The Beachhead |
BEACHHEAD BACK ISSUES FROM THE SIXTIES: 1968 Beachhead #1 - Dec. 1, 1968 - this paper is a poem; Venice-Of-America (Jane Gordon); Staff Box; Venice Survival Committee; Column Right; Ads; Cop-Outing (Carol Fondilller); Free Venice! (John Haag); Venice & The Master's Plan (Rick Davidson); Yiddish Poem (Dora Bayrack) -- Click on each page to read -- Beachhead #2 - Dec. 15, 1968 - Venice of Los Angeles (Jane Gordon); the course of Human Events; my Venice (Virginia Bohannon); Cop-Frontation(Carol Fondiller); Poem: I would like to be a stranger in town (Martin P. Abramson); PFP Began In Venice (John Haag); Bubble Machine (Jay Jamieson); Cycles and Venetians (Leonard Spear); Editorial; Venice & The Master's Plan (Rick Davidson) 1969 Beachhead #3 - January 1969 - The Course of Human Events; Editorial: Residents Reject Master Plan; Beyond Baroque Opens (mighty quinby); Phil Chamberlin's Trip Logarithms; State PFP to Meet in Venice; Reredos (Carol Fondiller); Canal Apocalypse (Don Roberts); Poem: My Venice Moods (Virginia Bohannon); history's now (Jane Gordon); Venice & The Master's Plan (Rick Davidson) Beachhead #4 - February 1969 - Editorial: Repeating Destruction of Ocean Park: City Planning Department; Venice Residents Win Delay; The Course of Human Events; The Sea (Dave Murphy); Book Review: All Things Common (Jerry Wells); The Sane Society; Legal Services (T.Timmins); Poem: Fire Flies (Virginia Bohannon); Venice & The Master's Plan: Proposed Venice Community Plan (Rick Davidson) Beachhead #5 - March 1969 - The Course of Human Events: L.A. Board of Education Meets Venice; Poetry: Wheel Chair Case; Why Can't You Hear me: I am my brother (Jim Moran), Misson to the East; Centurion's Complaint (John Haag), Venice Sunset; Numbers (Tony Gillespie), eleven; fifteen; nature (Rick Davidson), You, out there! ; The crumbling buildings (Lee Balan), Mandolin; Wondereblue; Neptune's Children (Martin P. Abramson), Music (M.W.), The Early Sea (J. See Weinberg), Man, Go Conquer (America Dunnavant), A Poet For Venice (Cindi Lee); Editorial: Canal Emergency Action Committee Meets Beachhead #6 - April 1969 - Photos: Venice Residents Take Canal Protest to L.A. City Hall; The Course of Human Events; My Property's Value (Helene Wolff); School-Duggery (Carol Fondiller); The Peace-Monger Says (Ed Luna); City Hall Lock-Out! (John Haag); Venice & The Master's Plan (Rick Davidson); What's in it for You?(Jerry Brown) Beachhead #7 - May 1969 - Free Venice! (front cover); Bulletin: Showdown on Master Plan Put Off to May; Course of Human Events; Sic-Sic-Sic; Hog Wild Weekend (Carol Fondiller); Venice Is My Home (Nancy Lacefield); Poem: Untitled (Justin); LAPD Metro Squad Beatings & Arrests; Do Not Co-operate With Organized Crime (John Haag); Open Letter to the People of Venice (Yitzak Gershman); Canals Battle On (Jane Gordon); Poem: Untitled (Philip Marlowe) Beachhead #8 - June 1969 - Free Venice from the Master Plan (John Haag); Canals Battle On (Jane Gordon); Venice Independents' Day; The Course of Human Events; Poem: Easy Come, Easy Go (G. Myrna Lissauer); Beachhead Poll; VSC Polices Open House (Carol Fondiller); Venice & The Master Plan (Rick Davidson), Community Law (Terri Volpin); Letter (Jean Edelen); Venice PFP Report (Steve Clare); The Peace Monger Says (Ed Luna); Venice Organizing Project Beachhead #9 - July 1969 and July 4th EXTRA - free venice family reunion & picnic; I.D. Checks Are Not Legal; No Rights in L.A.'s Parks (Peter Young); Welfare $$ for Housing (Steve Clare); Free Venice in Solidarity with Sand City (Walt Sheasby); Venice PFP Reports (Steve Clare); The Course of Human Events, when WE run venice, 1969: Declaration of Free Venice (photos by Bill Edelen); A Parade Was Planned (John Johnson); & Cancelled (Jane Gordon); Free Venice Warns of Violence; July 4, 1984 (Steve Clare); Meanwhile, Back At The Front (Lynn and Walter Davis); an open letter to Captain Sillings (John Haag); Police Litter Found On Beach Beachhead #10 - September 1969 - the Plan (Jane Gordon); People's Choice! (John Haag); Rick Davidson Runs for City Council; No Canal Bids!; Canal Festival 9/13 (George Metesky); The Course of Human Events; Police Plot Jails 5; LAPD "Women's Facility" (Carol Fondiller); Renters' Rights (Steve Clare); Political Cartoon (Bill Olive); Sunflower Power (R.L. Christie); A Review: Beyond Baroque 692 (Lynn Shoemaker); Venice Free School; Poem: from Roaches (Bill Edelen) Beachhead #11 - October 1969 - First Annual Venice Canal Festival (Robin Hembel); Vest Pocket Park Saved Again (Wade Allen); When WE Run Venice (Sam Greenberger); Record-Sealing (Steve Clare); arms & the Man (Carol Fondiller); beyond baroque showing (David A. Schetfler); The Course of Human Events; Poem: The Day L.A. Did Pennants (Ralph); The Peace Monger Says (Ed Luna); Special Election (Rick Davidson); Neighborhood Legal Bind (Marge Buckley); Dear Beachhead; Planning Commission-Revisited (Jane Gordon); Letter (Cheryll Pierce); Venice Free Clinic (Albert Iamele); beachhead endorsement |