The Vietnamization of Ocean Front Walk (Helen Wolff), Venice 5 Testifying!, Mass Canal Protest Set, Trailer City Barbecues Radford (Marge Buckley), Collective Health, Hey Sister, Hey Brother, Injunction Shoots Down Crooked Poverty Election (Randy Watsek), Master Plan as Genocide (Robert Wells), Free Venice Ecology Group, Police Not Robots, Song : Too Poor To Live Here (Carol Fondiller), Open Letter to Lt. West and Sgt. Payne (John Haag), Police 'Helpfulness' Seen As Expendiency, Los Angeles City Overrules Itself (Rick Davidson), Mass Protest, Book Review: Living the Good Life

Beachhead #24 - July 1971 - Bringing the War on Home, Poetry: Flags, by Ron Kovic, PFP in New Coalition (Milton Takei and Peter Van Zant), Off the Cockroach, Vets Organize, On Prisons, Crossword Puzzle, Bad News for Ecology, When the FBI Calls on You, Cartoon : What Is A Revolution?, The Pentagon Papers (Rachel Dranow), Oppression/Repression/Repulsion (Brent Bryak), The Bust Business (Rachel Dranow), Switch On (Jeff Lanzman), Reader's Guide to Anti-Racist Literature, Castille Cashes In, Battle Escalates (Steve Clare), Defend Venice : Free Venice Organizing Committee

Beachhead #25 - August 1971 - Put Welfare to Rights, Don't Bank on Amerika (Bob Wells), Canal Festival (Judy Goldberg), View From Behind Bars, Tucson (Peter Young), A Thumb in the Evil Eye, Chicanos Are Getting It On, Why Women's Liberation?, Testimonial (Roxanne Miller), A Crying Need, Poetry: Barrio Mothers (Rachel), know your enemy (Abbie Hoffman), Women On the Western Front, On Doris Lessing (Debby Rosenfelt), Cartoon : Down With Phallic Imperialism, Victory with Vegetables, Calendar of Events, Court Battle Delays Canal Project (Steve Clare), Venice : 100 Flowers Blooming, Tribute to Charlie Parker : Bird Lives (Tony Butler), The Handwriting on the Wall: Photos of Venice Grafitti

Beachhead #26 - September/October 1971 - Conspiracy Against the People - Heroin, Venice Drug Coalition (Taylor Nightengale), The War Goes On, The Thin Blue Line (Carol Fondiller), Unemployed?, La Raza en Accion!, Rebellion Behind Bars, Death of a Brother, Book Review: George Jackson: Soledad Brother, Pentagon POW, Spay and Neuter Your Pets, Community Services, Sisters Picket Sexists, National Women's Caucus, Venice Canal Festival Photo (Lon Engelberg)

Beachhead #27 - November 1971 - War on the Poor Escalates, Myth & Fact of Welfare, Strong Arm Tactics, Poem: Whine of a Sexist, How Many More Until Nobody is Left?, La Raza en Accion, Davenport in line for re-upholstering, Cal Vets Busted, Film Review: Sacco and Vanzetti, Film Review: The Hour of the Furnaces, The Hungry on the Oceanfront, Festival of Japanese Films, Hip Capitalists, John Wayne's Enemies, Calendar, Community Services

Beachhead #28 - December 1971/January 1972 - Master Plan or People's Plan? (Steve Clare), Off the Land Speculators, Community House Court Settlement, Food Conspiracy, New Women's Center, Lavender People, Free Louis Talamantez, Chicano Community News, Don't You Know It's Xmas, Remembrance of Films Past, Save Our Trees (Sy Epstein), Record Review (Jimmy), Buyer's Beware, Verbal Rape (Hope and Toni), About Prisons and Prisoners, Poems : Pogrom, One More Then (Steve Wade)



Beachhead #29 - February 1972 - Two Women Bring Good Government : Marge Buckley & Shirley Chisholm, Health Council Gets Money, Venice Women's Center, People's Legal Friend Fired, North Beach Master Plan, Hombre de Venice Atacado, La Huelga -The Strike, Winding Up the War? City Stomps Our Recycling - Starts Own, Wind Down the Prisons, Press Burns, Peace Doesn't, Police Spy Uncovered, Beachhead Retracts, Landlord Piggery, Goodbye Ananda Marga, Poetry : Jose (Chapo) Escobedo : Dime, Tell Me, Indian Struggle, Bikes on the Beach

Beachhead #30 - March 1972 - The Right to Good Health Care, Sisterhood is Growing, Apartemtn Building Burned, Bikepath, Calvin's Day in Court, Drafted Illegally, Prisoners Rights Removed, Cast a Net for Snoops, Venice Beach Oil Steal, Food Co-op Harrassed, Welfare Millionaires (Paul Denis), Innocnet People in Jail : Angela Davis, Father Daniel Berrigan, Clean Environment Act, Letters, Calendar, The Struggle Then & Now, How To End the Vietnam War, Poem : A Waiting Sound of a Winter Wind (Luci)

Beachhead #31 - April 1972 - Who Needs the War?, Public Housing in Venice, Bad News at Lincoln Place, Bread and Butter Issues, The Heat's On, Taxes and the ITT, It Was Easter Sunday, Resistance in the Military, Nixon to Moscow, Persecutions : Anti-War Activists : Off With His Head : Daniel Ellsberg, Fear in the Air : Angela Davis Trial, Together, Not Separately, Charlie Chaplin : An Actor-Hero and An Actor-Demon, Govenor Aspiring to Be President, Activist Priest to Jail Again, Poem : Governor Aspiring To Be President (Peter Jones)

Beachhead #32 - June 1972 - Chee-wah-wah Cheer-Up!, Does Bad Money Mean Bad Politics?, UCLA Demonstrations, Community Physician Beaten, Buckley Campaign, Free Grass : Marijuana Petition, Mural : Venice in the Snow, PFP News, EYOA Area Council, Teamsters Continue Strike, Pavillion Playground, Gays Criticize Spock No-Show, Venice Free Theater : "Misa del Mar" Opens July, Crunchy Granola recipe, Help for Your Head, New Women's Center, Venice Conference Festival

Beachhead #33 - July 1972 - Venice Planning Conference, Help Build Our First Community Park, Women and Their Bodies, Food Conspiracy, Primary Election Analysis, Marijuana Initiative, Ramona Dales Duro,Via Avanta, Lockout at Ramona's, Letter Carrier's Picket, UCLA Political Repression, Working with Prisoners, Hitchhiking Ban Asked, The Lord of the Rings, Direct Charge Co-ops, Pentagon Papers, Save Our Coast Initiative

Beachhead #34 - September 1972 - Fourth Annual Canal Festival, Community Services, Men's Liberation, Canal People's Park, Drug Help Programs, Via Avanta, On Being a Mother, Midnight Special Bookstore, Indochina Peace Campaign, Yes on 19, Dope on Pot, Photos of Narcs, Industrial Health Scandal, Grayline is Not Open!, Pay Board Won't Curb Millionaires, Farmworkers, Si Se Puede, Beachhead Dying! : Plea from Beachhead Staff

Beachhead #35 - November 1972 - Group Fights to Protect Venice (Janet Brown), Duck Power (Carol Fondiller), Poem : somos (un Chicana), La Raza!, Native Americans, Knowldege is Power : Power to the People (Maurice and Daniele LeCroy), Free the Children (Vickie Goldstein), Community Design Center, Food Co-op (Don Lubin), 20,000 Protest President, Community Services, Future News : 1976, Venice (Carol Fondiller), On Propositions 20 & 22 (Milton Takei), The People's Ballot

Beachhead #36 - December 1972 - Merry Christmas? (Vicki Goldstein), The Future of Venice (Jim Zane), Father Was A Mung Bean (Ananda Sambhava), Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Feminist Rape, Journey Toward The Dawn (Frank Hernandez), As It Is Above - So It Is Below (Maurice and Daniele LeCroy), Prop. 20 & Beyond, KFPK Christmas Fair, Equal Rights for Dogs & Cats!! (Joanne Curtis), Marauders Marauded!!! (Carol Fondiller), Poop Scoop, Community Services, Calendar, Poetry : Untitled (Otto Rene Castillo), No Idea But In Things (Joan Fenn), Serious Cadillac (Joan Fenn)


Beachhead #37 - January 1973 - This Place is For the Birds (Marshall R. Hyman), The TelefoneKompany Komes to Town (Vicki Goldstein), Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Changes For A Change (Vicki Goldstein), Play Review : Sweet Bird of Youth (Jim Zane), Nixon Now More than Ever? (Maurice LeCroy), Four More Years (Jim Zane), Endive Anyone? (Ed Ferrar), Brotherhood of Light Astrology Rap (Maurice LeCroy), Neuter or Spay? (Joanne Curtis), Long March Bombed, Existential Democrats (Steve White), Poem for Two Young Japanese Women in the Park (Joan Fenn), Community Services, Why Co-op?, Poetry - Masters of War (Bob Dylan), Nixon cartoon

Beachhead #38 - February 1973 - City Bust Park in Dark, Save Santa Monica (Joanne Curtis), Tot Lot (Carol Fondiller), Canal Chronicles (Carol Fondiller), Medical Plan Rip-Offs, Hey Momma (Carol Fondiller), Free Spirit Schools (Daniele LeCroy), Discovering the Occult (The Brotherhood of Light), Thirty Days with Guru in India (Cody), Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Spock and McGovern Supporters, Community Services, Why the Canals? Why Venice? (Rick Davidson),Venice Zoning Roll-Back, Alter-Ego (Joanna Curtis and Joan Peeples)

Beachhead #39 - March 1973 - Endangered Species (Carol Fondiller), People's Parks (Free Venice), Bureau of Indian Affairs : Ex-Venetian on Trial, Protein Alternative (Daniele LeCroy), Co-op Market : Hope for Future (Frank Curtis), Food Co-op : Beating the Price of Food (Milton Takei), Evictions of Elderly, (Milton Takei), The Very Venice Festival (Rodger Trammel), JAYA! (Sheila Hahn), Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Discovering the Occult (Maurice LeCroy), Community Services, Remove Scott Not the Pier (Joanne Curtis), Santa Monica Elections

Beachhead #40 - April 1973 - Mrs. Wilson Srikes Mother and Child (Carol Fondiller), Photos by Gail Williamson, Very Venice Festival, Venice Protestors in Court (Carol Schmidt), The Venice Murals (Daniele LeCroy), Poem : I Met Me (Anthony Hamilton), Teatro : A Form of Revolution (Terrie Vargas and Danny Marquez), Discovering the Occult (Maurice LeCroy), Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Hot Flash (Carol Fondiller), Low Income Housing (Hubert A. Sheppard), Vietnam Truce, Community Services, Santa Monica City Council Elections : Vote For (Larry Barber), Yes on B (Joanne Curtis)

Beachhead #41 - May 1973 - Boardwalk 6 Freed (Carol Fondiller), Venice People's Park Celebration, Boycott Safeway, Strike, The Long March, Venice Town Council (Free Venice), Beyond Baroque, Discovering the Occult (Maurice LeCroy), Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Bon Appetit (Daniele LeCroy), Petition to Save Westminster School Building, Community Services, Election RePlay (Joanne Curtis), The People Win (Joanne Curtis)

Beachhead #42 - June1973 - People Win (Jim Bickhart), Gay Bust (Carol Fondiller), Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Venice Town Council Candidate's Profiles, Discovering the Occult (Maurice LeCroy), Strike Together (Selina Bendix), Boycott Shell Oil!

Beachhead #43 - July 1973 - Venice Speaks, Photos by Gail Williamson, People March (Jim Zane), What Next? (Joanne Curtis), Dog Vice (Ronald L. Guenther), Have a Heart (Joanne Curtis), Venice Town Council, Letter : Bob Wells, Summer Species (Carol Fondiller), Hopi Indian Letter to President Nixon, Congas of Venice (Goldie Glitters), Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Watergate (Ira Sohn), Food Conspiracy, Venice -Fox, Community Services, "Violence Center" (Joanne Curtis), Fonda Fights Back (Bob Wells)

Beachhead #44 - August 1973 - Peace on Venice Beach (John Haag), Canal Crunch (John Haag), Peace and Freedom and the GOP (Milton Takei), Poem : Lights Out! (Frank Curtis), Battle for Rent Control (Sperabamus), Discovering the Occult (Maurice LeCroy), Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Doggone! (Laurel E. Herzberg), Turn Anger into Energy (Don Blumberg), Community Services, Wounded Knee Legal Defense/Offense Committee (Marge Buckley)

Beachhead #45 - September 1973 - Rainbow Pages, Gail Williamson photos, Death of a Community (Ron Guenther), Wounded Knee, How to Save our Coast (David Shulman), Owners - Tenants Unite (Bob Wells), Quickie Movie Reviews (Bob Cadden), Help : Canal Festival #5 (Mary Jane), Further Flora and Fauna (Carol Fondiller), Direct Charge Co-op (George Tucker), Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Politidiscs (Richard Foos), VTC as Viewed from Plato's Cave (Sperabamus), Oakwood Council (Karen Duke), P&F Scandal (Tanya Tolmosoff-Wren), Community Services, The Plunder of Pico (Joanna Curtis), Letter (Kathleen Inches), People's Lobby

Beachhead #46 - October 1973 - Alan Ross Speech to VTC, Fifth Annual Venice Canal Festival (Carol Fondiller), Gail Williamson photos, Tax Assessment Appealed (Bill McNally), Beachhead (Jim Zane), Freeway No!, A Small But Well-Disiplined Group (John Haag), Grapes of Wrath Again, Tuum Est Anniversary (Carol Fondiller), Venice Murals Dedicated (Carol Fondiller), Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Politidiscs (Richard Foos), Venice Library, Community Services, Chile Coup (Juanita Davis and Louise Derman)

Beachhead #47 - November 1973 - A People's Park on Canal Street (Ron Guenther), Marina By-Pass (DeDe Audet), Lead in Evaporated Milk, Watergate, Local Bird Dies (Bob Wells), Watergate Letter, Carpenter's Collective, Letter : An Enigmatic Viewpoint (Don Pettit), Coping with Cops, Politidiscs (Richard Foos), Phoney Business (Carol Fondiller), Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, New Canal Project (Rick Davidson), U.S. Involved in Chile Coup (Joanne Curtis), Wounded Knee, Impeach Nixon cartoon, Vote No on Reagan's Tax Initiative (Lin Hartwell)

Beachhead #48 - December 1973 - Zoning Rollback (T. Widener), We Have A History (John Haag), Wounded Knee Militant Murdered, 5th Anniversary of Beachhead (Milton Takei), Reagan Vetoes Air (Ron Guenther), Vitamin Crunch, Coke Sucker, Energy Rip-Off (John Haag), Carol's Carols (Carol Fondiller), Politidiscs (Richard Foos), Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Satgorillas, Farmworker's Unions, Venice Marijuana Office, Should Venice Secede? (Rick Davidson), "Violence Center" (Daniel O'Hearn), Drugs and Religion : "The One Way Out"(Bob Wells)


Beachhead #49 - January 1974 - Poop on Bike Path (Carol Fondiller), Venice Reapportioned, Should Venice Secede? (Rick Davidson), Who Wears the Pants? (Marge Buckley), Jaya Moves Forward, Poem : SHE (Ed Rose), Politidiscs (Richard Foos), People's Law : Cops Are Not Avon Ladies, Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Wounded Knee, Letter (Diane Lee), Letter : A Lesson in Vain (Free Venice), Marina Bypass (Lynne Newton), Community Services, Gallo Wine Protest

Beachhead #50 - February 1974 - Bulldozer Run Over By People (Ron Guenther), Canal Street News (Ron Guenther), Windows Wiped Out (Bob Wells), Federal Help For A Free Venice, Impeachment Blues (John Maybury), Fallen Arches, Politidiscs (Richard Foos), People's Law, Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Letters, Law Center Opens, Community Services, Ode to My Socks (Pablo Neruda)

Beachhead #51 - March 1974 - Canine Controversy (Carol Fondiller), Bypass Bypassed (Carol Fondiller), Flash! City Hall is Ours!, Letters, A Man's View of Sexism (Gordon Quinlan), Politidiscs (Richard Foos), People's Law, Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Energy Crisis (William Harnett), Sioux Sue, Music Co-op, Poem : Stuart Perkoff: For Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Beachhead #52 - April 1974 - A Useful Crisis (Grant Crandall), Venice VVAW Fights Bum Raps, Religion : Fascist or Liberating... (Dan Hirsch), Malcolm X Tribute, Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, Bluesmen Ripped Off (John Messer), Venice Town Council, Art Seidenbaum : Passion to the People, Neighborhood Council Problems by Areas, Letters, UFW in Venice (Ricardo Garcia), Prison Finger Wave (Ricardo Garcia), Dreams and Nightmanres : A Review (Carol Fondiller), The House of Flowers (Pablo Neruda)

Beachhead #53 - May 1974 - Mayor Bradley Trips Over Venice (Rick Davidson); Pat Russell: Tree Killer (Ron Guenther); Venice VVAW (Haskel Simonowitz), Town Council Votes to Support Farm Workers (Ron Guenther), Mime Troupe Coming to Venice, Cruel & Bright :Thoughts on Violence and Revolution (Gordon Quinlan), World Food Crisis, Dig Your Garden (Richard Register), Diet for a Small Planet (Linda Lucks), Poems : Helen Ballentine, Recipes, Peace and Freedom Candidates, Letters, Community Services, Neighbors vs. Muggers (Anita Tencer), Women Against Rape (Barbara Allen), Ode to Poverty (Pablo Neruda)

Beachhead #54 - June 1974 - Pat Russell's Finances (Bob Wells); Homes to be Destroyed and Residents "Relocated" (Ron Guenther), .; Code Enforcement & Police Intimidation, Mayor's Pecker Pilloried, Poem : An Unrehearsed Letter (Barbara Winchell), Recipes for a Small Planet (Linda Lucks), Poem: The Invisible Man (Pablo Neruda), Methadone "Treatment", Testimony of a Chilean Woman, Letter : Midnight Special, Community Services, Weather Poem for the SLA (a sister in the Weather Underground)

Beachhead #55 - July 1974 - Elk Endangered (Ron Guenther); Bring Down the (N. Pasquariello), Letters : John Haag, Yvonne R. Bird, Harpy Droppings (Carol Fondiller), A. I. M. (Ishi Houmah), Truth About Portugal, Workers Without Visas (Free Venice), Book Review : Maximum Security (Gordon Quinlan), Letter from Soledad (Comrade E. Brown Jr.), Poem: Manifiesto (Victor Jara), A Day in the Life of a Schoolgirl, Poem : Transformations (Margaret Talbot), The Great McDonald's Rip-off, Snatched! (Taileen Wilson), Parade Looms!, Community Services, Doin' Your Own Thing : A Conspiracy (Carol Fondiller)

Beachhead #56 - August 1974 - Nude Beach: On Again Off Again (Carol Fondiller), Oil Rigs Off (Our) Shore (Linda Lucks), Recycling Center Dumped, Letters, Harpy Droppings (Carol Fondiller), Prudential Insurance Scam (Gordon Quinlan), The Day I Said No! (Shari Leintz), Chinese Law, Secession?, VTC News, the short walk (Haskel Simonowitz), Photos of July 4th Parade, Women in China (Linda Shin), Stuart - a memory (Carol Fondiller), Community Services, Tribute to Stuart Perkoff : His Poems

Beachhead #57 - September 1974 - Who's Planning Your Future? (Lance Diskan), 6th Canal Festival, Beach Drummer's Benefit (Elizabeth Sunny Sky), "Unnatural Instruments" (Michael A. Rivera), Forced Sterilization, Bio-Medical Warfare (Barbara Allen), Indians of Oklahoma Challenge Sterilization Program (Ishi Houmah), Prisoners Prisoners Prisoners (Donna Hansen), Prison Poems (Michael McCarthy), The Rockefeller Gang (Joel Andreas), Community Services, Beyond Baroque, VTC News (B.E. Trees), Canal Plan

Beachhead #58 - October 1974 - The Coastal Commission : Kicking and Screaming in North Beach, Free Pre-School At Westminster (Donna Sidell and Rozanne Miller), What I Learned in School Today (Shari Leintz), Letters, Harpy Droppings (Carol Fondiller), Slaughter of Whales Boycott (Craig Van Note), Poems by Pam Emerson, Puetro Rican Solidarity Day, Land Reform in America (Milton Takei), Community Services, Beachhead t-shirt, Comic : Creature from the Canals (Thomas Warkentin)

Beachhead #59 - November 1974 - Coastal Commission Orders Damage Undone (Ron Guenther), Open Letter to Gary Hatcher (Mary Jane), Anchorage Assessment Looms (Clyde Holm), Canal Street victory, Dial 1984 (Computers may someday tap everyone's phone), News from Wounded Knee (Ishi Houmah), Harpy Dropping (Carol Fondiller), Venice Blvd. Widening Narrowed (Moe Stavnezer), VTC News (Pat Vescera), Myths About Rape, 6th Annual Canal Festival photos, Community Services, Little League and Big Money (the Ocean Beach Rag)

Beachhead #60 - December 1974 - Russell Says Take It Or Leave It (Bob Wells), Invasion of the Afflu-Hip (Carol Fondiller), Letters, "Porter" peters out as porn (Carol Fondiller), Planner Plans Planning Committee, Harpy Droppings (Carol Fondiller), Town Council News, Death by Deportation (Rick Davidson), Lesbians Protest (Cree Waterwoman), P & F Scores Well, VTC News (Pat Vescera), Photos of first VTC meeting in Venice City Hall, Community Services, Cold Facts of Famine (The Berkeley Barb), Communal Cooking (Linda Lucks)


Beachhead #61 - January 1975 - On Guard! (Elizabeth Sunny Sky), Our Free Box Is Gone (Patti M.), defense of our favorite bureaucracy (North Beach Planning Task Force), Letters, Drummers Case Dropped (Michael A.Rivera), the show dog (Ken Nisbet),Venice Town Council News (Michael Vescera), Citizens Change Planners Plan (Dudley Thornton), In The Joint, Survival Manual Exposes Rape, The Speedy Kid's Diet, Who's Planning Your Future, China & The Free Box, Community Services, Fondiller's Harpy Droppings, Farmworkers Rate Wine, ain't science grand? Comics: Inflated Tales of Th' New Depression (RIPP), Recipes : California Journey Cake, Mackerel Stew

Beachhead #62 - February 1975 - Letter to the Anonyous Fool (Jim Smith), Helistop on Hold (Terry Donahue), Letters, Venice Town Council News (Barbara Avedon), Citizen's Adivsory Committee (Jim Bickhart), Community Showcase, And The War Goes On, And On, And On...(Moe Stavnezer), Plastics May Be Hazardous To Your Health, Population, SB-95 Politicos Ponder Pot, Guess Who Didn't Pay Any Federal Taxes?, Lobotomy: The Battle Of The Brain (David Robertson), Canal Presentation (Ron Guenther), Poetry : Venice Trilogy (Ken Nisbet), The Canals, Venice California, 1974 (Sharyn Abramhoff), Rent Rumbles (Carol Fondiller), Community Services, New Venice Mural (Lance Diskan), Comix: Whizzy Lumpy (Bedard)

Beachhead #63 - March 1975 - Nude Venice Lives, C..A.C. Diary (Jim Bickhart), Letters, Alarum 1 (Marvena Kennedy), Alarum 2 (John Maybury), Witch Hunt (Feminist Wicca), Politics of Housework, The Chicken Bone Pier (Billy Levine), Poetry : If ever - Now is the Time (Robert Jackson), The Cricket (Lowell Harris), So Grateful Farewell (Lance Diskan), Harpy Droppings (Carol Fondiller), Live at the Fox (Carol Fondiller), Ad for Juergen's Restaurant, Community Services, Venice Center of the Performing Arts, Comix : Whizzy Lumpy (Bedard)

Beachhead #64 - April 1975 - Community Accuses City Attorney (Bob Wells), Fate of the Coast (Moe Stavnezer and Ron Guenther), Rent Control Bill (John Curtis), Whose Electric Bill Did You Pay?, PU-239 : Madmen At Controls of Spaceship Earth (Ron Guenther), Counting Fishes, Letters, Harry Asimow Dies (Morris Rosen), Feminist Men's Collective, Vendor's By-laws, Profile on the band Severance (Linda Lucks), Poetry : Autopsy (Ken Nisbet), Even In School (Robert Jackson), Venom II (Weather Underground women); C.A.C. Diary (Jim Bickhart), Shock "Therapy" (Rita Crafts), Hitchhikers of America, Community Services, Comix: Whizzy Lumpy (Bedard)

Beachhead #65 - May 1975 -Floridation Fraud (Terry Donahue), Mining the Silver Strand (Moe Stavnezer), Letters, Free Whizzy (Steve Clare and Elizabeth Elder), Community Plan, Urban Farms and Gardens (North Beach Planning Task Force), Harpy Droppings (Carol Fondiller), Local Recycling (Jo Ann Casy, Ron Dubin, and Roger Pillsbury), Babylift Another Word for Kidnap (Berkeley Barb reprint), Alive at the Fox (Lorrie Kazan), canal festmess (Carol Fondiller), Community Services, Poetry : family Portraits (Lorrie Kazan), To The Vietnamese (Gordon Quinlan); Bye-Bye Bike Path (Moe Stavnezer), "Z" Burned, "Pot" Luck, Beer Bubble Burst

Beachhead #66 - June 1975 - Helistop (Peter Galbraith), Save the Venice Post Office (Dave Sauve), Letters, Hang On Whizzy, City vs. The Law (B.Trees), Witchcraft On Trial (Elizabeth Sunny Sky), Harpy Droppings (Carol Fondiller), Amtrak Blues (John Maybury), Police Move Against VTC (Ron Guenther), Community Services, Venice Tenant's Union (John Curtis and Phil Bell), Pot Luck-less, Waitress Fired for Hairy Legs

Beachhead #67 - July 1975 - Canal Monster Vanquished (Ron Guenther); Feds Kidnap Venice Children (Bob Wells); Letters, Recycling Center Re-opens, Venice Rally for Joanne Little (Elizabeth Sunny Sky), Harpy Droppings (Carol Fondiller), The True Conservatives (Russell Train), Short Stuff, Review : Legion of Mary (Carol Fondiller), C.A.C. Diary (Jim Bickhart), Fight Continues vs. Tree Killers (Bob Wells), That Defies Belief!, Poetry : Theatre of the Ridiculous (Jea Purves), Venice (Arla Webster), 'Alphabet' (Stuart Perkoff), Preliterate Poetry (Lorrie Kazan), Untitled (Trilles); Specific Oral Techniques, Community Services, Who Represents Venice?, Yellow Cab Shows Color (Carol Fondiller)

Beachhead #68 - August 1975 - Hack's Flak Axed, Ocean Front Follies(North Beach Planning Task Force), Beachhead Benefit, Postal Service Cut Again (Jim Stahn), Letters, Eco-Spasm Report (John Curtis), Silkwood Investigation Reopened, Harpy Droppings (Carol Fondiller), Poetry : Superbooby's Invention (Pam Emerson), diary excerpt (Anne Frank), in the Year of the Woman (Karen Lindsay); Gender Benders (Carol Fondiller), Short Stuff, History of Drug Traffic, Tourism and Terrorism (Red Bird), C.A.C. Diary (Jim Bickhart), Community Services, Unemployment Benefits, Please Recycle the Beachhead, Green Light for Grass (Walter Sullivan)

Beachhead #69 - September 1975 - Property Taxes (Chuck Gross), Get Off Your Assessment (Peter Galbraith), Venice Renters League (Edwin Pearl), Treaty Trampled (Red Bird), Too Poor to Live Here (Carol Fondiller), a man's man (Lorrie Kazan), In the Slammer (Ron Guenther), Social Insecurity (Martin Dudziak), Community Services, Short Stuff

Beachhead #70 - October 1975 - A Taxing Issue (Bob Wells), People Set P.A.C.E., Venice Renter's League, Letters, Mucho Macho (Carol Fondiller), Harpy Droppings (Carol Fondiller), Poetry : Chile Stadium (Victor Jara), untitled (Jerry Harrison); Baron - It's Good to Hear You Again (Joan Friedberg), Just Another Atrocity (Red Bird), It's a Dog's Life (Joan Friedberg), The Lagunization of Venice? (Moe Stavnezer), Trends in Women's Writing (Lorrie Kazan), Community Services, Short Stuff

Beachhead #71 - November 1975 - War Against Native Americans Escalates (Red Bird), Renters League Update (Elizabeth Sunny Sky), Creeping Condos, Eviction Scoreboard, Letters, Open Letter to Speculators, Poetry : Hair (Ron Cokely), Untitled (Ron Cokely), L.A. Cowboy ( jj McNeil), The Crippled Bird (John Loveluck); Review : Through the Flower : Judy Chicago (Joan Friedberg), Everyone in Venice Knows - Part 1 (Carol Fondiller), A Venice Affair (Carol Fondiller), Ticket Price : One Letter, Community Services, Short Stuff

Beachhead #72 - December 1975 - Peninsula Park? (Moe Stavnezer), Right Here in Venice! (Carol Fondiller), Photo : Jaya Mural Completed, Letters, Who Are The San Quentin Six? (The Defender reprint), Secret Trials in Chile, Inside Goldie Glitters: an exclusive interview (Joan Friedberg), Poetry : Whimsy and Fancy (Elan San Tana), Population of the Pacific (Joe Gleeson), Song - Venice Women (Maryjane Kwan), TV (Les Resko), Doses From Above (Don Lee); Ford Clips Native Americans (Red Bird), toke of the town, Every One in Venice Knows - Part 2 (Carol Fondiller), Community Services, Renters League Update, Short Stuff


Beachhead #73 - January 1976 - S-1: Blueprint for Fascism, Town Council Hears Tax Info, Red Tide Rolls Up Victory (The People's Justice reprint), what it's like to be a sex object on a wednesday afternoon in venice (S. Scott), Native American Update (Red Bird), Poetry : Aqui in Venice, The Favorite Things of Tommy Bodie's Trip West (John F. Gleeson), Woman (John Keskulla); A Childrens Place (Carol Taub), Every One in Venice Knows - Part 3 conclusion (Carol Fondiller), Community Services, Short Stuff, Harpy Droppings (Carol Fondiller)

Beachhead #74 - February 1976 - Mural Madness, Poem : People Don't Understand Progress Until It Gets In Their Way (Nancy McCulloch), Food Stamps Under Attack (Milton Takei), Letters, Harpy Droppings (Carol Fondiller), A History of Venice (Mitch Giller), Angola : Superpowers Behind Civil War (Fight Back reprint), Continental Walk for Disarmament, Native American Justice? (Red Bird), Poetry : Quotatiosn From Work in Progress, Reply to Mr. Ottrot's Critique (Pam Emerson) Community Services, Short Stuff, Poem : CIA Made Its Foes Stink (Tuli Kupferberg),Venetians! Parade!, Donald Duck : Fascist Quack

Beachhead #75 - March 1976 - Venice Homeowners and Renters Protest Taxes (Bob Wells), The Case of the Missing Tape (David Kasper), Russell Resurrects Anchorage Assessment (Arlen Hendler and David Kasper), Letters, Continental Walk Arrives (P.R. Chamberlin), Sun-Maid Boycott, A View of Venice (Lorrie Kazan), Native American Justice? (Red Bird), Poetry : Love (John Keskulla), Fantasy of a Dream (Stephen W. Goldman), America (Murray Barnett), Etude in B (Lance Diskan), Epilog (Stephen W. Goldman); Review : The Work Book (Sue Scott), Community Services, Short Stuff

Beachhead #76 - April 1976 - Save the Coast (Again) (Moe Stavnezer), Venice Residents Protest Taxes (Susan Scott), Petition from Z. . Budapest, Bob Wells in Supervisors Race, Poem : Untitled (Julio), Post-Feminist Re-Entry (Judy Graybill), Native Americans (Red Bird), Film-Flam (Carol Fondiller), Video Watch (Lance Diskan), Review : Bread and Roses (Susan Scott), Poetry : Notes on 29 (Michael Vargas), Love in the Cupboard, The Swimmer Inside My Blood (Bob Greenfield), Hopi's Dance (Murray Barnett), Community Services, Short Stuff, Right to Vote Initiative (Bob Wells), Beachhead Benefit

Beachhead #77 - May 1976 - Social Ecology of Venice (Coastal Commission Staff report reprint), Letters, 'Block Vote' to Save Venice, Poetry : Gay Brother, Straight Brother (John Keskulla), Fat revolution (Sharon Bas Hannah), Sandpatch and Broken Wall (Bob Wells), Sunbeams (George Porter); Video Watch (Lance Diskan), Women Demystify Auto Mechanics, Indian Update (Red Bird), Post Movement Pre-Ambling (Carol Fondiller), Distant Thunder (Rachel Dranow), Community Services, Short Stuff, Dope Law : off the record (Scott J. Topper and Jonathan H. Greenspan)

Beachhead #78 - June 1976 - Deja-Vu England -Venice (C. Keuhn), Postal Workers (Jim Stehn), Letters from Rick Davidson, Moe Stavnezer, Rocky Swingle; Rape Crisis Report, The Question of Meat : What's At Stake (Peter Galbraith), Film Review : Weather Underground and Calliopes, Canals, and Chaos : Abbot Kinney's Venice (Carol Fondiller), VTC Report (Dorothy Weisser and Arnold Springer), Client List Copped (Cheryl Diehm), Community Services, Short Stuff

Beachhead #79 - July 1976 - Silver Strand Permit Denied (Moe Stavnezer), Is Venice Unsafe for Rapists? (Nancy Greene), Save the Oglala Four (Red Bird), Wells Analyzes Venice Vote (Bob Wells), the "skinny" of fatness (Aldebaran), A Venetian View of the Bicentennial (Rick Davidson), How A Revolution Is Fought (Milton Takei), Mass Inoculation Alternative (Jack Cooper), The Politics of Unemployemnt (John Conyers), Poetry : Venice By The Sea (small), Video Watch (Lance Diskan), Hitchhikers : Beware, Community Services, Short Stuff, cop-a-grant...everybody else does (Jim Bickhart)

Beachhead #80 - August 1976 - Poop on Bike Path; San Quentin Six Summary, SB1277 : A Coast of a Chance (Moe Stavnezer); Letter : Art On View (Ken Jewett), TV Guilt (Ted Carpenter), An Eye For A Toke, The Hopi Prophecy (Lance Diskan), Fabulous Freak Brothers comix, Poetry : untitled (Pam Emerson), more time (Carol Fondiller); Los Angeles magazine writes off Venice (Susan Scott), Community Services, After the Earthquake (Elizabeth Sunny Sky), Go Collect Unemployment (Raymond Avrutis)

Beachhead #81 - September 1976 - Canal (Festival slashed) Funeral (Mary Lou Johnson and Carol Fondiller); Name Game (Carol Fondiller), Rumors Alleged!(Carol Fondiller), Dope On Dope (Bruce Margolin), Native American Update (Red Bird), Film Review : Robert Altman's Buffalo Bill & The Indians (Lily-Sabina Fairweather), Poetry : from the boards of the un-employmet office (michael mollett), marijuana in colonial America, "POP" Psych Supermarket (Ted Hulbert), Community Services, Short Stuff

Beachhead #82 - October 1976 - (Funeral slashed) Festival (Carol Fondiller), Canals Up for Grabs, Farmworker Initiative Insures Fair Elections, Letter : How the Revolution is One (Sarah Saul), An Open Letter to the UCLA Community (Lawrence r. Ephron), Socialist Community School (Milton Takei), A Touchy Subject (Michael Mollett), Poetry : Your Centennial Is My Centennial, R.I.P. (Walter Lowenfels), Growing Pains : cultivation vs. the law (Bruce Margolin), Wavecrest Rules! Condos Suck!, Short Stuff, Community Services, Cartoon : Orwell and Ace in : Creature from the Canals (Thomas Warkentin)

Beachhead #83 - November 1976 - Mail Service Going To Hell (Jim Stehn), A Neighborhood Guide To The Coastal Commission (Linda Lucks), The Elderly Jews of Venice - Part 1 (Joanne Altschuler), Letters (Jeannie Adams, Allan Armstrong), Domino Theory re: Venice (Carol Fondiller), Myrtle Wilson obit, Renters' Rights (Bruce M. Margolin), Sprouts, Community Services, Beachhead Benefit, New Government Report Shows Dramatic Rise In Poverty, Book Swap Box at 22 Wavecrest, Short Stuff

Beachhead #84 - December 1976 - Statement To The Coastal Commission (Reuben Press), Corruption in Assessor's Office (David Kasper), Short Stuff, The Venice People's Rainbow Pages (Will Raabe), The Elderly Jews of Venice - Part 2 (Joanne Altschulen), The Carter connections......, Centennial of a Sellout (Bob Wells), Crow Dog (Richard Erdoes), Poetry : Medicine Man (Richard Erdoes), untitled (Inali Bill Clark), Ganienkeh (Joseph Bruchac), Life (armin), Rising Stranger (Richard Currey), Review: Womon's Passion Play by Z. Budapest (Carol Fondiller), Is That All There Is?? (Carol Fondiller), Community Services, Collage : We Have A History : Celebrating The Beachhead's 8 Years


Beachhead #85 - January 1977 - Goodbye Canals? (David Kasper), Dope News (Linda Lucks), Taxpayers on Strike (Dorothy Weisser), Letters, Letter to the Coastal Commission (Dorothy and Max Weisser), Free Venice or a Socialist America? (Rick Davidson), Network Against Psychiatric Assault (Peter Calagna), Arcosanti Festival '77 (Gretchen Henkel), North Ireland : 800 Years of Colonialism (Terry Morgan), Bill Crawford Profile : Blues on the Beach (David Lindorff), Petroprotein Follies (Real Paper reprint), Community Services, Open Letter to Venice Feminist Community (Lily-Sabina Fairweather), Book Review : Venice, U.S.A., An American Dream Come True (Carol Fondiller), Get It Regularly (where to get the Beachhead), Goldie Glitters in Garage Sale Film (Carol Fondiller)

Beachhead #86 - February 1977 - Developer Bulldozes Resident (Carol Fondiller), Letters, Demolition Derby in the Canals (Carol Fondiller), A Look at the New Coastal Commission (Moe Stavnezer), Save the B-52 Bomber (Phil Chamberlin), Leary's Space Case (Sue Scott), Book Review : Through the Wall : Prison Correspondence (Bob Wells), Rick Sinatra photo of Mary Jane Kwan, Poetry : "Circles", "(All That's Just Jive)", "Saturdays Bad Head", "Down One" (Jerry Harrison), Make Me Beautiful (Bob Greenfield), Downtown Re-development (Lewis McCammon), Pulling Jimmy's Strings, U.S. Tri-lateral Commission, Promises Promises (Alan Wolfe), Carter's Black Maids : Working For Peanuts (Greg Cornell), Community Services, the L.A.P.D. is Not NORML (Linda Lucks), Russell Hustles Land Use Rustle (Carol Fondiller), Eat More Vegetarians (Tomito), Short Stuff

Beachhead #87 - March 1977 - Photos : Canals Rally Bulldozer Victim, Short Shots (Moe Stavnezer), Venice Community Playgroup (Gail Hinich), a Venice day gathering (Rick Davidson), Warhol in Venice : Using Means For An End (Carol Fondiller), Poetry : Love on the Half Shell (Dan James), untitled (Phil Chamberlin), Dear Aunt Maxine and George (Ed Rose), You Don't Have Severance to Kick Around (With) Anymore (Osah Harmon), Venice and the Coastal Plan (Laguna N. Colton), Beachhead Interviews Ruth Vannatta, Mass Actions Block Evictions (Morris Wright), Confrontation Brews at Channel 28 (David Kasper), Gas Cmpanies Profit From Crisis, Letter from the OPCC Staff, Battered Women (Sister reprint), Letter (Linda Lucks), Community Services, Short Stuff

Beachhead #88 - April 1977 - Venice Community Plan (North Beach Planning Task Force); Oakwood Real Estate Boom, Russell Means Realities vs. Fantasies (Red Bird), Skyhorse/Mohawk Trial, Tax Justice Act of 1977 (Dorothy Weisser), Short Shots (Moe Stavnezer), Poetry : Poem for Albert Ayler (Steven Effingham), June 2, 1974 (Ed Rose), Metamorphosis into Bureaucrat (Marge Piercy), Tourist / Home Movies (Bob Bacon), Canine Ca-Ca : Sidewalk Scourge (Ida Honororr), Dog Owners Beware (Lilly Tanner), Community Services, Is Police Chief Davis Hoppin' Mad?

Beachhead #89 - May 1977 - Fair Housing for Children; Skyhorse/Mohawk Trial, Rape Suspect Arrested, Poetry : In Lieu of the Letter thet Didn't Work (Gary Corbin), Venice, or (Go West Again Young Man (Susan Vera), Venice Night (Gary Corbin) Venetian Blind Items (Carol Fondiller), Venice Key to Yannatta Victory (Derek Shearer), Letters, Short Stuff, Movie Review : Realm of the Senses (Carol Fondiller), Pot Pourri, Movie Review : In the Realm of the Senses (Moe Stavnezer), Sharing Illuminations : Women's Film Series (Susan Scott), Community Services

Beachhead #90 - June 1977 - Realtors Raise Rents - Renters Raise Hell (Carol Fondiller), Venice Town Council, Skyhorse/Mohawk Trial, Venice Deja-Vu (Arnold Springer), Turn On to Tea, An Alternative Desegregation School Plan (Robt. Wells), Ad council Sells Capitalism, Community Services, Short Stuff

Beachhead #91 - July 1977 - Beachhead Staff Gripe, Letter : Citizens for Better Postal Service (Mary A. Miles), Venice Rules (Arnold Springer), Community Services

Beachhead #92 - August 1977 - Our Energy vs. Their Power : No Nukes, Dignity Not Profit (John Wachter), Editorial : A Poem for Venice, Silver Strand (Moe Stavnezer), Rent $trike (Dal La Magna), Bikeway Inches Nearer, Attica-By-The-Sea (Pano Douvos), Poem : Venice Oilwell Sounds (Arran Stephens), Venice Rules (Arnold Springer), What is Real? (John Wachter), A Family Affair (John Wachter), Poetry : The Cop (Helen Karopoulous), Confession of a Closest Sexist (Hugh Howard), Community Services

Beachhead #93 - September 1977 - Shooting in India - Dancing in Venice (John Wachter and William Margolis), Conga Drummers Platform Mystery : Interview with Stan Armstead (Panos Douvos), Meeting on Venice School Integration, No Nukes is Good Nukes (John Wachter), What's Happening on the Boardwalk (Panos Douvos), Celebration at Comeback Inn (Steve Effingham), An Inaccurate History, An Accurate Memory (Carol Fondiller), $elling Venice by the Pound (Kemper Strikers), Renters Form Chain Gang (Moe Stavnezer), Is Venice Unsafe?, Short Shots, 4-page Poetry Journal (see below), Fairs and Festivals (Osah Harmon), Main Street Fair (Steve Martin), The Coming Attractions (John Wachter), A Store Is Born, Renters Fucked Over (Moe Stavnezer), Oakwood : Too Little, Too Late, Swami X (Mark Hawes), How Will It Weigh Out? (Ged O'Shea), Song : Talkin' Tenant Blues (Mike Kawson), Jousting With The City Attorney (John Wachter), Trataremos de Integracion en Tres Escuelas de Venice, Community Services

Venice of America Poetry Journal: I Invoke Maya Akovsky (James Ryan Morris), Poem (Marsha Getzler), The Exile (Aya), untitled (Philomene Long), (the ball poem) (Frank T. Rios), rumor (Tony Scibella), Poem and Again Poem (Larry Lake), Electric Iron Mayakovsky (Barry Simon), Terminal Poem (Larry Lake), the dead soldier (Frank T. Rios), To Frankie (Aya), the lady on the hill (Larry Lake), she dreams real (Frank T. Rios), Amulet Thot to Be (Larry Lake), Widow (Larry Lake), (there's fear that no rhyme will bring the house shame) (Frank T. Rios), the song of our rage (Frank T. Rios), silence (Barry Simon), conceptual research (Tony Scibella), Poem (Marsha Getzler), Legend (Aya), One of Twelve (Larry Lake), Supermarket Poem (Sam Scibella), Pieces for the piles (Aya), untitled (Tony Scibella), visions (Frank T. Riios), letter to baza (Stuart Z. Perkoff), Pair A (Aya), untitled (Philomene Long), Night (Barry Simon), From : Letters From An Alien World (Aya)

Beachhead #94 - October 1977 - All Mucked Up! : Canals "Restoration", Congas and Quazi Return to Brooks (Panos Douvos), Takin' On the Board of Education (Robt. Wells), Letters, The Art Scene (Panos Douvos), Venice Farmers Get Break (Linda Lucks), Redwoods : Endangered Species (Lance Diskan), Spying on Nuclear Power (Mendocino Grapevine reprint), Musical Arborday (Panos Douvos), Laboring on Your Behalf?, Short Shots (Moe Stavnezer), Defending Nuclear Power (Chuck Bloomquist), Community Events, Canal Restoration Project, Poem : Of Ms. America (Osah Harmon), Community Services

Beachhead #95 - November 1977 - Venice :Paved Over and Ripped Off (Rick Davidson), Bikeway Still Awaits Green Light, Eyewitness Needed (Bill Arblaster), Letters, Remembering Bingo (Carol Fondiller), Poem : For BIngo (Gary Gardner), Lion's Club on the Growl, What's Happening? (Panos Douvos), To the Lafayette With Love (Wendy Reeves), My Tennis Partner (Jeff Cohen), N.M.D.R. S.T.I.N.K.S. (Joan Friedberg), Be A Lifeguard (Panos Douvos), Final Attack on North Beach Begins : Werner Schaarf, The Roving Reviewer (Wendy Reeves), Poetry : To Steve (Melody Brennan), September (Kevin McCormick), The Reins Are Held Tightly (C Jay Jenkins) Gagaku (Steve Richmond), Party (Nikki Selditz), To Mr. Frank (Melody Brennan), When (Iva L. Turner), I was Going Out Dancing (Scott D. Wannberg), Community Events, Broomschtick (Osah Harmon), Pass to Pasadena?, Venice Isn't Weird: Look at Buffalo, Community Services

Beachhead #96 - December 1977 - Beachhead Threatened - 1000 Copy Paper Caper (Panos Douvos), Kemper Distemper (Olga Palo), Letters, Poetry : For Whom A Song Rings (Phil Jarvis), gagaku (Steve Richmond), Town Council Report, Clean Energy Blast, Seniors' Thanksgiving, City refused traffic light at Main & Horizon after child's death, The Battle for "Fair Rents" in Santa Monica, What's Happening (Panos Douvos), Community Events, Graphic : Alley (kevin), Grand Jury Reform & Abuse, Community People, Terrorist Quiz, Boycott Coors! (Evelyn Desmarais), Ecotopia in China? (Wendy Reeves), Introducing NAPA, short shots (Moe Stavnezer), Beachhead Calendar, spiritual Polyfidelity gestalt-O-rama, Cultivation Bill Still Alive, they're out to DE$TROY U$!!!, Bikepath Report, FDA seeks Drug Data, Community Services


Beachhead #97 - January 1978 - Rampant Wave of Speculation (Arnold Springer), Deseg. Drags On (Robt. Wells), Letter : Being On the Road, Letters, Silver Strand Turns to Gold (Moe Stavnezer), Who's Got Housing? (Moe Stavnezer), Bottle Battle Begins, Laboring On Your Behalf?, Community Events, Poetry : Existence (Charlotte Colorado), Aluminum Levi's (Jay Jenkins), Christmas ( Scott D. Wannberg), I Thought of You Today (Richard Morano), untitled (Melody Brennan), A Knowledgeable Virgin (Lynne Bronstein), Quick Appeal (J. Sharkey), Who? (Myra D. Klassman), Town Council Meetings, $terilization (Akwesasne reprint), Skyhorse -Mohawk, Paper Caper Update (Panos Douvos) What's Happening (Pano Douvos), Fortune Telling : Crime or Religion?, VOP Co-op Benefit, Helicopter Tales (Debra Kaufman), Community Services

Beachhead #98 - February 1978 - Oakwood Housing Crisis, Stop Venice Freeway, Where There's Smoke There's Pot, Whirlybirdshit (Kathy Phillips), Letters, Free Health Care (Olga Palo), Up Against the Wall North Beach (Sonda Beal), Senior Citizen Housing, Deseg. = Assimilation? (Robt. Wells), Local Group Rebukes Nukes, The Vatican Views the Arms Race, New Bag for One Life, Woemn WIn for Community, Voice of Venice Past, Poetry : A Cold Proposition (Carol Fondiller), The Waves (Edltinch), Beauty and Sadness (Ed Latimer), The Sea and Me (Myra Klassman), Happy Claimant #208-36-8082 (Bram Druckman), The Lemmings of L.A. (Donald Johns), Review : Comeback Inn (Bill Rivers), Open Letter to Pat Russell re : Marina Bypass, Better Redwood Than Deadwood!, Justice Center Mediators Wanted, Parking Lot Fiasco (Tom Lang), Mime Troupe in Venice (Osah Harmon), Rose & Main Shopping Monstrosity Planned, Community Events

Beachhead #99 - March 1978 - 2 Million Dollar Main & Rose Tombstone (Moe Stavnezer), Letters, Coastal Garbage (Moe Stavnezer), Back to Bakke (Panos Douvos), Good Guys Win A Couple, Idi Amin, "King", and Oakwood (The Oakwood Tattler), Women's Jazz Festival, Green Machine inVenice, Energy : Profits Rise (Moe Stavnezer), Bike Path Update, Community Events & Services

Beachhead #100 - April 1978 - ***100TH ISSUE SPECIAL***

There Goes The Neighborhood (Moe Stavnezer), Venice Street Extravaganza, Advertising & A Free Press, Letters, F. Scott Cabaret: Nostalgia Rip-Off Farce (Joan Friedberg), Community Leads Itself (The Oakwood Tattler), One matters: the Venice Town Council (Terry Bloomquist), Get That Filthy Rag Out of My Yard! (Carol Fondiller), CANalABYSS (Mary Lou Johnson), A Political Perspective: Power of the Press (Rick Davidson and Bob Wells), you can't fool Mother Nature, The Venice peace & freedom party (John Haag), A View from Here (Elizabeth Sunnysky), Community House re-visited (Mike Clare), Venice's Midnight Special (Eric Ahlberg), One Woman's Perspective (karen manov), Tenant's Center Opens (Jefferson Cohen)
WHERE WE HAVE BEEN : A 10 YEAR REVIEW (reprints from past Beachheads) - this paper is a poem, Residents Oppose Master Plan, Poem : Dream Deferred (Langston Hughes), Hog-Wild Weekend, 2nd Annual Canal Festival, Dr. Zane's Lobotomy Column, People's Park on Canal St., 5th Anniversary Issue: We Have A History, An Unrehearsed Letter, Parade Looms, Harpy Droppings, Nude Venice Lives, Canal Funeral, 1968 - 1978 : Ten Years of Free Venice (Photo Display)
Venice Inner Views : Wendy Reeves Interviews : Ed, Irma, Dave, Gary, Marilyn, ARTS : Poetry : drunk old woman in Venice Bar (Steve Effingham), Venice Beach '76 (Ruth Clark), untitled (Dudley Jacobson), Lady Venice (Myra D. Goodley), Once Venice (Don Rothernberg), Los Angeles Sunset (Donald Johns), A Travesty of Justice or Human Rights in Amerika (Red Bird), Small Markets of Venice, Coastal Commission (Moe Stavnezer), Memories of Neighborhood Legal Services in Venice (marge buckley), Profile of the Venice Civic Union, The Elderly of Venice...or what happened to the class of 1905? (Morrie Rosen), Reflections on My Venice Childhood (Johanna Johnson)

Beachhead #101 - May 1978 - COMMUNITY WINS! ROSE-MAIN PROJECT DENIED (Moe Stavnezer), Look Out Below: Rents, Property Taxes to Soar as of July (Arnold Springer), Letters, The Oakwood Tattler, Womonspace (Ruth Richman), Pot a la Paraquat, Renters' Rights, Age Discrimination In Movies (Mike Wells), The Seven Dirty Words (Bill Sokol), Laboring on Your Behalf?, Here Comes The Sun (Dave Tappan), Neighborhood Justice Center Opens for Business (Nancy Kless), Which Way Venice, Two Views: On Realizing The People's Will (Robt. Wells); An Arts Center Will Keep Venice Unique (Ken Jewett), New Chips Off Old Blocks (Michael Wildgoose), In Memory: Malvina Reynolds (1900-1978) (May Michel), A People's Construction Co-Op (Rick Davidson), We Can Be Friends (Sammy Israel), Venice ARTS : Poetry : Great Men Never Asked Me What I Did For A Living (Lynne Bronstein), Politicians and Options (Randy Rexford), hot summer day (Steve Effingham), Cartoon : Street Punk, Biggest Firms Pay No Taxes, New Coffee House Opens (Figtree), Community Events & Services

Beachhead #102 - June 1978 - All The Way L & A : the lifestyle you save maybe your own (Brenda Harney), What Jarvis Won't Do For Venice (Moe Stavnezer), Letters, Voter Blackmail in Venice (A. Dolgapiati), Property Taxes In Venice : Neutron Bomb Effect (Arnold Springer), Do you know what's happening now, Mr. Jones? (Lynne Bronstein), Festival For A Future : Survival Sunday (Dave Tappan), pacific southwest chess tournament, Town Council Reports, Right On! Skyhorse-Mohawk : Support the "Longest Walk", L.A. Men's Collective, Big Brother Spies on Anti-Nuke Alliance, What is the New Age Caucus?, Gardner On Gilliam (Gary Gardner), Rent Control in Santa Monica? : Let's Om for it (The Oakwood Tattler), Which Way Venice? : Two Views, A Cooperative Community, Which Side Are You On? (Rick Davidson); Our Neighborhood Theater and How It Grew : Tale Of The Fox (Wendy Reeves), School Plan Snubs Venice (Robt. Wells), Eclectic Focus (Brett Bogeaus), Last of The Great White Walls (Wendy Reeves), Stop Extradition of Evening Lily, Community Events, Fox Theater Calendar

Beachhead #103 - July 1978 - Oakwood: STAYING COOL, L.A. Takes Over Coastal Permits (Moe Stavnezer), Letters, How Venice Voted (Arnold Springer), When Push Comes to Shove (Brenda Harney), Laura Huxley's Brave New Vision (Wendy Reeves), Survival (The Oakwood Tattler), Politics and Sheer Idiocy (Gil Johnson), Heavy Travic on Main (Em), Urgent Tasks (Robt. Wells), the New Army (John Maybury), Review : Children of Che (Joel Dworin and Lisa Tidball), Another Decade (Breda Harney), 15 Members Doth Not A Coop Make: a personal opinion (Ross Moster), Vending May Vanish on OFW, The Great Madison Avenue Oil Slick (David Danielson), Rim Fay Dumped (Moe Stavnezer), Artists & The Community: A Family or a Feud?, Venice Artist Community Forum (Jeff Gillenkirk), Traffic in Women: A Feminist Vehicle (Barbara Marcolies), ARTS : Poetry : Romance Among the Missing (Osah Harmon), Venice Haiku (Hugh McKay), Martin Luther King (ADSLA), The Wanderjahr (Randy Rexford), Love (Donald Johns), Hey Marla! (Claudia Carroll), Another senseless death (Arnold Springer), dope...dope..& more dope (Arnold Springer), Going Bananas (Sweet William), Earth Angel (SunRa), The Longest Walk: Indians on the Lawpath (Mark Butler), the helping hand (Leroy Browne), Labouring on your Behalf, Update: Peace & Freedom, Real Estate News (Cressida), More of Sammy (Sammy Israel), Community Events & Services, Fox Venice Calendar

Beachhead #104 - August 1978 - The Pressure Is On : City Council to Co-opt Coastal Commission (Gil Johnson), Bana Fights Condomania in North Beach (BANA), Letters, Artists Teach Kids for Free at Pavilion, cop-speak, So. Pacific Property & the Venice Struggle (Arnold Springer), Land Rush (Ronn S. Pickard), Is the "nice" still in Venice? (A. Nonimus), Where Will All The Children Go? : City Bureaucracy and the Venice Community Playgroup, Inc. (Robin Rudnick and Mac MacIntyre), It's Not The Sixties Anymore" (David Danielson), Short Shots (Moe Stavnezer), Survival part 2 (The Oakwood Tattler), you ain't nothing but a hound, dog (Joan Friedberg), Poem : It's Come To This (Sylvia Carrasco), Housing in Venice : the future starts now, artists forum : Artists become force in Venice (Jeff Gillenkirk), First Annual mellow music festival, Street Vendors Win One, Human Beings : A Dangerous & Endangered Species (Olga Palo), Cartoon : Coming Home, Two Appeals (Brenda Harney), Shirley Clarke Retrospective, Paraquat Update (Linda Lucks), Cafes, Camus, and Cure (Dave Tappan), Justice For Bingo? (Regina McGee), The Crisis in Home Birth (Elizabeth Sunny Sky), Methadone : back on the street again? (Susan Lopez), What We Haven't Said (Moe Stavnezer), It Was Not A Stupid Vote (Patricia J. Smith), Poem : The Flock Is Shorn (Donald Johns), artist : organize thyself (Quentin Josephy), Coming to the Fox : Provisional Theater (David Danielson), Poetry : venice beach (Angelo Johnson), They Come From Sonora (Randy Rexford), untitled (J.L. Jenkins), Some Landlords....yuch (Lilly Tanner), On the Women's Movement (Robt. Wells), The Nazi Party : What It Inherited (S.E. Mendelson), Seven Dirty Censored Words, Laboring On Your Behalf, Community Events, Message from Savino, Fox Theater Calendar

Beachhead #105 - September 1978 - Southern Pacific Right-of-Way : How To Use It! (Arnold Springer), coastal commission : Zapped by Art Snyder (Brenda Harney), Letters, Stavnezer Receives Award of Merit, Song : Venice (Cliff Scott & Kenny Michelson), Manifesto of Venice Arts Forum, Ocean Park Scores! (Arnold Springer), International Street Performing Arts Assoc. (Fred Demer), Ron Guenther in Fort Bragg (Brenda Harney), Some Thoughts on Beauty (Sharon Bas Hannah), Male Chauvinist Writes Back, "Need of Saving the Whale", In Defense of the Women's Movement (Joan Friedberg), Rush Hour on the 405 (David Danielson), Save City Hall (Carolyn Rios), Renters' Rights (Brett Bogeaus), Tenant Dance, Renters' Recourse (Senator Alan Sieroty), Poetry : Hillside Strangler (Linda Hammond), I Sit On A Cliff (P. Beethovan), Sexy Poverty (Blake Latimer), The New Captain (Hugh McKay), A Last Retreat (Claudia Carroll), Myth Of The Bone (Stuart Lishan), Swami X Speaks (Judy Lent), untitled (Lady Rainbow), Sewer Moon (Hugh McKay), Truck Song (Blake Latimer), The Shallowness Of (P. Beethovan), Tone Deaf Poets (Donald Johns), Just By Accident (Lynne Bronstein), Lullabye (P. Beethovan), Euterpe (Melody Brennan), Power Poles To The People (Rick Davidson), Pot Records Purged (Linda Lucks), The White Blindspot (Robt.Wells), no more nukes (Sue Johnson), Demonstrators Play Dead at Nuclear Test Center "Die In" (Pano Douvos), Peace and Freedom News, Utopian Eyes, Rose Colored Glasses (Dave Tappan), Some Landlords...yuch (Part 2) (Lilly Tanner), Community Events

Beachhead #106 - October 1978 - L.A. Sells Out Venice : Coastal Commission Protection Crumbles (Moe Stavnezer) (Emily Winters graphic), Letters, The Briggs Initiative : After Gays -- Who's Next? (Joan Friedberg), The L.A. Rent Law : how to deal with it (Moe Stavnezer), Piss 'N Vinegar (Prudy Passman), Around & Around (S.E. Mendelson), West Washington : Inside Out (Arnold Springer), Tenants Unite! (Westside Tenant Action Center), Venice Drug Coalition : New Servies, New Jobs (Marshall Yefsky), Munich Putsch Played At The Venice Pavilion (Rick Davidson), People, Power, and Politics : the need for action (Brett Bogeaus), Look Who's Crying "Right to Life" (Mark Keats), Nicaragua : Autumn of the Patriarch, Dog Days for Somoza; History in the Making (Rick Davidson); A Working Class Hero Is Something To Be (David Danielson), Separatism: A Stage of Growth (Lane Valentine), Let's Go to the Beach (Sahron Bas Hannah), Laboring On Your Behalf?, Legal Rights of Parent and Child, Community Events and Services, Fox Theater Calendar

Beachhead #107 - November 1978 - First North Beach Condo Approved : Builder Makes Out Like Bandit (Arnold Springer), Public Hearing Denied! (BANA), We Are Not Alone, Educating the Community, Pt. Conception Or Pt. Destruction? : Sacred Indian Land Under Siege (Mark Butler), Violence : Who's Violence (Rick Davidson), Obscure News Round-Up (Lance Diskan), a continuing dialogue : Women, Men, & Equality (Moe Stavnezer), Save The Pier again (Quentin Josephy), Sammy Sics Six! (Sammy Israel), The One Thing Wrong With Being Gay (David Danielson), Mural, Mural, On The Wall (Wendy Reeves); Boardwalk Rider (J. Moisan), Some Landlords....yuch (Part 3) (Lilly Tanner), Tenants Unite!! (Westside Tenant Action Center), Memoirs of an Ex-Coastal Groupie (Moe Stavnezer), Letters, Update : Peace & Freedom, Lance Diskan Gives Thanks, Protection From Slurs (Sharon Bas Hannah), I Could Have Danced All Night (Mary Davenport), Community Events

Beachhead #108 - December 1978 - Venice Protests At City Council (Kate Keeling) (Emily Winters graphic), Letters, Resist City Intervention, Cartoon : A typical saga in Santa Monica! (ADSLA), Venice Festival Night Coming To Fox, Plethora of Plans Pommels Venice, Where's the #%x@! Community Plan?, How Venice Voted (Arnold Springer), California Elections: some victories, some losses, Film Premier: Feeding The Sparrows By Feeding The Horses (Moritz Bormann), Tenants Unite! Enforce The Ordinance (Westside Tenant Action Council), Fraud (The Oakwood Tattler), Short Stuff (Moe Stavnezer), Sandra McKee: The Artist As Worker (Wendy Reeves), Building Violations on West Washington, The Beachhead: A Decade of Free Venice (Collective Staff - 1968-1978), A Wake? Awake! (Rick Davidson), A Dialogue on Women's Separatism (Robt. Wells), Consumer Alert!, pot push plan for 1980, Local Artist (Emily Winters) Publishes Book, Friends & Other Demons (J. Moisan), ARTS : Poetry : untitled (Linda Hammond), The Teaching (G. Ridley), untitled (Lady Rainbow), Sierra Vista (Donald Johns), A Short Aside to Yogi Bajon (G. Ridley), Venice my farewell (Randy Rexford), Ex Equals What? (Rick Davidson), Graphic: Sub-Marina Over Venice, Stones Lyrics Spark Protest and Boycott, Parental Pitfalls -- Wondering (Sweet William), Halloween Tricks (Dido), Community Events, Fox Venice Calendar


Beachhead #109 - January 1979 - Will Old Westminster School Auditorium Be Saved? (George Drury Smith), Haag Predicts New Parties (John Haag), Letters, Bana Strikes Back! (BANA), An Open Letter to Governor Brown (Brenda Harney), VTC Report (Kate Keeling), When the Whip Comes Down (Brenda Harney), Flow Chart : L.A. Coastal Permits, More Red Tape (Moe Stavnezer), Marxist Musings of a Wise Sage (Joan Friedberg), What's Wrong With This Picture? (Carol Fondiller), Will The Real Venice Please Rise! (Joan Friedberg), Renewed Community Energy? Dave Tappen), Requiem for James Ryan Morris : Poetry : Nothing Moves, But Dies; A Poem For Legs; 7th Sound For John Garfield; People; The Stranger; I Think of Mayakovsky (James Ryan Morris), untitled (Tony Scibella), untitled (Baza), untitled (Bill M.), untitled (Bill), Rider of the Ready road (Larry),Venice Studio : Techniques of the Masters (Gloria Jean-Leader), Stuart Perkoff Remembered (Joe Maizlish), some thoughts from a feminist-egalitarianist- flu-bearing-insomniac (Howard Ryan), Label, Label... (Brenda Harney),Obscure News Roundup (Lance Diskan), Monday Night Thermo Nuclear War (Doug Smith), Deck the Halls With All our Follies (David Danielson), Community Events

Beachhead #110 - February 1979 - Pick A Plan (Arnold Springer), Strand Steal Stalled (Brenda Harney), Letters, Venice Night Benefits Beachhead, Candidate's Statements for City Council (Annette P. Robinson, Ronn S. Pickard, Pat Russell), Santa Monica Tries Again, Don't Mess with Ruth Clark! (Arnold Springer), Iranian Student Speaks (Ed Pearl), Some Aspects of Prison for Frank Rios (Stuart Perkoff), Seeking Sacramento Support, Poetry : Remaining Venice (Morgan Alexander), The Grey Panther Snarls (G. Ridley), untitled (Andrew Von Sonn), 1948 is ancient history (Steven Evans), The Crocodiles Laughing In The California Sun (G. Ridley), Committment From The Heart (Daniel Biskar), Sic Transit (Randy Rexford), untitled (Andrew Von Sonn), The Rising (ADSLA), Photography (Wendy Reeves, Jim Bickhart), Work Program Doesn't (Rick Davidson), The Seed Beneath the Snow (Dave Dellinger), 1978: The Year of the Individual (Moe Stavnezer), Are You Now or have you Ever Been? (Brenda Harney), A Free Venice or a Socialist America? )(Rick Davidson), Community Events, Fox Theater Calendar

Beachhead #111 - March 1979 - Too Many Aces?, VTC Gives Chrismas the Dickens (Kate Keeling), The Beat Goes On (Brenda Harney), Letters, Sacramento Responds to Venice, Snow Job in Venice (Arnold Springer), More Letters, Plan Full of Holes (Phil Bell), Thoughts on the Venice Plan (Rick Davidson), Paul Revere Was Right, Bay St. Tenants Defending Their Home, Reverse Annuity Mortgage (Joan Friedberg),Venice Artist's Forum (Jeff Gillenkirk), Educational Opportunity Remains (Brenda Harney), Anti-Union Jingles? (Emily Winters), Mootney Theater : "Why Silent, Labor?", Book review : Chandler's L.A. (Moe Stavnezer), Health Line (Diana Huss), Lorentz and O.P.A.P.A. Fight for Artists (Pano Douvos), Nothing Succeeds Like Secession : On Establishing A People's Republic (Moe Stavnezer), People's Republic Defies Hegemony (Jeff Gillenkirk), Graphic by Emily Winters, Community Playgroup Progress (Carolyn Rios & Robin Rudnick), Right To Life for the Birthing Center (Moe Stavnezer), A Day in the Life (David Danielson), Enlightened New Zealand (David Tappan), NORML News, Revolting Auto Insurance (Paul Dileski), On E.S.T. (Jim Horwitz), Our Venice (Nancy McCulloch), Beachhead Apology, Survey: Quick Consciousness Raiser, Laboring On Our Behalf?, Poetry: untitled (Linda Hammond), on the beach in Venice (Rick Davidson), untitled (Andrew Von Sonn), Poem on the Railroad Ties (Lynne Bronstein), Photography (Wendy Reeves, Arnold Springer), Community Events & Services

Beachhead #112 - April 1979 - Rodeo Drive Still In Beverly Hills (Carol Berman), Community Calls the Shots (Brenda Harney), Letters, Miramar Muscles Out Women (Cabala Bach), Prop. A : Will Money Talk? (Moe Stavnezer), As the Condo Turns (Susan Baker), Venice Loses Old Friend : Goodbye Erma (Wendy Reeves), It Ain't Necessarily So...(The Oakwood Tattler),Venice Playgroup Collides with Oakwood (Robt. Wells), Playgroup Position (Venice Community Playgroup), Safeway, Eat Your Heart, Windward's Wonderful Wall (Wendy Reeves), A Free Gift to Venice : Wade Cornell Sculpture, Uranium Mining (Akwesasne reprint), The Chic Shall Inherit the Earth (Joan Friedberg), Tours du Jour : A Venice Nightmare (David Tappan), L.A. City's Failure at Hammond Lumber (Annette F. Robinson), village by the sea : a fable (Roger Thornton), Our Bodies Our Will (Nelson J. Schwartz), Heads of State Approve Pot Poison, Auto Insurance pincer tactic (Paul Dileski), An April Spoof : New Gallery Opening (Gloria Jean-Leader), Community Events

Beachhead #113 - May 1979 - 50 Ways to Lose Your Leverage (Moe Stavnezer), Rent Control : After the Champagne..(Moe Stavnezer), Letters, Sucking the Wetlands Dry (Arnold Springer), City Sneaks While Community Sleeps (Brenda Harney), A History of Error, aTAXattack, Nuclear despair (Paul Dileski), Laboring On Our Behalf?, Such Fantastic Tricks (The Oakwood Tattler), Making the Political More Personal (Howard Ryan), Review : Hedda Gabler (David Tappan), Mr. Smith Goes to City Hall : Beyond Baroque, Ballona Lagoonacy (H.J. Amens), Healthline (Diana Huss), Poetry : Lament of a Former Alaska Purse Seine Fisherman (Arnold Hansen), Humpback Salmon (Arnold Hansen), A very Secure Outcast (Daniel Biskar), A Poet's Lament (G. Ridley), untitled (Andrew Von Sonn), Photography Charles Williamson, Arnold Springer), Terry's Mural : What's Wrong With This Picture? (Bob Wells), Beachhead Scoop : Ritual Protest Exceeds Expectations, Alliance For Survival News, Cartoon (Marty Liboff), Community Events & Services

Beachhead #114 - June 1979 - Coastal Kissoff (Arnold Springer), Seniors Urged to Serve New Teahouse (Dorothy Weisser), Letter Response from ADSLA, More Letters, VTC Report (Springer & Weisser), Help Save Child Care Program (Martha Johnson), Birth Center Survives (D. Weisser); Client List Copped (Cheryl Diehm), Environmentalism : for the good of the people? : Working Class Victimized (,G.R.Wells), Pollution Kills (Moe Stavnezer), Chuck's Briefs (Chuck Bloomquist), But Few Thy Voice (The Oakwood Tattler), Nuclear Poetry : Solidarity on the Ocean Front (Liza Jane Braude), untitled (Lynne Bronstein), Photo Essay : A Salute to Venice Children, Poem : Tree Pictures (Camille Cordova), I Got Them Old Condo Blues (BANA), $53 Million Swindle (Westside Tenant Action Center), Sitting Ducks (Jacquelyn Grosskreutz), Boycott Chiquita!, NORML Special Report (Alice O'Leary), Just Another Bygone Experiment (Rimmon Fay), To the Death of Venice (Martha Fitzgerald), More Cafes & Cure (David Tappan), The Subject is Dirt (S.E. Mendelson), Moon landing comic (Emme), Play Review : Dinosaur (Richard Schmorleitz), Crossword Puzzle, Poem : Woody's La Dolce Vita (G. Ridley), Community Events

Beachhead #115 - July 1979 - Loquacious Lobby Stymies City (Carol Fondiller); Perils of Parking (Susan Baker), Letters, Poem : For a Friend (The Beachhead Staff), More Letters, Notes on Survival Sunday (Lynne Bronstein), Allaince For Survival News, H.U.D. Abandons Venice Seniors (Phil Bell), Coastal Commission Capers Continue (Brenda Harney), The 3 Inch Screw (Moe Stavnezer), Man In Chains : Power to the River (Thomas Robishon),Wheels of Mixed Fortune : Another Irony (Carol Fondiller), A "Pat" Answer, Skating the Issue (Suzanne Thomas), Another"Pat" Answer,The Subject is Dirt (S.E. Mendelson), Bringing Home the Beachhead (Brenda Harney), Sojourn : Shelter For Women, Holly Near : Anti-Nuke Concert, Poetry : untitled (Andrew Von Sonn), News Item Chaplin's Body Stolen (G. Ridley), Empty Progressive Dream Concept (Andy Castro), March 23 79 (rosa sanchez), More From Sacramento (Ruth Lansford), Christmas in July? (Marvena Kennedy), Legalize Cop Watching (Violet C. Rabaya), Fox Theater Calendar, A Life and Death Quiz, Community Events

Beachhead #116 - August 1979 - Walk On the Wild Side (Carol Fondiller), Critical Hearing on Senior Housing (Phil Bell), Letters, !Diablo! (Moe Stavnezer and Susan Baker), Coastal Watchdogs on the Prowl (Olga Palo), Permit-less "Charmer's" Opens Illegally (Brenda Harney), Update : Chrismas in Vancouver (Arnold Springer), Old Days of Main Street : Gone With The Wind (Kenneth Haker), What's Happening at the Old Venice Jail (Ruse, Eber, Baca, Kort, & SPARC Staff), Photo essay : Year of the Children & Los Descubrimientos de Los Europeos (Charles Williamson), Guilty Impersonating a Cultural Hero (Sweet William), Cobblestone Cop-Out (Kate Keeling), Frank Gehry at Yale, self love is best! (High Times reprint), Alliance for Survival News, Letter (G.R.Wells), realter$ and rodents (Marilee Marshall Stirone), delayed gratification : Tenants Win After All (Moe Stavnezer), Community Events

Beachhead #117 - September 1979 - Slammed & Supported: Senior Housing (Arnold Springer); Oil in Venice : a slick solution (Allan James), Letters, 1980 : year of the Coast, City Can't Cope with Coast, Open Letter from Coastal Committee, Tempest in the Teahouse (Moe Stavnezer), Shop VOP Co-op, Will Goldie Glitter as Queen of Venice? (Wendy Reeves), Heels on Wheels : Poetry : The Rowdy Redneck Roller Skater's Raid (John Johnson), Ode to the New Carpetbaggers (Donald Johns), Letter (Bruce D. Schwartz), Which Way to the Renaissance? (Joan Friedberg), Venice : Center of the Universe? (Lance Diskan), Nicarauga : Reporting on the Revolution (Robt. Wells), In One E.R.A. Out the Other (Joan Friedberg), Winging It in Santa Monica, Photo Essay : El Ritmo de la Cabez & Regalos de Dios (Charles Williamson), Chuck's Briefs (Chuck Bloomquist), Block Grant Swindle Continues, Standing Two Horses (Ramon Robledo), Plundering Public Parks (Olga Palo), Alliance For Survival News, Streetwise or Street Foolish? : Comprehensive Drug Test (Do It Now Foundation), Poetry : Venice, I Knew You When (Ruth Clark), Clavileno (Josefina Carson), A Day in the Marina (G. Ridley), The Next Step (Daniel Biskar), it takes nukes to mango, Community Events

Beachhead #118 - October 1979 - Senior Housing (Arnold Springer), City Pulls Plug on People, Letters, Flores Para Nicaragua, VOP Co-op : Food for Thought (Moe Stavnezer), Commission Catches City, Chrismas in the News (Arnold Springer), How It Got Here (Moe Stavnezer), Spirit of Venice invitation, Venice Gets A Piece : Sculpture Comes to the Circle (Carol Fondiller), To The Spirit of Freedom in All People : A Word From the Sculptor (Wade Hampton Cornell), Renting and Ranting in Santa Monica (Moe Stavnezer), A Finger in the Dike (Moe Stavnezer), Art Review : Making It Safe (Lynne Bronstein), Photo Essay : Las Mujeres y Los Ninos (Charles Williamson), How Others See Us ("Roll, Baby, Roll" reprint in Stern magazine, by Eva Windmoller), More Letters, An Open Letter to Pat Russell (Maryjane), Letter : Nobody Knows You When You're Down and Out, Poem : Ode to Dirty Sally (Ruth Clark), Alliance For Survival News, R.T.D. Hikes Again (Gerry Goldstein), Boycott PEP Boys (Steve Clare), Fox Theater Calendar, Community Events

Beachhead #119 - November 1979 - Will People Review Police? (Jeff Cohen), Cheryl Rhoden for City Council (Moe Stavnezer), Letters, Save the Whales, Los Angeles and Love (The Oakwood Tattler), Some Thoughts on Love : Poem : Eulia Love (Rick Davidson), To Protect and Serve (The Gas Company), (Rick Davidson), Taking the Christos Out of Chrismas (Carol Fondiller), Not Fit to be Tea'd (Moe Stavnezer), Gov't Aims to Crush Revolutionaries, PFP Report (Rick Davidson), Prop 1 : Everybody Loses (Robt. Wells), Fox Theater Calendar, Hell No, We Didn't Go, Poetry : #10 (Steven Evans), Song of Summer 1979 (David Smith), Street....(Andy Castro), Magicians' Desire (Alexander Scianna), untitled (Ernst Riker), punk poem (Leonard), Room for Rent (Jeff DeZellar), Survey (Anthony Kulcsar), Now that I'm retired (Gustave Ridley), Blazin' #'s in Venice (Andres Castro), War (Randy Rexford), Ever Returning (LNL), The Great White Father : Still Stealing After All These Years (Sills, Moulton, Mattias), The Case of Leonard Peltier )Sills, MoultonMattias), Review of The Deerhunter : Is There Real Life in Reel Life? (Robt. Wells), Film Review : Cavorting in the Courtroom (Linda Burdick), Watts that again (Linda Burdick), Communitas Awards Sensor, Ruby to Crown Goldie Glitters Queen of Venice (Wendy Reeves), Letter : Response to How Others See Us (Ann Kennedy), Community Events

Beachhead #120 - December 1979 - This Land is Our Land : Balance of Power Shifts in Santa Monica (Moe Stavnezer), Poem : untitled (Chris Thornton), Send the Shah to Nuremburg (Rick Davidson), Letters, Poem : Collective Subconscious (Lynne Bronstein), Letter of Departure (Wendy Reeves), More Letters, Carol's Carols (Carol Fondiller), Struggling for Health (Patricia Greenfield), Boardwalk Talk : Focus on One Life (Dali), VOP Co-op (Michael Heisley), Giving Thanks Where Thanks is Due (Larry Abrams), Tuum Est (Beaumarie St. Clair), Review of Rick Davidson's Are Tears Enough? (Larry Abrams), Skill Center Success Story, Sexual Harrassment : The Incredible Greenie Case : Try and Stop Me (Wendy Reeves), More...on Chrismas (Carol Fondiller, Anonymous), Chrismas in the News, Dumping Abroad (Moe Stavnezer), Venice Community Coalition, La Nopalera, LAPD "Red Squad" Blues (Jeff Cohen), Film Review: "Starting Over" (Linda Burdick), Community Services & Events